I don’t like Orta much myself but I disagree that Azel or anybody else “should” have been the main character of a sequel.
Anyway, myself, I’m all for new characters that may or may not get to see the story of previously seen “heroes” from another point of view or even from a different time altogether, similar to the way Edge learnt of Lundi for example.
Orta could have been that character, and hell, it’s not really Orta’s problem, she could have been a great character as an idea she’s not that bad, and aside from her origin which defines her, anything that followed is not her fault (duh, she doesn’t exist), it’s only as good as the writing of the script.
Again, that’s my opinion, or what I’d do if you will, I’m not saying it’s how anything “should” be to make a worthy sequel or whatever. Doing something totally different with the series could also pleasantly surprise me, it’s the quality of the writing that matters rather than if they would chose the character I or someone else thinks should be chosen.
Edit: Azel could have been a great villain too. After searching for Edge for many years or decades and coming up with nothing, receiving humans’ hatred whenever they realised she’s not one of them, getting slammed left and right by monsters, malfunctioning, mixing up her memories, her mission, Craymen & the Ancients, then just going berserk, reactivating a tower - or all of them - and causing all sorts of carnage.
How tragic would it be for Lagi, having to chose a rider and with his help destroy her to release her - and mankind - from her suffering?
Of course, before the end she’d probably claim she recognises some of Edge’s strength, character and kindness within the new rider - the player - and therefor realise all of her mistakes, how Edge wasn’t the last good person, and finally die sane, relieved, released and more human than ever.
Anybody wanna write fan fiction with this basic idea? I’d like to read it if I can’t play it