The heat

Is anyone else finding this heatwave (if your in the UK) annoying, like trying to get to sleep or concentrating. The amount of typos I make thanks to the heat has increased as well.

I cannot stand this debilitating heat, or perhaps it’s best to say I can’t stand in it. How can people love this kind of hellish weather?

And I thought it was bad last year.

I do. I have never been able to handle the heat. For once I’m glad I don’t have a job right now, I don’t think I could stand it. As well as the problems you mentioned, I can’t breathe either (well I can or I wouldn’t be here, just not too well)
I just wish Winter would hurry up, I love the cold weather!

I love warm and windy weather, myself. But not boiling heat and scorching breezes. I think we have to endure another week of this before we see a temperature decrease. My mind is melting at the moment.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]I cannot stand this debilitating heat, or perhaps it’s best to say I can’t stand in it. How can people love this kind of hellish weather?

And I thought it was bad last year.[/quote]

Yeah, but its no where near as bad as 2 years ago when the Medway flooded.

Exactly how hot is it over there?

90-95 degrees. Some places even hotter.

I know in florida its hotter but buildings have air conditioning in Florida.

Its also been hell in California this past week. XP

90-95? ppffttt…that aint nuthin folks. You wouldn’t last a minute down here. Although this summer you probably would. It rains almost every day now so it’s usually around 75-80 degrees tops :slight_smile:

Feels like Christmas! xD

so…shorts and t-shirt weather huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

So Neil, you really do live in Hell, eh?

I hope it isn’t like this every year; I’m pining for rain right now.

global warming is teh suck…and yes, i do live in hell :wink:

The weather pisses me off. It puts me in a serious bad mood and makes me itchy <glares at snowgirl (she’ll probably trigger what I mean)>. Sorry to those people who i come across as annoyed too, its just the weather. I’m played about 7 hours of tennis in this heat though, and am plannning another 2 -3 tomorrw x.X.

Yeah its sucks, its turning the normally mundane
English weather into extremes :frowning:

Round where you are hurricanes are becoming more frequent/strong aren’t they?

Round where you are hurricanes are becoming more frequent/strong aren’t they?[/quote]

More or less. We haven’t had anything too extreme (in my city) for some years now but every once and a while the winds pick up and everyone heads indoors.


Round where you are hurricanes are becoming more frequent/strong aren’t they?[/quote]

More or less. We haven’t had anything too extreme (in my city) for some years now but every once and a while the winds pick up and everyone heads indoors.[/quote]

When I was staying there on holiday I saw the TV and there was people stockpiling food and the hurricane didn’t even hit. It was like some kind of crazy religous ritual lol.

15 million or so people are heading off to the beaches to enjoy the “warm” weather! At least I can laugh at the fact they’re all getting stuck in traffic. Burn fools!

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

15 million or so people are heading off to the beaches to enjoy the “warm” weather! At least I can laugh at the fact they’re all getting stuck in traffic. Burn fools![/quote]

Thing is a car with ac is probabley cooler than inside a house :stuck_out_tongue:

Cars are breaking down in the stop-and-start traffic which I find hilarious.

hehe, I love my in house A/c unit :slight_smile: