The mystery of Orta's gun... solved?

I think geoff suggested that he didn’t know how to use the gun yet then and instead used the Dragon’s lasers…the dragon was a little further away than normal (duh he wasn’;t riding him like the proper “use” is) and so that’s why he delayed firing the lasers…
It’s a good theory :slight_smile:
Also it kind of matches with my older theory about the older shooter panzer games (not sure if it was in these forums or The Camp) where I had suggested that the dragon is apparently able to fire on enemies that are behind him or to the sides because the rider can see them (as we turn the camera angle) and he can see the enemies the rider can see cos of their dragon/dragoon bond… Perhaps it wasnt cos of that but instead cos of the weapon they use… BUT, are Kyle’s and Lundi’s and Orta’s guns Dragon Guns as well? If not then my theory is correct in it’s original form maybe, if they are too then maybe you guys are right about the guns being what triggers the lasers…

Dragons and their riders are supposed to share each other’s senses, so you’re right Alex.

As for the guns, I think the dragon recharged Edge’s gun. Would it really function straight away after laying in the same place for 10 000 years?

Hmm… I agree with Geoff that the gun was probably just not working after ten thousand years without use. I doubt that Edge could have done the more complex function of targeting the dragon’s lasers onto those monsters while overlooking the gun’s “normal fire” trigger. Remember that in the FMV he wasn’t “marking” them, he really was just pointing the gun at the one closest to him and trying to fire it. Surely the dragon couldn’t have lasered the entire group based on that crude (and misintended) command?

I’d also doubt that the dragon would have the necessary “bond” with Edge at that point. It hadn’t done its psychic communication thing yet, and he hadn’t so much as got on its back. He didn’t even know of its existance, so I still think it was acting of its own free will at that point, rather than obeying Edge.

As to Geoff’s point, remember that the hibernating pure types etc. do function straight away even after ten thousand years of inactivity. Everything Ancient seems to have its own internal power source, so I’m tempted to believe that the gun was just malfunctioning, or that it soon charged itself up (rather than with the dragon). Although I agree that the alternative is possible.