The best X-box games

If you could tell a new X-box buyer (i.e. moi) the top 5 games on the system, what would they be?

Halo 2, Morrowind, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Fable and probably Ninja Gaiden.

(Maybe not the best 5 games, but a list tailored for your needs <<;)

I assume from the other topic you’ve already made your mind up about Panzer Dragoon Orta, so here are five other games that I’d recommend:

Halo: Combat Evolved - an excellent story driven FPS that works well with a control pad.
Halo 2 - play after finishing Halo 1, as it continues the story of the first game. Crappy ending, lots of fun multiplayer (split screen and Xbox LIVE)
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - a story driven RPG with lots of customization, choices, and an awesome plot twist.
Fable - A fun action RPG, although don’t play it if you’re looking for deep story. Lots of customisation, beautiful world and music.
Jet Set Radio Future - Smoother controls than the first game, but not as original. Still a great game, though.

Regarding Shadow’s selection:

Ninja Gaiden is also a good game, although be prepared for a challenge, and some questionable camera angles.
Morrowind - try before you buy. You may love this game if you can look past its flaws.
The Splinter Cell games seem good if you enjoy the stealth genre.

Regarding Solo’s selection:

Correction: AWESOME ending.

I couldn’t stand this game, so I’d imagine it’s another “try before you buy”.

EDIT: Actually Arcie, you’d probably be better off waiting for the X360 and buying that. I’d imagine that the games listed here will be backwardly compatible with it.

Correction: What ending?

To me it was the Matrix Reloaded all over again. Why did you think the ending was so awesome?

By the way, speaking of Halo 2, I just ordered an Xbox LIVE starter kit off Trade Me (basically a local version of eBay), so if all goes as planned you’ll finally be able to play with an un-mute Solo soon…

Funny you say that I was going to buy a new kit myself.My last exam is Wednesday and then I can finally take some time off.

Anyways if you can’t say you’ve played the XBox unless you played :

Ninja Gaiden : I don’t have any problem with the camera myself.As for the difficulty I think I dind’t find it as hard as most people.Unless you are talking about the 2nd expansion pack which even tho I haven’t tried alot I still haven’t finished.

Jet Set Radio Future : it’s a strange game.Sweet and sour.But sweet and sour can be a delicacy and JSRF is great,

Jade Empire : I’m going to recommend something I ahven’t played yet.Basically because it’s suposed to be an original game gameplay wise from Bioware and the soundtrack was composed by the great Jack Wall.If I wans’t broke and in need of studying I would be playing this game.

Legacy of Kain - Defiance : if you haven’t played the other games then you have a good excuse to at least read a story resume of the series.Defiance is simply put my favourite XBox game.Great story, great scenarios, great music, great voice acting and finally I can say it has a very good gameplay.

Myst IV Revelation : Normally I’d recommend this for the PC but since Solo mentioned KOTOR I’m going to make some publicity anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

I finished the game yesterday (even tho I’m in the midlle of some setious studying for my Physics exam; that’s how fan I am :P)and it was one hell of a ride.I can’t say if it’s the best Myst game but I reckon newcommers will love this chapter.I’m honored to have been able to complete the game with only getting help once!It’s sad to understand what you did wrong all along when you coudln’t solve that one problem… :frowning:

But God knows that puzzle had way too many variables.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]


Correction: What ending?

By the way, speaking of Halo 2, I just ordered an Xbox LIVE starter kit off Trade Me (basically a local version of eBay), so if all goes as planned you’ll finally be able to play with an un-mute Solo soon…[/quote]

Top new, make sure to let me know when you’re on LIVE and I’ll send you a friend invite. LIVE is one of the best parts of the X-Box I can tell you.

Anway top 5 X-Box games would be…

1). ORTA
2). JSRF
3). O.TO.GI II
4). HALO
5). Kung Fu Chaos (Awesome multi player).

Unless you’re getting lIVE don;t waste your time with HALO II imo. The single mode sucks the AI is all over the place, and I hate swtiching of characters and the ending is sh8$.

Gamespy’s opinion of this

When PDORta isn’t included in the top 25 you know something’s wrong.

Halo 2’s ending was so good because it left the door open for Halo 3 of course! =P

We?ll have to play a few rounds next week if you’re back on LIVE as well.

I’m only going to be on LIVE for a week, I’m afraid, as my regular internet connection is not really suitable for online gaming. But I’ll certainly play some rounds of Halo 2 with you that week (Saturday the 9th - Saturday the 16th), if you’re up for it. I’ll probably save the subscription card that comes with the starter kit for a later date. I mainly just ordered one for the headset so that I can curse at Shadow when he snipes me from the other side of the map.

Aim bots own.

You dind’t say that the last time we “met”.You said and i quote “oh shi…”

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

We?ll have to play a few rounds next week if you’re back on LIVE as well.

I’m only going to be on LIVE for a week, I’m afraid, as my regular internet connection is not really suitable for online gaming. But I’ll certainly play some rounds of Halo 2 with you that week (Saturday the 9th - Saturday the 16th), if you’re up for it. I’ll probably save the subscription card that comes with the starter kit for a later date. I mainly just ordered one for the headset so that I can curse at Shadow when he snipes me from the other side of the map.[/quote]

Ok No Prob’s. My gamer Tag is Mega Drive , what’s yours ???.

That’s because your terrible server was lagging like a little whiny bitch.

  1. PD Orta
  2. Jet Set Radio Future
  3. KotOR
  4. Beyond Good & Evil
  5. DDR Ultramix 2


That’s because your terrible server was lagging like a little whiny bitch.[/quote]

What can I say.I’m too fast for my own good :B

SoloWingDragon, but I’ll get back to you on that one. I’m considering changing it (if it’s possible) when I sign up again, as it would be more fun to have something different from my standard screenname like the rest of you guys. Mega Drive… what a great choice :slight_smile:

(Thumbs down).

I think a more rounded off conclusion to Halo 2 would have made the ending so much better. The last battle sucked (gameplay-wise), and there was no sense of closure to the plot, it was just like a knife was chopped down the spine of novel, and we as the readers were given the first half of it. Multi-part stories such as Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings may have had unfinished elements in their stories at the end of their various episodes, but each part had a well written, well thought out ending that concluded enough of the story without making the reader/viewer think “so, what’s going to happen if the Hero lets go of the edge of the cliff?”

I honestly think that if Microsoft had delayed the game a few more weeks and had allowed Bungie to create a more complete story, Halo 2’s story would have felt so much more complete. It could have set the scene for Halo 3 much more smoothly at the same time, as well.