Youve just reminded me of my fights with my brother when playing the saturn. When we used to play multiplayer games etc I usually used to win all the time because i was 4 years older(and he sucked) and he used to get really pissed off and yell “YOU CHEATED YOU CHEATED” then throw stuff around and storm out. Infact he is actually responsible for the demise of my first saturn, throwing his controller into the saturn(literally into).
Actually I’m the youngest 'round here (home).My bro used to have a ZX Spectrum a long time ago (he’s 11 years older than me).I can still remember some of his tapes(games)…
yep, I’ve seen that sort of tantrum so many times -_- not from my sisters…well not from one of them, I beat my sister (I have 2) at Mario Kart 64 and other games and she gets a little annoyed as I seem to do it with ease…I manage not to gloat as well:P My dreamscast nearly went that way! Someone got annoyed and yanked the controller and it pulled the whole thing off my shelf sorta thing, it swung by the leads keeping it up at the back with the TV gone into ‘snow vision’, black and white dots, while I went opened eyed and slowly turned to face him…then I told him to get out and tried to salvage my swining console…it was like it was hung or something…it survived though^^ until the day I had the clever idea of keeping it on for 6 hours while I was at school, then a fuse blew and smacked up some wiring inside and some circuit board I think…it died that day.
I’ve never lost any of my consoles to technical or accidental death (except for my Xbox, but it wasn’t my fault, it just stopped working. The don’t make 'em like they used to…and I was able to exchange it at work anyway)…and hopefully never will. There are strict rules in my room when it comes to my games and stuff.
No dropping!
No wrapping leads tightly around controllers
Handle all games with care.
Make sure lids are closed, games are out of consoles and disc trays are shut when finished playing.
Do not place anything heavy atop of machines.
It’s bad enough trying to explain where to find all the channes my consoles are connected to.
Xbox- AV1
GameCube- AV2
Psone- Channel 9
And on the other TV
MasterSystem, Megadrive, Saturn, Dreamcast, MegaDrive and MegaCD are all on channel 6 (I daisy-chained the RF leads)
Well 4 me the Saturn is still alive. Not in a way that I still play it (gave the saturn 2 my nephew who lives in croatia) but, I still measure how good a console is by looking at how much fun and how exciting it was 4 me to play the Saturn. Untill now the only console that came near it was the Dreamcast. I own a X-Box and a GameCube. The X-box has a few great games but the rest are crap. I’ve bought the GC bcuz of zelda so u know now what I think of the GC. U could say that the Saturn (4 me atleast) is still the best console ever. Hahahaha the Duke was awesome!!! (damn didnt put it in my fave Saturn games top 5 list!!! damn u Quake!!! Lobotomy guys are true geniuses, what they did with the saturn graphics wise was awesome. I recall ==> the saturn version of duke nukem was better than the pony gaystation and the nintey8 version.