Status names

My hand’s life is of no concern to you.

At least your hand has a life =(

How did we get from a topic on status names to this?

If typing all day ain’t living I dunno what is.

D’oh, the avatar confused me! >.<

I want you to check for yourself and then call me spammer XD
Go ahead check.I mean it.


D’oh, the avatar confused me! >.<[/quote]

Hehe.It’s funny to see how people react differently with different persons even tho you are saying the same thing :slight_smile:

Welcome to TWOTA.


Welcome to TWOTA.[/quote]

In other words, welcome to Hell…

wow, thanks for bringing positive attitude into the forums. If you hate it so much here, leave :slight_smile:

Hate? What the…

Let me guess…

My sense of humor is a little hateful, ain’t it? :slight_smile:

No,it just sucks :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t worry, Orta. All of us here in hell love you. :slight_smile:

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

I am heaven in hell, then.

The scary part is that you aren’t the first person to tell me that…

Yeah. I know. Don’t rub it in.