Stuff that's not important enough to get it's own topic

I got 977.2
My angry sadist anti-penguin activist friend got 1121.4

muhahahah - on my 4th or 5th go i think…

and lol at the hangman game, its pretty cool. I became the Champion of easy lol!

I became the Champion of easy lol![/quote]

I was the champion of Difficult :slight_smile:

muhahahah - on my 4th or 5th go i think…

and lol at the hangman game, its pretty cool. I became the Champion of easy lol![/quote]

No fair :expressionless:

Sorry to break it to you, but if no one else has played on your computer you’re automatically declared the champion, meaning that all you have to do is win the game once… but it’s all just for fun anyway.

Actually that champion thing has a bug in it that I need to fix. The player is announced as the champion, even if his or her score is lower than what last time he became the champion.

Btw, there’s also a cheat for the game if you type your name in as VOWELS

Hopefully the next game that I make in Delphi will be a little more creative than a hangman clone…

lol I thought they were kidding when they said that, Solo.

Either that or they’re dumbasses XP

What do other games usually do when they declare someone as the champion? Are there built in high scores that the developers supposably made, or is the high score set to zero? I’m trying to think of how some arcade type games work their scoring system, but I can’t think of any examples…

i have a question and i didn’t want to make a topic for it:

i checked my e-mail and i had a message from TWOTA saying that i had a new provate message, but then when i checked here, i had NONE!!

were the admins playing internet “doorbell ditch” with me? :frowning:

Hmm, that’s odd. I suspect it was just some kind of glitch in this board. Geoff and I don’t actually send those messages saying you have a new private message, they’re automatically generated by the forum.

Funny fact that I felt like sharing:
Devil may cry is actually a scrapped resident evil 4.

[quote=“Daz”]Funny fact that I felt like sharing:
Devil may cry is actually a scrapped resident evil 4.[/quote]

I see it as more of a free-roaming Resident Evil game.

Also, Fallen Angels make kick-ass bosses.

I was browsing through the Sonic Mega Collection forum on GameFAQS and came across “Sonic in a nutshell”:

Sonic The Hedgehog In A Nutshell

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 In A Nutshell

Sonic Adventure In A Nutshell

He sounds like someone out of South Park lol

and this

Dragonball Z in a nutshell

Sonic Adventure in a nutshell is the only one that’s even close to DBZ in a nutshell…


Avril Latrine
"Is he in Syria, or maybe Liberia, or hosting a show on QVC…"
Yes, I know it’s old, but it’s still classic.

You guys have been visiting hell fourms huh? One of my classmates i know own that site, or so he said, his name is alexi. He said he owns the site. Did not know it spread this far o.o


Does anyone else always get stuck in the library for an hour after school with school computers as your only company?

I’m curious…

Yeah, several times. Only these are seriously sh*tty computers, where I can’t get on anywhere someone has sworn or something.

Yes, apart from the “with school computers as your only company?” bit. Those damn Flood.

Nice to know I’m not alone :smiley: