The mystery of Orta's gun... solved?

I’ve just realised that all the reasoning I gave above was kind of pointless: I think I’ve found the real explanation…

That “bump” is in fact the point where two segments of the dragon’s armour join. Orta’s arm (or the wing’s “horn”) simply put it into an unusual shadow, which is what makes it look like a unique kind of bump.

To be honest, the images above don’t do a very good job of illustrating this, so I urge you to check out the second FMV sequence (where Orta reaches the Wormrider village). In that, she flies very close to the camera, and you can see that there is definitely a dark line between those two bits of armour exactly as I’ve illustrated.

It’s a good theory you came up with there though, Solo. A while ago I actually checked the FMVs for exactly the same thing - that is, the gun being on the dragon’s body somewhere - which is the only reason I’ve noticed all this stuff.

could be twin holsters

[quote=“Rune Lai”]

In Edge’s case I think it’s that he left his safety on. :wink: (Does not bode well for going down in the annals of cool heroes I suppose.) He does shoot with the gun in the cinematic when the tower awakens after all.[/quote]

Ah, but in that sequence of events, the dragon is nearby keeping an eye on everything (when Craymen dies you even see Lagi blink). The dragon can apparently project his mind’s eye out to great distances (as we see at the beginning of PD Orta).

I suppose the dragon could’ve recharged the gun after the gathering dust of serveral thousand years of inactivity drained the life out of it. :slight_smile:


I think you might be thinking of a different bit of footage (?) lordcraymen…[/quote]

you were talking about the scene right after edge got his gun and rides the elevator. he points the gone at those critters and shoots but nothing seems to happen (in fact he marks them with his gun) then comes lagi from above and finishes the critters with his dragon laser. pretty simple isn’t it? =)

After looking at these screenshots comparing the in game dragon to the FMV one, it seems to me that there are a number of inconsistancies between the two, like you pointed out Lance. Perhaps the gun was attached to the side of the in game dragon which was why we can’t see it in the intro (using game logic here :))

I guess, from these observations, it’s really just brought up a another theory about the gun, rather than a conculsion. Still, it’s always interesting to look at the possibilities.

The laser bursts become more frequent and change in color. Although it’s possible the gun’s power output was linked to the dragon, it’s equally possible Lundi simply tweaked it.

Lundi’s gun in PD Zwei is clearly different from the gun he’s shown wielding in Sestren’s fourth memory orb, which means he upgraded it during his adventure.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]After looking at these screenshots comparing the in game dragon to the FMV one, it seems to me that there are a number of inconsistancies between the two, like you pointed out Lance. Perhaps the gun was attached to the side of the in game dragon which was why we can’t see it in the intro (using game logic here :))

I guess, from these observations, it’s really just brought up a another theory about the gun, rather than a conculsion. Still, it’s always interesting to look at the possibilities.[/quote]

The dragon probably brought it with him, though I can imagine Orta just willing it into existence subconsciously. She has the power to “change the world” after all. :slight_smile:

I’ve just remembered a relevant quote about the gun. In Saga, when Azel and Edge get on the Floater in the Underground Ruins of Uru, Azel says:

Battle equipment… operational.
Synchronize it with your gun.
I will control the ship.
You deal with the monsters.
If you can control a dragon,
you can handle this.

It does sound like the gun had been synchronised with the dragon up to that point…

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Ah, but in that sequence of events, the dragon is nearby keeping an eye on everything (when Craymen dies you even see Lagi blink). The dragon can apparently project his mind’s eye out to great distances (as we see at the beginning of PD Orta).

I suppose the dragon could’ve recharged the gun after the gathering dust of serveral thousand years of inactivity drained the life out of it. :)[/quote]

Very possibly; as I said above, the guns definitely seem “tuned in” to their respective dragons. When Craymen dies, it’s definitely Azel we see blink though, not Lagi. (The bit where we see the pupil contract).

Ah, I see your point. That actually occured to me at some point in the past, too. Although I’ve always thought that the dragon formed its “bond” with Edge when it showed him those visions, perhaps it was “linked” to him before he even knew about it…

I’m not so sure… remember that Lundi’s gun does “upgrade” exactly in time with the dragon, and often in places where there would be no way he could buy an unpgrade - e.g. between Episodes 3 and 4, between Episodes 6 and 7, etc. With the above quote about synchronised guns, I’m starting to believe that they were more linked to the dragon than we’d thought - in a “tuned in” kind of a way.

Geoff, you should know more about the Zwei endings than me :wink:

I’m sure that the gun in Sestren’s memory orb is just a small continuity error. In the actual Zwei ending sequences - after that battle with the Guardian Dragon - we see that the gun is the same as always. It never “changed” in Zwei, just in that later re-working of the final battle.

Those two versions of the battle definitely don’t sync up properly. One takes place with a glorious sunrise in the background, and one takes place in a dull blue sky, too.

Sestren’ Fourth memory orb showed us what really happened at the end of Panzer Dragoon Zwei. The memory orb confirms that Lagi morphed into the Solo Wing Dragon and isn’t something that can be discounted just because the events it depicts can be interpreted as somewhat contradictory.

While the Zwei primary endings reveal what happened at the end of the game to some extent, Epilogue D, which reveals the fate of the Solo Wing dragon, is the game’s true ending.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Sestren’ Fourth memory orb showed us what really happened at the end of Panzer Dragoon Zwei. The memory orb confirms that Lagi morphed into the Solo Wing Dragon and isn’t something that can be discounted just because the events it depicts can be interpreted as somewhat contradictory.

While the Zwei primary endings reveal what happened at the end of the game to some extent, Epilogue D, which reveals the fate of the Solo Wing dragon, is the game’s true ending.[/quote]

I wouldn’t say that it’s a case of “true ending” / “wrong ending” exactly. As Lundi’s diaries in Saga relate, the events of the other epilogues did take place, just with the Solo Wing instead. we simply didn’t see them, as Epilogue D generally focussed on Lundi’s futute visions.

At any rate, I wouldn’t say it supports the idea of him upgrading the gun because even if you got one of the “bad” endings in Zwei, Lundi would still have to have upgraded his gun to explain the change in shots. But of course, it’s still the same in the ending sequence.

While you’re fighting the guardian dragon in-game, too, Lundi’s gun is always the same old model, Solo Wing or not.

The events shown in Sestren’s memory orbs could have been placed there to explain and confirm some details from Zwei’s endings. Since there were multiple Zwei endings, perhaps Team Andromeda wanted to show what really happened through the closing events of Panzer Dragoon Zwei.

The way Sestren’s fourth memory orb depicts the demise of the Guardian Dragoon really cannot be refuted. The relevant FMV moments were filmed specifically for that memory (as remembered by Sestren). Either we’ve stumbled upon another FMV footage screw up or the upgraded gun was depicted as such for a reason.

As far as I’m concerned, the memory orb shows us what really happened as seen by Sestren. It correlates with what we see in the PD Zwei true ending that showed us the fate of the Solo Wing dragon.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]The way Sestren’s fourth memory orb depicts the demise of the Guardian Dragoon really cannot be refuted. The relevant FMV moments were filmed specifically for that memory (as remembered by Sestren). Either we’ve stumbled upon another FMV footage screw up or the upgraded gun was depicted as such for a reason.

As far as I’m concerned, the memory orb shows us what really happened as seen by Sestren. It correlates with what we see in the PD Zwei true ending that showed us the fate of the Solo Wing dragon.[/quote]

Well, I do agree that the latest version of events - Sestren’s memory orb - is generally meant to be the definitive version of what happened. (But keep in mind the Sky Dark Crest continuity error - the orbs don’t seem to be infallible.)

However, if Team Andromeda had that gun-upgrade detail in mind all along, I think they would have just incorporated it into the game and the endings in the first place. As it stands, they did not, and the memory orb also has the other inconsistencies - the time of day and Sky Dark Crest. Now that shows that the Zwei events are being subtly re-written for that scene; I’m sure that the gun change was only consciously added at this point too.

I agree that it could have been a “fix” by Team Andromeda - to explain in retrospect why the gun became more powerful - but I don’t believe they had it in mind when they produced Zwei’s Solo Wing ending. If they did, they would surely have shown that gun in the other endings too, so that they weren’t erroneous in terms of which gun-upgrade they portrayed. (And they would have to be in error, as Lundi’s gun still became more powerful during the course of those play-throughs, as well.)

I think it’s possible that there were two separate crests present inside Shelcoof, but that’s another story.

I love the way Sestren overlaps certain images in the same manner as the Heresy dragon does in its visions (whether FMV footage was recycled is beside the point). The AIs certainly think alike.

If you’re thinking along the lines of the Dragon Crest chamber in Saga not looking much like the Dragon Crest chamber from Zwei, I’ve got to say I noticed that too; on top of the various different “true” Dragon Crests we see between the Solo Wing ending, later flashbacks, and Sestren’s memory orbs.

I’m tempted to believe that there’s only meant to be the one Crest in Shellcoof though, and that any contradictions are due to minor inconsistencies. After all, it’s the Solo Wing crest that we see in the “true” Zwei ending, and it’s the Solo Wing crest that we can find again in Saga. If there really were meant to be more crests in there, things would get *really *confusing. But then Team Andromeda did seem to like that :slight_smile:

Ahhhhh it all makes sense now! I think… Ok, at first i thought the gun just… didn’t work - until i came here of course :slight_smile:
Then i thought that it can’t have been controlled by/with the dragon, cos he uses it in the underground ruins of uru and stuff. This was before i read lances post whice i quoted below. Now about KFC’s above quote. If the gun marks them, that is an awesome theory i never thought of that. same as when you find out that

“you” are the divine visitor, it explains a lot. I thought that while playing the game you are just acting like a normal game, watching the hero and his apprentice fight their way to the end, i.e watching the dragon kill people at edges command. But since you are the divine visitor, controlling edge, you actually choose in the game life what the dragon attacks, via edges gun. Sorry if that was obvious or someones mentioned it before but its the first time i realised :slight_smile:

[quote=“Lance”]I’ve just remembered a relevant quote about the gun. In Saga, when Azel and Edge get on the Floater in the Underground Ruins of Uru, Azel says:

Battle equipment… operational.
Synchronize it with your gun.
I will control the ship.
You deal with the monsters.
If you can control a dragon,
you can handle this.

It does sound like the gun had been synchronised with the dragon up to that point…[/quote]

As my previous point, since the gun was connected to the dragon and controlled where it shoots, he has to do the same with the floater to get its lasers to work

It does seem that this is the turth. Not only was the gun apparently “synchronized” with the dragon, Edge also described it as an “ancient gun with a dragon design”, and it was found in a chamber containing one of the iconic Dragon Crests. It really does seem that it was designed to work with a dragon, or at least with a related pure type entity/artefact (like the Floater).

I’m still not so sure about Edge using the dragon’s lasers to kill those creatures at the beginning of Saga, though. The thing is, Edge really looked as if he was trying to fire the gun like a gun at that point, and there was also a massive delay before the dragon actually lasered the monsters. I still think the dragon probably just saved him of its own free will.

It’s a good theory, but it doesn’t really explain why the gun didn’t fire normally at that point. If you think about it, Edge couldn’t have been trying to use the dragon, because he hadn’t met it then. And if the gun was working - and could have fired the dragon’s lasers - Edge surely wouldn’t have failed to fire it normally.