That Nintendo power interview in full(Sega looks to future)


Hahaha… Man, I know about 6 people that would likely wring your neck for those comments. I can’t offer any details, but my heart goes out to the people at SOE for what they have gone through with those projects :)[/quote]

My doesn?t .

As I’m one of the few sorry SEGA fans left that?s been messed around somthing chronic by the baboons at SEGA Europe over the years.
High time people in SOE either shaped up or shipped out. Its like they?re on a mission to make SEGA look pathetic

Surely they can come up with better excuses than Money Ball Delux been delayed due to translation issues .
It is now utterly pointless brining out Blood Will tell , so they should just can that (it would never sell anyways)

There are sometimes issues that cannot be revealed in order to protect inter-company relations.

That is all I can say.

[quote=“Abadd”]There are sometimes issues that cannot be revealed in order to protect inter-company relations.

That is all I can say.[/quote]

Something like Blood Will Tell , I can understand what with all these strange laws over changing characters names , and over licensing issues . But for Monkey Ball Deluxe ? A game which Sega Europe has move or less brought over here before (what with the Cube versions).

Sorry Abadd, You might have some very nice friends in SOE/SOA. And these tpeople may well be trying their best to make it all work.

But I still can?t look over the countless mess ups that have made over the years. They get some points for bringing Out Run II to the X-Box though (I’ll give them that)

I wish I could explain, but I cannot =\ Sorry…

I understand your frustration, though. SOE had tough times for the last several years, but hopefully, things are coming together. We’ll see how it all turns out, though.

Yes there’s hope as SEGA Europe been making some decent moves in the PC world.
Stuff like a VT (PSP), and a port of Football Manger for the 360 are good moves too.
And to be fair SEGA America did a better than SEGA Japan in really pushing the DC (even the DC cases and box Art were great).

But they made so many mess ups, thats it going to take an a awful rebuilding to restore my faith in SOA/SOE


So I guess you want me from now on to believe that you agree with what “most people” say even if initially you are arguing with them and then stop responding without saying anything along the lines of “I guess you guys are right”. Ok, I shall do that from now on, I’m sorry if I offended you by thinking you actually have a mind of your own and don’t simply follow what most people on these boards say.

So you are telling me that your opinion on SoA changed within a few weeks from thinking that what they say could mean a PD game is on the way to the Rev to thinking that what they say doesn’t really count? Okay, from now on I’ll also know that your views change so radically in such a short time and not think that you contradict yourself anymore when it happens. I’m sorry if I offended you by thinking that you actually have a solid way of thinking things out and don’t often jump from one opinion to the complete opposite for no real reason (I don’t think SoA did anything so bad in the last few weeks to justify such an opinion about their announcements to arise now after valuing it more than enough in a previous thread).

As for your last comment, I’ve already explained my reasoning behind my reply’s topic since it was simply rounding out my views now that I had the complete interview in front of me and since nothing indicates the discussion as “settled” in the other topic. Feel free to attempt to give another reason for what I did, you haven’t exactly presented yourself to be the kind of person I’d value their opinion enough to be offended so far :anjou_happy:[/quote]

Then why are you going out of your way to reply to someone who you don’t care what they think? Stupid moron.Don’t you believe in the power of your own argument and what wasn’t clear on the interview? Only a fool would have still clung on to the PD going to REV as a fact when it was clearly pointed out and the evidence presented when looking in it’s context that it was all speculation in the original topic.
And are you insecure or something? Do you really want me to say “yeah i agree” or “no i don’t” everytime you come up with an agrument that may have a ring of truth to it? Does it make you feel good?
When it comes down to games announcements SOJ is basically going to be the main source and not SOA unless they’re actually showing the game. If the argument was never settled as you claim i would have posted it in the original topic but hey ya gotta have the last word.

I never said you have to say you agree with me. After all I was simply - and clearly - responding to your point about “most people”; if by “most people” you meant me then I’m sorry, I didn’t realise. I also don’t see why you would think someone would get such pleasure from people saying they agree with them. Unless it is something you do. And if it is, please don’t have the belief that everyone is like that.

And, again, if it’s too hard for you to understand (and yet I’m the stupid moron/fool apparently) I was simply finishing off my points now that I had the full interview in front of me and not a short excerpt.

The main basis for people’s (and my) opinion about the “PD coming to the Rev” subject was the fact the interviewed person did not seem to even mention the name of the game by himself at all.
And yet, one of your lasts posts in the previous thread was explaining how that person did in fact mention it. Something which was NOT visible in that excerpt.
My response was that I could only comment on what I had in front of me and what I had in front of me did not show that fact.
I see nothing wrong with wanting to finish off my view about the subject since after this kind of final posts it really doesn’t look settled at all to me and now I could finally see the full interview for the first time.

Since at this point you make the fact this could have never been a PD game announcement appear so obvious (just to give yourself some ground to trash me from) I don’t see why the previous thread was created by you on first place.

Moreover, if I’m such a stupid moron/fool then I don’t see why YOU bother replying to me.

As for why I am replying to you, it is because the forums aren’t just for you and me, wether you created the thread or not. And I’ll obviously defend myself from such outrageous accusations as you have been doing. Especially when it’s so easy to do so and doesn’t take any effort whatsoever.

On top of that, I said I don’t care enough about your opinion to be offended by it, hinting - rather heavily - at the fact I was talking about your opinion about me. With such low tactics as attempting to make me look like some egotistical bastard with the only basis for it being some amazing speculation about how I feel when people agree with me or whatever - and on top of that calling me names for no reason whatsoever - I don’t see why I should.

Despite that, since this is a forum and not your personal blog, you’ll see a lot of replying from me wether the thread is created by you or not.

PS: I still fail to see the reason behind your name calling. Bad childhood? Tough luck but many people have had that so get over it. Name calling on a forum like this is inexcusable. Words can slip while talking angered sometimes - though I don’t see why all this would be enough to anger you - but when typing things out they simply don’t. Especially when you have all the time in the world to edit something before hitting submit. I of course don’t expect you to show respect to me - or anyone who has ever argued with you apparently - but the least you can do is show respect to the rest people since everyone has kept this forum free of such comments and this all changed with your arrival.

Do you think name calling has some kind of literal value and is a worthy addition to this board?

Funny mental image, if this was you talking you would probably say something along the lines of “calling other people names makes you feel good about yourself with that low esteem of yours and with how people treat you in real life” since it’s the kind of trash talking you’ve been doing about me lol…

Anyway, if you really MUST use that language please do it in a private message, wether it’s directed to me or not, so that this board can remain as trash free as it was before you came along.

Goonboy, permit me to correct you on a few things.

a) You are making arguments about PSU and E3. Were you at E3? If you were, my apologies. If not, Abadd was and he saw the Sega Booth, you didn’t. Let’s take his view as being the first-hand one.

b) You will make no positive impression on these boards by referring to people as “insecure…morons”. We pride ourselves on a friendly community, and even if we have some snide humour at times, it is ultimately that; humour. If you want to engage in flame wars go to or something.

c) You do not know the interior workings of SoA, SoE or SoJ. So please do not make comment where you point out you know better, because quite simply, you do not.

First of all i don’t really care what you think. Your attempts to drag something from another topic is a sad attempt to make yourself look big when i’m in the middle of another unrelated topic.

You would make a poor solicitor. “Oh l 've made a compelling argument but if your convinced by my statement when you previously didn’t than your rather stupid.”

And, again, if it’s too hard for you to understand (and yet I’m the stupid moron/fool apparently) I was simply finishing off my points now that I had the full interview in front of me and not a short excerpt.[/quote]

It’s not hard to understand that you were simply trying to have the last word on a topic that was settled ages ago.Obviously you don’t get to do that in real life.

The main basis for people’s (and my) opinion about the “PD coming to the Rev” subject was the fact the interviewed person did not seem to even mention the name of the game by himself at all.
And yet, one of your lasts posts in the previous thread was explaining how that person did in fact mention it. Something which was NOT visible in that excerpt.
My response was that I could only comment on what I had in front of me and what I had in front of me did not show that fact.
I see nothing wrong with wanting to finish off my view about the subject since after this kind of final posts it really doesn’t look settled at all to me and now I could finally see the full interview for the first time.[/quote]

As again it was settled but of course you couldn’t let go.

Since at this point you make the fact this could have never been a PD game announcement appear so obvious (just to give yourself some ground to trash me from) I don’t see why the previous thread was created by you on first place.[/quote]

Yeah i originally posted this topic just to trash you. Ignoramous.

Moreover, if I’m such a stupid moron/fool then I don’t see why YOU bother replying to me.[/quote]

Lack of imagination, using what i said about you against me. I thought you didn’t care.I’m touched.

No the reason your replying to me is so you need to be seen having the last word. The same type of mentality that you assume that i didn’t spell out my feelings that i agreed with you on the previous topic. Don’t try to make out your doing a public service because if you do think that your really are suffering from illusions of grandeur.

On top of that, I said I don’t care enough about your opinion to be offended by it, hinting - rather heavily - at the fact I was talking about your opinion about me. With such low tactics as attempting to make me look like some egotistical bastard with the only basis for it being some amazing speculation about how I feel when people agree with me or whatever - and on top of that calling me names for no reason whatsoever - I don’t see why I should.[/quote]

I call things as i see it. A spade is a spade and so on.

If you didn’t care why ask me the reason for it stupid?
Funny so trying to put me down in several and sutble ways isn’t the same thing? Makes you feel good? I don’t need to hide behind such doors. Your an idiot to me so i called you one. Got it? Get it? good.

No doubt you will need to retort but i’ve said all i need to. You see unlike you i do have an actual life to lead.

I’ll bite, if only because I’m a hypocrite.

Read: I’m going to tell you I don’t care about your point of view, but I’m going to argue every single point you make.

Read: I want to have the last word!

Read: Parts of my “Having A Life Checklist”… insulting people across the internet? Check! Argueing videogames on internet forums? Check! Reminding other people whom I don’t know personally on the internet that I have a life and they don’t? Check! Making repeat visits to Panzer Dragoon message boards to see if I got a response to my vitriol? Check!