The Lord of the Rings - TWotA Style!

There aren’t enough charactes i think…

I think there are enough characters. Problem is, a lot of the characters don’t have enough emotion/floorspace for us to relate to them. This is what’s difficult.

Oh! But you are alone! Who knows what you have spoken to the darkness. In bitter watches of the night. When all your life seems to shrink. The walls of your bower closing in about you. A hatch to trammel some wild thing.

When I heard Brad Dourif was in LOTR I said “now that’s a good reason why I should watch the movie”.

… Cool… :slight_smile:

Is that a “Heretic King” joke I smell?
Golf Clap

Awsome, im the spawn of evil Soilders =D

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Lance looks serious as he farewells the fellowship of the ring.[/quote]

Not only do I get pointy ears, but when Rivendell stops bringing in the cash I’ll always have The Matrix. Cheers, Solo :slight_smile:

Thank you, Lovecraft 0.0

That was actually Wormtongue’s monologue in LOTR:TTT…

I figured… but it just sounds so Lovecraftian :smiley:

Interestingly enough, in the Book Gandalf said those lines. For the movie, the script writers decided to make it a little more creepy and give it to worm tongue. I think it worked pretty well.

Oh, and Gehn, uh…

He has it!

points to Aitrus and runs

Work with me here (im still not a deformed ghoul by now!You got the ring 'member?)!


… Hmm… I wonder…

bites Gehn

My natural beastish goodness. grins

Ooh.Ominous.You are not the first on to say that…

Probably not. I’m probably the one-millionth person to say that.

Indeed, that is a great piece of dialogue.