The Official Extended Profile Thread II

Name: David

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Location: Champaign-Urbana, IL

Current Romantic Status: Massively Single

Favorite Color: none

Religion: none

Likes: Good games, good movies, good books, good music (listening and playing, though I’m pretty crappy), human contact.

Dislikes: The misconception some people seem to have that their well-being is more important than everyone else’s, people who don’t think for themselves.

Favorite TV Shows: Star Trek: TNG, The West Wing, Firefly, Family Guy

Favorite Musicians/Stuff I have been listening to lately (just a few): Googoo Dolls, Ben Fold’s (Five), Blink 182, etc.

Least Favorite Music: Rap and country (basically, my roommate’s two favorite genres)

Film Stars I Admire: I don’t.

Things I have given up recently: sleep

Favorite Book(s): Stuff by Brin, Card, Asimov, Tolkien, Vonnegut

Favorite Poet/Writer: Vonnegut

Favorite Animal: guess… (look left)

Things I am trying to give up: pessimism (yeah, right)

Favorite Foods/Beverages: Hotwheels fruit snacks (don’t knock 'till you’ve tried it), Mom’s not-so-homemade spaghetti, apple-cranberry juice.

Fears: Dying alone

Things I?m not sure how to feel about: The manned space program, the future of the human race, my life

Things I miss: The first year or so of my life, when I didn’t know enough to worry about anything, privacy (none of that to be had in college, believe me).

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Most Embarrassing Moments: That’s kind of secret-I’ll-take-to-my-grave type stuff.

Greatest Disappointment in Life: see previous

Current Goals: To gain some semblance of control over my life

Pets?: At home in KC, two cats and a dog

Favorite Quote(s):“It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn’t take any to just sit there with a dumb look on your face.”

"There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organisation. If there are such things as angels, hope that they are organised along the lines of the Mafia. "

  • Kurt Vonnegut

Favorite Word: again, guess… (this time look down)

Least Favorite Word: productivity

Sane or Insane?: Completely freakin’ loony

I’m the opposite of: Vertebrate organisms

Name: Kevin

Age: 14

Sex: Male

Location: California

Current Status: Looking…(Hint, Hint)

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religion: Catholic

Likes: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Writing, my toilet, Halo, video games in general, girls, music, friends, TV, The Lakers, Llamas, gadgets, technology, computers, my ass, debate,

Dislikes: things that get stuck in my teeth, Male singers with really high pitched voices, fine print, dog crap, Rudeness, ONIONS

Favorite TV Shows: Will and Grace, Alias, Just Shoot Me, Whoopi, Tonight SHow, SNL, of course

Favorite Musicians: 50 CEnt, Nelly, Cood CHarloote, BLink-182, SUm-41, ACDC, Beonce, Jay-Zee,…etc

Film Stars I Admire: J-Lo’s ass

Things I have given up recently: My big toe

Things I am trying to give up: Cocaine

Books: LOTR, Pern Books, Star Wars Books, THree Musketeers, Dune, TomCLAncy and Robert Ludlum book

Fav Author: Alexander DUmas, TOm Clancy, Robert Ludlum ,JRR Tolkien

Fav Animal: Llama, Wildabeast, Dog

Fears: Fear, being alone, Big Brother

Things I?m not sure how to feel about: A girl at my school, whether or not to stalk JLo

Things I miss: Free time, a life, and a time before a large woman came into my life

Favorite Holiday: Christmas and EAster

Most Embarrassing Moments: HAving my pants fall down in front of 15 people on an elevator in Singapore

Greatest Disappointment in Life so far: not siezing the oppurtunity with a girl when i had the chance

Current Goals: To do somethoing with my life, and to survive high school

Pets?: None

Favorite Quote(s): “Courafe isnt abcence of fear, or freedom from fear, it is mastery of fear.”

Favorite Word: Epopt

Least Favorite Word: Enema, or dentist

Sane or Insane: Hmmm, my doctors are still undecided

**Name:**Tika…and don’t ask how to say!




**Current Status:**Single…I scare boys and I mean that! Plus, my dad said he would kill the boy that I was dating so I CANNOT let my dad now, if I have one!

**Religion:**Jahovah’s Witnesses

**Likes:**music, drawing, writing stories, reading, dragons, unicorns, pheonixes, and hearing at Neil’s penguin army

**Dislikes:**pretty much everything else that I didn’t say I like

**Pets:**Two German Sherpards:Nanny(female) and Panalow(male)

**Fears:**I have no idea…wait…it’s the voices in my head

**Favorite Books:**Anything that doesn’t have with love, I read books that are violent and bloody.

**Sane or Insane:**Most people say I’m insane…plus, I hear voice

Fine. At Paine’s request, I give you my profile…

Name: Amber

Age: 15 (Beat somebody to the punch, didn’t I?)

Gender: Female.

Location: Kentucky, or as I call it, the 7th Layer of Hell

Current Status: Single. Looking, but doubtful anybody is interested. I have problems… And a gun… Which don’t add up to be good in some guys’ opinions.

Sexual Orientation: Straight, contrary to popular belief of my enemies.

Religion: Lutheran.

Likes: Video games, drawing, sketching, painting, writing, reading, scary movies, the voice in my head (Damien), internet, the Hellraiser franchise, cappuccino (frozen preferrably), and bugging the hell out of anyone who gets in my way.

Dislikes: Happy people. Happy people, sane people, and cold weather. And racing games… UGH! I hate racing games…

Favorite TV Shows: SGC2C, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Tales From the Crypt, and other mindlessly hilarious and/or scary shows.

Favorite Musician: Ozzy. Rob Zombie. 'Nuff said.

Film Stars I Admire: Kane Hodder (Jason), Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger), and Johnathan Breck (The Creeper).

Things I Have Given Up Recently: The fight to maintain my dignity.

Things I Am Trying To Give Up: School.

Pets: Four dogs (Onyx,Big Rocky, Azel and Ghost), Four cats(Tut, Cleo, Tinkerbell, Talim), three fish (Kitty, Dragon, Wallsucker), and iguana (Panzer), three ferrets (Kain, Lundi, and Demon), and a coatimundi named Edge.

Books: Stephen King’s “Dark Tower” series, “The Talisman,” “Black House,” and Thomas Harris’ Hannibal Lecter trilogy.

Favorite Author: Stephen King. ALways has been, always will be… Bitch…

Favorite Animal: Wolves and leopards and Komodo Dragons.

Fears: Honestly? I’m scared of knives, when other people are holding them.

Things I’m Not Sure How To feel About: Paine (aka, Tika), my dog, Onyx, and my life in general.

Things I Miss: … My long lost intelligence.

Favorite Holiday: Halloween and (I’m not sure if it counts) Friday the Thirteenth. :slight_smile:

Most Embarrassing Moment: When I gave a presentation in front of over a hundred people in a skirt… And flipped backwards off the stool I was sitting on. You do the math people.

Greatest Disappointment in my Life: … How everything turned out.

Current Goals: Don’t get killed, and go one day without getting hit by something that was hurled at me.

Favorite Quotes: “You can’t hit me, I’m too pretty!” – Kid Rock

“WHERE’S MY DAMN SEQUEL!” – Robert Englund

“What am I late for this time?” – Raziel

Favorite Word: Chaotic.

Least Favorite Word: … Earthly…

Sane or Insane: People say I’m nuts, but I think I’m the only sane person in existance…

Dignity? I think I still have a few shreds of that…oh, no wait…

My dignity has disappeared… Along with my house keys… SHIT!

Librarian rats are known to be “receptive” to shining thingies :stuck_out_tongue:

As are magpies.

… I hate you… And I am not a librarian rat. I’m currently “computer hopping.”

We all hate him Orta. pets

[square brackets on this forum, young sir]

Name: Adam

Age: 12

Sex: Male

Location: London

Current Romantic Status: Single, but there are some year 11s who keep flirting with me…

Favorite Color: blue

Religion: Catholic

Likes:Panzer dragoon, resident evil, shiney things, my iq.

Dislikes: school. my sister.

Favorite TV Shows: The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama

Favorite Musicians/Stuff I have been listening to lately (just a few): linkin park, 50 cent, the calling

Least Favorite Music: pop

Film Stars I Admire: angelina jolie

Things I have given up recently: donuts

Favorite Book(s): sideways storys from wayside school

Favorite Poet/Writer: Louis Sacher

Favorite Animal: Hamster

Things I am trying to give up: caffiene

Favorite Foods/Beverages: roadkill…they don’t call me the human trashcan for nuthin’!

Fears: Daz, the mutant alien from hell (Daz’s cat), the dark

Things I?m not sure how to feel about: that giant tarantula that my sister rambles about…, fire, cages, drowning, my sisters best friend.

Things I miss: my mum, gym in my old school (We used to swing on ropes dammit!)

Favorite Holiday: summer holiday.

Most Embarrassing Moments: I ain’t gonna say!

Greatest Disappointment in Life: French class.

Current Goals: learn to play an instrument, get up earlier in the morning, avoid acne.

Pets?: Hamster, the evil mutant alien from hell.

Favorite Quote(s):

"‘I’ve been playing this game for years!’

‘Thats what it feels like.’" -bringing down the house

"‘so what did you do to Mr Bush when he turned up in your health office?’
‘I did what any self-respecting health center receptionest would do.’
‘yeah, I punched his lights out.’ -my hero.

Favorite Word: dude

Least Favorite Word: work

Sane or Insane?: sane

I’m the opposite of: a slob

Don’t pet me. (And I fixed your bracket error on the quote. Pet me again, and you die.)

pets Sorry, I couldn’t help it! cowers

sighs and gives in
Fine. From now on I’m the forum dog. Feed me. Woof.

ooh…this thread is going places :smiley:

You know I have a secret.I alwas wanted to do a sort of experiment with canines…

Now where did I leave my toolkit…

[quote=“Orta”]sighs and gives in
Fine. From now on I’m the forum dog. Feed me. Woof.[/quote]

Actually, I’m the forum bitch.

But now that there’s a twelve year old here… :smiley:

I was just gonna tell ya somethin TSE but I better not…

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]You know I have a secret.I alwas wanted to do a sort of experiment with canines…

Now where did I leave my toolkit…[/quote]

well thats the second scariest thing i’ve heard gehn say.