Name: David
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Location: Champaign-Urbana, IL
Current Romantic Status: Massively Single
Favorite Color: none
Religion: none
Likes: Good games, good movies, good books, good music (listening and playing, though I’m pretty crappy), human contact.
Dislikes: The misconception some people seem to have that their well-being is more important than everyone else’s, people who don’t think for themselves.
Favorite TV Shows: Star Trek: TNG, The West Wing, Firefly, Family Guy
Favorite Musicians/Stuff I have been listening to lately (just a few): Googoo Dolls, Ben Fold’s (Five), Blink 182, etc.
Least Favorite Music: Rap and country (basically, my roommate’s two favorite genres)
Film Stars I Admire: I don’t.
Things I have given up recently: sleep
Favorite Book(s): Stuff by Brin, Card, Asimov, Tolkien, Vonnegut
Favorite Poet/Writer: Vonnegut
Favorite Animal: guess… (look left)
Things I am trying to give up: pessimism (yeah, right)
Favorite Foods/Beverages: Hotwheels fruit snacks (don’t knock 'till you’ve tried it), Mom’s not-so-homemade spaghetti, apple-cranberry juice.
Fears: Dying alone
Things I?m not sure how to feel about: The manned space program, the future of the human race, my life
Things I miss: The first year or so of my life, when I didn’t know enough to worry about anything, privacy (none of that to be had in college, believe me).
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Most Embarrassing Moments: That’s kind of secret-I’ll-take-to-my-grave type stuff.
Greatest Disappointment in Life: see previous
Current Goals: To gain some semblance of control over my life
Pets?: At home in KC, two cats and a dog
Favorite Quote(s):“It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn’t take any to just sit there with a dumb look on your face.”
"There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organisation. If there are such things as angels, hope that they are organised along the lines of the Mafia. "
- Kurt Vonnegut
Favorite Word: again, guess… (this time look down)
Least Favorite Word: productivity
Sane or Insane?: Completely freakin’ loony
I’m the opposite of: Vertebrate organisms