That Nintendo power interview in full(Sega looks to future)

Remember that Nintendo Power interview that mentioned SHINOBI and PANZER DRAGOON? Well here is the full interview that wasn’t in the magazine. Enjoy.

Or here for lazy people…

So mr, Jeffrey saying that they did wonder how PD would have done on the GC if it was released on that instead of the X-Box is the reason you thought a PD game could be coming on the Revolution?

I thought that the last time you checked “Sega the real Sega was based in Japan and not America or Europe, so anything coming from them is worth a hill of beans than the others.” :anjou_sigh:

Anyway, even though it’s now apparent that the person who was interviewed did mention PD himself as well (something which wasn’t visible in the previous thread about this), I still don’t think this is much of a hint toward a new PD game… Just a response at a specific question from the interviewer… Do you think it would be a good answer if he had said:

“Nah, we couldn’t care less about how it would have done on the GC, now let’s please move on to the next question because some people may take this wrong and think we are working on a new PD game.”

Nice interview though… I guess…

I think there are a lot of people in the industry that think they know what people like.In the end each culture has it’s won tastes but I think making games exclusively for a certain market is stupid.

Most games I love were made in Japan damnit.Demographics my arse!

How the hell do you make a game that appeals to all markets then? Please do tell, as I’m pretty sure that game developers would kill to know.

There are very few (non-Nintendo) games that are successful across all markets. Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, and… uh… and… yeah.

FIFA seems to do quite well too, Mr. Abadd. Unfortunately.

I’ll make a deal with Sega. I don’t mind if they do a sequel to NiGHTS or PDS, as long as they promise not to do a sequel to Sonic Heroes. Sound fair?

I wasn’t including sports games, because those have unfair advantages :stuck_out_tongue:


How the hell do you make a game that appeals to all markets then? Please do tell, as I’m pretty sure that game developers would kill to know.[/quote]

I’m just saying that to some extent this is BS.I’m not a weirdo and I like a lot of japanese games.Surely if they fail to sell in the West it’s because marketing was bad.

Except games like Gun Valkyrie.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]So mr, Jeffrey saying that they did wonder how PD would have done on the GC if it was released on that instead of the X-Box is the reason you thought a PD game could be coming on the Revolution?

I thought that the last time you checked “Sega the real Sega was based in Japan and not America or Europe, so anything coming from them is worth a hill of beans than the others.” :anjou_sigh:

Anyway, even though it’s now apparent that the person who was interviewed did mention PD himself as well (something which wasn’t visible in the previous thread about this), I still don’t think this is much of a hint toward a new PD game… Just a response at a specific question from the interviewer… Do you think it would be a good answer if he had said:

“Nah, we couldn’t care less about how it would have done on the GC, now let’s please move on to the next question because some people may take this wrong and think we are working on a new PD game.”

Nice interview though… I guess…[/quote]

Get over it that argument was settled ages ago. I brought the interview over because it was a good one and not to prove any point that your desperatly trying tocling to. If i was trying to prove my point still i would have mentioned it in my intial post. fool.

People should take what SEGA America and Europe say with a pitch of salt . Half the time they are run by clueless monkeys (like good old Bernie).

Here?s what the mighty SEGA Europe had to say about the 32X.

?Mega-32 has been built to handle more polygons than Saturn?.

When you have monkeys saying rubbish like that. That’s the reason I lost all respect for them.
Bullsh8t like that killed the Saturn in the west, and the reason while I?ll never forgive them .

I’m not clinging to anything, It was an honest question. On one thread you talk about how SoA doesn’t matter almost at all compared to SoJ but on another one you valued it highly as a reason for a new PD game to be on the way to the Rev… I often see you contradict yourself (for example sometimes you get so passionate about saying Sega rocks and is back but other times someone else may be excited you totally shoot him down) so I was just curious and just had to ask about this particular case.

Also, the older argument about this interview, if you look over its thread, it does not look “settled” at all. You simply stopped responding and people had nothing else to say due to lack of evidence since as I mention in one of my last few on topic posts we couldn’t see the actual full interview so could only comment on what we had in front of us. So I finished off my points to round it out here since I could see the whole thing for the first time.

And please stop acting like 13 year old - or worse. DM03 is 13 and she has a temper but she doesn’t resort to calling people names everytime they say something she doesn’t like… You on the other hand have been very rude for no reason several times in the past and while you had stopped that for a while it’s now apparent that you haven’t quit doing it. I don’t think anyone else on these forums has ever called someone else any names at all outside kidding around. It doesn’t make you look any better or reinforce your points at all. Sheesh :anjou_sigh:

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]I’m just saying that to some extent this is BS.I’m not a weirdo and I like a lot of japanese games.Surely if they fail to sell in the West it’s because marketing was bad.

Except games like Gun Valkyrie.[/quote]

Trust me, it’s not BS. When you look at top selling games in the East and West, they are completely different. The Japanese simply do not like Western games. Onimusha 2 sold over a million copies in Japan alone, but sold barely 300k in the US (the original sold over a million).

Oh, and TA, come on now, that’s not entirely fair. You’re judging the actions of a company run by completely different people to the actions of Sega right now? If anything, I’d be dubious of anything SOJ said o_O

Exactly. If you look at the Japanese charts just now, the biggest selling titles on the DS are “Brain Training” games. And they’ve been on top for 6 weeks, something unheard of in the Japanese charts. This is something to do with appealing to non-gamers, but can you imagine a UK, US or European gamer buying something called “Brain Training” for their DS?

Although, one point that isn’t brought up enough (in my opinion) is the fact that Westerners hardly ever get to try Japanese games, specifically the more strange ones. Mind you, I’ve got room to talk, the only Japanese import I have is Vampire Savior…

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]People should take what SEGA America and Europe say with a pitch of salt . Half the time they are run by clueless monkeys (like good old Bernie).

Bullsh8t like that killed the Saturn in the west, and the reason while I?ll never forgive them .[/quote]

Sigh. Bernard Stolar (king loser) killing the Saturn before its time with his “the Saturn isn’t our future” speech is Sega’s single most defining screw up. Then the people at Sega of America use the Saturn’s subsequent “downward spiral” as an excuse for not bringing Dead or Alive, Grandia and Shining Force 3 scenarios 2 and 3 etc to our shores? Some of the Saturn’s best games? What a joke.

I’ll never forgive that moron for killing the Saturn, antagonizing Working Designs and screwing over thousands of RPG-loving Saturn owners.

Umm I think Abadd has clarified that the SFIII deal was a money issue and that it was either one chapter or none at all. And I thought DoA did get an english language release, I remember seeing reviews of it… Anyway, you are not missing much. To me DoA is a low quality VF alternative with the counter thing twist. Which wasn’t even that well implemented in the first games (dunno if it has improved now).


I’m not clinging to anything, It was an honest question. On one thread you talk about how SoA doesn’t matter almost at all compared to SoJ but on another one you valued it highly as a reason for a new PD game to be on the way to the Rev… I often see you contradict yourself (for example sometimes you get so passionate about saying Sega rocks and is back but other times someone else may be excited you totally shoot him down) so I was just curious and just had to ask about this particular case.

Also, the older argument about this interview, if you look over its thread, it does not look “settled” at all. You simply stopped responding and people had nothing else to say due to lack of evidence since as I mention in one of my last few on topic posts we couldn’t see the actual full interview so could only comment on what we had in front of us. So I finished off my points to round it out here since I could see the whole thing for the first time.

And please stop acting like 13 year old - or worse. DM03 is 13 and she has a temper but she doesn’t resort to calling people names everytime they say something she doesn’t like… You on the other hand have been very rude for no reason several times in the past and while you had stopped that for a while it’s now apparent that you haven’t quit doing it. I don’t think anyone else on these forums has ever called someone else any names at all outside kidding around. It doesn’t make you look any better or reinforce your points at all. Sheesh :anjou_sigh:[/quote]

Then someone with your presumed intelligence would have noticed that i must have changed my mind about the Panzer dragoon coming to revolution idea since most people in that topic said it was too speculative and as the original interview states it was the interviewer giving that indication. So i don’t see how that’s a contradiction. Since the comment about SOA was made way after the PD to revolution topic. So unless you can prove that i kept insisting that PD was coming to revolution after that comment than your argument is pretty moot.
And let’s not forget the president of Sega of america didn’t say the game was coming for it or not anyway.

If you want to accuse someone of childish behavior than look at yourself and your attempts to continully try to have the last word on something that most people have moved on from.

So I guess you want me from now on to believe that you agree with what “most people” say even if initially you are arguing with them and then stop responding without saying anything along the lines of “I guess you guys are right”. Ok, I shall do that from now on, I’m sorry if I offended you by thinking you actually have a mind of your own and don’t simply follow what most people on these boards say.

So you are telling me that your opinion on SoA changed within a few weeks from thinking that what they say could mean a PD game is on the way to the Rev to thinking that what they say doesn’t really count? Okay, from now on I’ll also know that your views change so radically in such a short time and not think that you contradict yourself anymore when it happens. I’m sorry if I offended you by thinking that you actually have a solid way of thinking things out and don’t often jump from one opinion to the complete opposite for no real reason (I don’t think SoA did anything so bad in the last few weeks to justify such an opinion about their announcements to arise now after valuing it more than enough in a previous thread).

As for your last comment, I’ve already explained my reasoning behind my reply’s topic since it was simply rounding out my views now that I had the complete interview in front of me and since nothing indicates the discussion as “settled” in the other topic. Feel free to attempt to give another reason for what I did, you haven’t exactly presented yourself to be the kind of person I’d value their opinion enough to be offended so far :anjou_happy:


[quote=“Gehpnaet”]I’m just saying that to some extent this is BS.I’m not a weirdo and I like a lot of japanese games.Surely if they fail to sell in the West it’s because marketing was bad.

Except games like Gun Valkyrie.[/quote]

Trust me, it’s not BS. When you look at top selling games in the East and West, they are completely different. The Japanese simply do not like Western games. Onimusha 2 sold over a million copies in Japan alone, but sold barely 300k in the US (the original sold over a million).

Oh, and TA, come on now, that’s not entirely fair. You’re judging the actions of a company run by completely different people to the actions of Sega right now? If anything, I’d be dubious of anything SOJ said o_O[/quote]

SEGA Japan be bad of late, but still nothing compared to the cluless monkeys at SEGA Europe/America.

Things have gotten a bit better granted, but SEGA Europe release schedule is a joke. Just look at Monkey ball Deluxe and Blood Will Tell .
Which have still yet to come out on Pal (months after the USA/JP versions).

And I’ll never fogive twats like Berine for screwing us Saturn owners. Which is still today hands down the best console ever made.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]People should take what SEGA America and Europe say with a pitch of salt . Half the time they are run by clueless monkeys (like good old Bernie).

Bullsh8t like that killed the Saturn in the west, and the reason while I?ll never forgive them .[/quote]

Sigh. Bernard Stolar (king loser) killing the Saturn before its time with his “the Saturn isn’t our future” speech is Sega’s single most defining screw up. Then the people at Sega of America use the Saturn’s subsequent “downward spiral” as an excuse for not bringing Dead or Alive, Grandia and Shining Force 3 scenarios 2 and 3 etc to our shores? Some of the Saturn’s best games? What a joke.

I’ll never forgive that moron for killing the Saturn, antagonizing Working Designs and screwing over thousands of RPG-loving Saturn owners.[/quote]

Exaclty mate, That’s why I have no time for them all .

32X is the future :(. My ass was it, thanks for nothing SOA/SOE. You did Sony marketing job for SONY (talking down the Saturn)

Hahaha… Man, I know about 6 people that would likely wring your neck for those comments. I can’t offer any details, but my heart goes out to the people at SOE for what they have gone through with those projects :slight_smile: