The eiptome of Panzer Music


what do you mean by “altho”??? I don’t get how there can be people who don’t like orchestral music. :anjou_sigh:

I love orchestral music…the thing with PD1, however, is that the music is out of place and none of the music combines with the visual sensations - which is important if one’s goal is to draw the player into the game.[/quote]

I think you wrong mate.
For one thing Panzer Dragoon EP1 music really goes with the visuals and helps give it that classic ancient fell.
I mean you could almost be flying throw a flooded Venice in the future, the music really suited the visuals.
Plus the music in Panzer Dragoon does react to what happing on screen. That why the music goes changes when going throw caves ect, and why the music is out of place when you put the 30 fps cheat in (because the game speeds up

For me ORTA EP 8, and Zwei end credit music tracks are the most panzer-ish I’ve heard.

One that come close are. Panzer Dragoon EP 4, EP3 Boss music.
Zwei Ep 5/1, Ep 7 ORTA EP 2 Boss music. And tracks number 13, 21 on disc 1 of the SAGA Mem Album.

That camping music is just lovely. One of those tunes that forever will stick in my head. It’s almost Spiritual

What is everyone talking about!? It’s all good–even Orta’s. Excluding Paet’s Theme, of course (looks at Gehn). :stuck_out_tongue:


PD I: Everything; Opening/Ending especially
PDII: Everything
PDS: Everything except Paet’s Theme really (the best PD OST)
Orta: Everything (worst PD OST)

Hahaha… Paet’s theme is okay! It is quite a departure from much of the other music, I’ll admit.

These are some of the tracks that I like the most, but I won’t guarantee that they are my definite favourites - probably just the ones which I listen to the most. :anjou_happy:

Panzer Dragoon

Main Title
Staff Roll

Panzer Dragoon II Zwei

Sea Of Ice
The Expected Enemy

Panzer Dragoon Saga

Atolm Dragon
Ancient Weapon (of course!)
Holy Chariot
Vision 1

I was going to list a whole lot of tracks, but I thought I’d just trim the list down to a few. It’s not a definitive list - but hopefully you get the idea.

By the way, I attempted to construct a medley of Panzer Dragoon’s Main Title and Staff Roll… but it didn’t really come out as much of a medley. It’s just a pitch-lowered Main Title and a slightly speeded up Staff Roll joined together. I guess that in order to make it a proper medley, I’d have to intersperse parts from each song.

Anyone have any recommendations or suggestions? I can try some other music-related splicing if you wish, but be aware that I’m quite new to audio editing and such things. :anjou_happy:

(sorry for the bad english, i’m french)

In an email Saori Kobayashi told me that she was very pleased that even now people are listening to azel soundtrack, she told me that maybe the fact that the technology she used is now obsolete is why the music feels so unreal and really panzer wolrd related.

Well, PD themes could have been orchestred but in my opinion that would have banalized the soundtrack. Going on using computer technology seems to be a wish of Saori as her non-panzer music is electronical even if it’s based on japanese traditional music.

Perhaps one day there will be a movie, and perhaps the soundtrack will be still electronical… It’s quite a challenge nowadays.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

what do you mean by “altho”??? I don’t get how there can be people who don’t like orchestral music. :anjou_sigh:

I love orchestral music…the thing with PD1, however, is that the music is out of place and none of the music combines with the visual sensations - which is important if one’s goal is to draw the player into the game.

I mean you could almost be flying throw a flooded Venice in the future, the music really suited the visuals. [/quote]

Exactly!That’s why it feels strange.It could be the music to something else entirely like Venice.It’s feel a buit out of place in the PD world.

Oh and Divinedragon : you are crazy!“Paet” pwns!!!It’s just more down to earth and groovy than other Saga tracks!

I might do a remix of that track one day. :anjou_happy:

Btw, welcome Sestern :anjou_happy: I agree : the PD essence is better described by electornica sounds.

:anjou_happy: Yeah, I agree with that.

Cool! Good luck! Do you have much experience with such things?

You know me (well maybe you don’t know me for that long) : always promising a PD site. :stuck_out_tongue:

This time I’ll actually put up a site.One of the sections of the site is suposed to be about PD music.Namely PD remixes.I don’t have much experience no, but I’ve been experimenting on a lot of things lately I wanted to present something from each of those areas. (Modelling,audio mixture…)

But it’s the very 1st thing people see and hear when they play Panzer Dragoon. It can’t be out of place at all.

It’s like saying Green Hill Zone backrounds and music are out of place for a Sonic game. It’s the 1st thing people get to see and hear when they play the games.

They just can’t be out of place

Imagine you do a game where the first level is composed of progressive rock music.The rest of the game is punk music tho.The sequel gets some punk-flavoured music too.And so does the next game.

Would you say the music that personifies (is this even an english word?) the game is progressive rock?

Actually I screwed up.I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later.The thing is I love EP1’s music but the two orchestral tracks (title screen,credits) are completely different in flavour and i don’t like them much really.Even tho I like the them from EP1 I think the music in later levels is all much more electronic/synthetized.

An other reason why it’s so powerful, the music seems to have an history, based on traditional panzer song, well we never heard them but it feels like we have due to the orchestration of kobayash’is music.

“What makes the music of Panzer Dragoon different,
is that it is based on Japanese traditional song, but in saying that;
it does not adhere to nationality nor music genre.
It is focused on the point of wanting to express ones music.” Saori Kobayashi.

That sounds cool, Gehn - I can’t wait to see what you’ve done. :anjou_happy:

So, Sestern, you’ve spoken to Saori Kobayashi personally, I presume? That sounds cool. Although I must admit that the Saga soundtrack is the only work of hers which I have heard. She worked on the Orta soundtrack though, if I’m not mistaken? I’m looking to pick that up (even though I don’t have the game yet; curiousity more than anything else).

I agree that orchestral music does not characterise Panzer Dragoon - I’ve got too attached to the oriental windpipes, synths and such of Zwei and Saga’s soundtracks. But I did feel that the title and staff roll tracks from Panzer Dragoon were fantastic tracks.

yes sona is great, but it’s not very usable in a game or movie, what is incredible it’s that PD music works with or without an image, it express so much.

Indeed, I’m in relation with Saori Kobayashi by e-mail since I was doing some research for a schoolwork (I study cinema) "relation between director and composer. I wrote to some japanese composer and band, and one of them was Saori Kobayashi, I knew that she was working in some projects but I didnt expect her to answer me directly. So that’s the story.

I’m seriously thinking in making a PD based movie someday, and one thing is sure, I will keep that strange sounding music.

[quote=“Ancient Weapon”]That sounds cool, Gehn - I can’t wait to see what you’ve done. :anjou_happy:

I agree that orchestral music does not characterise Panzer Dragoon - I’ve got too attached to the oriental windpipes, synths and such of Zwei and Saga’s soundtracks. But I did feel that the title and staff roll tracks from Panzer Dragoon were fantastic tracks.[/quote]

This is what I just don’t get . Sorry if i’m doing your head in But fail to see how people can come to the conclusion that Panzer Dragoon music is not Panzer-ish enough.

How can it not be it?s the music that kicked off the series It?s simply as to be Panzer music and the most Panzer-ish there is. It?s the bench mark that other in the series must follow.

What next Out Run music isn?t Out Run enough. And Out Run II is the only true Out Run music .

BTW Ep 4 music in Panzer Dragoon as some very wind pipe type music , and SAGA music was always going to be diff seeing as it was a RPG.

Where music scores need to last longer and be much grandia :wink:

A lot of the Saga tracks weren’t as ‘grand’ as some of those from Zwei - the level tracks were made to loop rather than reflecting the point in the action as Zwei’s did. However, they remain great music and sound quite connected to those from Zwei.

In actual fact, I agree with Team Andromeda - the orchestral and techno tracks from Panzer Dragoon may not sound like what Panzer’s music has become. The fact remains though, that they are from the first game - how more ‘Panzerish’ could you get?

I just meant that for me it doesn’t characterise Panzer - probably because the otherworldly music from Zwei and Saga made such an impression on me with their originality. This does not stop them from being ‘Panzerish’ in my opinion. :anjou_happy:

post removed

Will someone ban this guy already… this is the second time… :anjou_sigh:

I felt both PDS’s and PDO’s tracks where equally good, although both sounded slightly different in style. PDO seemed to have a slightly more :high tech" style, remeniscent of PSO, while PDS had a soundtrack similar to what you’d find in a Japanese RPG. Both where only slightly different, but equally good.

My all time PD piece is Anu Orta Veniya, however. It starts out a little slow, but in the end, it is a very satisfying piece. Right on it’s heels is Son Mi Areru Ec Sanctitu, also one of the best peices in a video game.

hm, Anu Orta Venia is much too generic in my openinon , but I guess I listen too much to Soundtracks in general so that similarities and “generic parts” spring to my ear faster than they do for other people.

IMHO the PDO Soundtrack is more arcade like and sounds more “gamish” than than PDZ and PDS.

IMHO the PDO Soundtrack is more arcade like and sounds more “gamish” than than PDZ and PDS.[/quote]

Not quite sure what you mean by that. Game music ranges from many different styles and talents, pegging it down with a stereotype like “that music sounds like a videogame” means nothing.

When I think of the music in PDO I think beautiful, atmospheric and most certainly nothing I would expect to hear in the average rail-shooter (or any videogame for that matter). Saori Kobayashi has truly reached the peak of his talent with this game (the track ‘The Fallen Grounds’ stands out as being particularly amazing).

Like all the best music written for games, it doesn’t sound like anything recognizable as game music -I don’t know what it sounds like- but nonetheless could only have been shaped by the unique dramatic needs of a game.