The best X-box games

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

SoloWingDragon, but I’ll get back to you on that one. I’m considering changing it (if it’s possible) when I sign up again, as it would be more fun to have something different from my standard screenname like the rest of you guys. Mega Drive… what a great choice :)[/quote]

Ok :).

I did want to call me self Mega CD, or Swtich (God I love that game) but they were already taken, or I couldn’t use them

So being a fan of racers and all things SEGA I went for Mega Drive.
So sad, but oh so very true .

See you online soon mate

Blame Bungie.

Actually, Bungie didn’t ever consider the novels as canon storyline, the morons.

Bungie/Halo has the hands down best naming schemes evar.

Pillar of Autumn? That’s an awesome gawddurn name for a ship.

[quote=“Abadd”]Bungie/Halo has the hands down best naming schemes evar.

Pillar of Autumn? That’s an awesome gawddurn name for a ship.[/quote]

I agree. . . They’re still idiots.

Damn, the Xbox LIVE Starter Kit that I got appears to have an invalid subscription code that expired sometime last year. The person I bought it off must have not realised that it had an expiry date…

Although I’m tempted to buy a new Starter Kit, it’s really not worth paying $100 bucks to play on LIVE for just one week. Does anyone know of any other methods that you can connect to LIVE without using a Starter Kit? I’ve already used up my Halo 2 trial subscription, and I’m not sure if you can use multiple trials with the same console (not that I have any from other games). I might give Microsoft a call tommorrow and see if they have any alternative plans, but it’s not looking good for me being on LIVE this week.

Well, yeah, they did make the game, I suppose. I’m sure if Microsoft had extended Bungie’s deadline, a better ending could have been created for Halo 2. Surely someone at Bungie or Microsoft could have done something to prevent the game from released with the current “ending” that it has. I’ve got the feeling that getting that game out by November the 9th was more important to somebody than the actual quality of the game.

And yes, Pillar of Autumn is an awesome name for a ship. :anjou_happy:


I don’t really get why people dislike the ending so much.Maybe it’s because the story dind’t really grab me but I think a cliffhanger is not so bad.

Yeah, you get used to them after obsessing over The Legacy of Kain series. . . No. . . Wait. . . The ending still sucked.

What ending?

And cliffhangers are subjective.A game that doens’t leave room to imagination fails to catch my mind.

AHHHH! I can’t choose a top five for me, but games I can recommend are Hunter the Reckoning, HTR:Redeemer, Silent Hill 2, Kung Fu Chaos, JSRF, Halo, Halo 2, PD Orta (of course), Fuzion Frenzy (a lot of people didn’t like that for some reason), DDR Ultramix and DDRU2, and plenty more that I’m forgetting. But, if I were you, I’d wait for a 360. It’s going to be backwards compatable but they’re not promising it will work with every single game because they don’t want to have the same mess that Sony had with the PS2 problems for a few games. It’s also coming real soon, for here anyways, there’s already some rumors of a huge supply shortage.

I think Bungie planned much more for Halo 2, but stopped short of a more fulfilling experience because the Xbox wasn’t a strong enough platform to support their vision. They probably have everything planned out for Halo 3, and just need to give it all a graphical upgrade.

I’ll try to put some good ones that I haven’t seen mentioned much yet.

If you haven’t played Burnout 3 yet, you should.
Kingdom Under Fire has some really hectic fun and really chaotic battles.
Phantom Dust is fantastic for its online multiplayer, though admitedly I’ve completely neglected it ever since they killed my two favorite skills. Still, I’d say its multiplayer is better than even Halo 2.
Riddick is short but sweet. Quite sweet.

Why are so few of the mentioned best games exclusive to the X-Box…

The only two I posted that weren’t exclusives were Halo and Silent Hill 2.

Off-topic : For the last 2 months I haven’t been able to use my XBox.I can’t play DVDs or games.Just like that it wen’t boorooleehoop.

I bought my Xbox! :anjou_love:

Ninja Gaiden is rock hard.

Fable is less hard but I’m struggling to stay a nice guy… :slight_smile:

I had a hard time staying nice too, I’d always accidently hit an innocent person or something while I’m fighting a monster or bandit. There’s also those annoying people that I really wanted to beat, but couldnt to stay nice… Especially that merchant with the crazy mustache…

I finished Fable. Whoo, that was quick. Mind you, I played it pretty much all day yesterday.

That final boss was sickeningly easy.

“I’ll just float here whilst you fire arrows at me! Whoo!”

I had him down to one hit left before he summoned any more Minions…

Oh well, it was a nice ride. Now to be a bad guy, slaughter the guards, get divorced 1,000,000 times, etc.

DO NOT GET MORROWIND! That’s the worst game ever.

Halo 2, Halo 1 if you can, GTA’s always good, Fable… dunno what else. Just don’t get Morrowind.

Ninja Gaiden is damn hard :confused: