They finally got him!


Heh, I wondered how long it would be before someone posted that here. I’m glad they’ve caught him.

Makes no difference to anything…
It’s propably just a PR stunt as well…Gonna give Bush lotsa point that he lost cos of the losses in Iraq.
Iraq is fckd either way.

Oh ye of little faith. Why do you think that?

He was kindda dumb to hide there imo.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Gonna give Bush lotsa point that he lost cos of the losses in Iraq.
Iraq is fckd either way.[/quote]

Mm…Second that… Well, dunno what to say… Never liked Bush or the war in the first place

Now there’s no chance of Saddam rising to power again. Everyone was hoping the American forces would pull out of Iraq after they suffered so many losses, but that would do more harm than good.

Whether you agreed or disagreed with the war, the last thing we want to do is abandon the reconstruction of Iraq. The Iraqi people are now free to rebuild their country without fear of Saddam returning to power.

True that. I guess since we went in and blew everything up, we might as well clean it up as well. Something tells me that things won’t turn out completely pretty, though.


Saddam Hussein is, at the moment, nothing special. If he was captured within a week of the war starting, then it would have been great. When he was captured today, he had very little actual support, and very little power left in the whole country. He was a figurehead, much like the Queen of the UK, and didn’t have any real power. On the other hand, he IS a severe war-criminal, and his capture is good because it shows that there is some justice left in the world.

The real problem now for Iraq is that despotic, non-caring son of a bitch who rules them all.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you George W. Bush.

Now that the War in Iraq has totally ended, with Saddam being caught the final pistol that signals the end of the fourth quarter, Bush will now do what he does best, and that’s mess things up. The Powers That Be knew this would happen anyway (come on…tiny little country vs 2 virtual super-powers…) and so have already divvied up the country, and the country’s oil, which would have been Iraq’s main export…unless you count the Anthrax, but for some strange reason no-one can find any. Hmm. Pity.

Now, the next step for the future is to shut down Al-Qieda. Osama’s dead, that’s almost certain, so that means his lieutentants are running the show now, and they could be scattered anywhere. What the PTB need to do now, in my opinion, is to gather intelligence about the whereabouts of the leaders of A-Q and send in strategic strike forces to overcome them quickly and without many casualties.

I don my flame-retardant suit and await the cries of “WHAT!?!??!”.

… Arcie for president of the US!

Osama isn’t dead, by the way. His corpse would’ve been found.

You know, I’m almost at the point where I wonder whether or not Iraq should just submit to the U.S and become the 51st state! :stuck_out_tongue:

The capture of Saddam is not the end, merely a goal of an even bigger plan. Bush still intends to capture Saddam’s cronies and find any WMDs (why do I have the feeling he is hiding something from us?..). Also, although most Iraqis are as happy as we are to see that Saddam has been caught, there is still a handful of religious nuts out there that think he is the prodigy of God or some crap. I guarantee you, this is not the end, but a joyous beginning to something much greater (or worse, hopefully greater, but I cannot foresee the future.)

It was real nice to see all of those Iraqi people in the streets dancing and firing guns in the air in celebration (lol, one guy fired an AK in celebration and accidently blew up a tanker truck. Bad idea!)

The ideal Christmas gift: … gory=41966

Bit pricey though :confused:

The capture of Saddam is a great, regardless of whether or not this will put an end to the conflict in Iraq. Saddam needs to be brought to justice and pay the price for his crimes against humanity. Hopefully this will put an end to some resistance, but only time will tell and perhaps in the near future the Iraqi people will be truly free.

He will be released.
Look, USA can’t keep him - they have taken him away from iraq which is baisically kidnappness. I think they will have to hand him back to the iraquian authorities (who he has complete power over). Since the start of the war he hasn’t done a thing that makes him liable for capture under American laws. He hasn’t retaliated, hasn’t had any mass destruction weapons, came peacfully.

Correct me if i’m wrong but what can they charge him for? I know about the way he’s been treating his people, but America can’t do anything about that cos they don’t own Iraq. Am I correct? If not ignore me

[quote=“Scott”]He will be released.
Look, USA can’t keep him - they have taken him away from iraq which is baisically kidnappness. I think they will have to hand him back to the iraquian authorities (who he has complete power over). Since the start of the war he hasn’t done a thing that makes him liable for capture under American laws. He hasn’t retaliated, hasn’t had any mass destruction weapons, came peacfully.

Correct me if i’m wrong but what can they charge him for? I know about the way he’s been treating his people, but America can’t do anything about that cos they don’t own Iraq. Am I correct? If not ignore me[/quote]

War Crimes.

They did it to some leading Nazis after WW2, i’m sure they can do it to Saddam.

It shouldn’t be the US judging him.No way.

It’s goin to be a War Crimes Tribunal by Iraq in Iraq. No doubt he will be sentanced to death.

Well I’m positively sure he won’t.Isn’t it funny :stuck_out_tongue:

Shadow’s got a point. If Iraq tries him, he is as good as dead. I mean, if the hordes of people in the street shouting, “Death to Saddam” isn’t a big enough hint then I don’t know what is.

Why’s that Gehn me old mucker?