Shining Force fans rejoice?

Sounds believable then.

[quote=“Gehn”]I’d still like to see an exmaple of how the games connect…
As far as plot is concerned.[/quote]

The story is rather complex actually, but all the games are linked together in a timeline spanning thousands of years (as far as I’m aware). There were a few translation errors that messed things up, however.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]I’d still like to see an exmaple of how the games connect…
As far as plot is concerned.[/quote]

What would you like to know?

Let’s see: Kazin and Sarah from Shining Force 2 make an appearance in Shining Wisdom (they were given different names in the American translation though).

Some of the story ties are subtle but others are glaringly obvious. All the games are set in the same world for a start where an ancient civilisation that built advanced technology now lies in ashes (you find out why in Shining The Holy Ark), which might seem a little cliche. Yet magic and technology manage to coexist.

The new games will probably begin a new chapter in the story, so you won’t feel like you’re missing out on anything anyway.

I don’t think I’m getting a PS2 just for that tho…

Indeed. Camelot also rewrote a few concepts too. In Shining In The Darkness and Shining Force, Dark Sol and Darksol were originally meant to be the same person, but in the Japanese version of Shining In The Darkness (called Shining And The Darkness) he was called Mephisto. Camelot changed Mephisto into Darksol’s son later and set Shining In The Darkness at a later point in the whole timeline after Shining Wisdom despite the fact both devils are identical and were the same in the original sheme of things.

Of course, that’s only the beginning.

If a new Myst game was a Playstation 2 exclusive, I’m sure you’d buy one without a moment’s hesitation. :wink:

The thing is I don’t know how much I would like the other Shining games.[only played SF2] :slight_smile:

Is there any place I can get information on this sixth parallel? I really liked the game but even after I went through all five parallels it felt rather incomplete to me. Good concept, but I wanted more, and if the sixth parallel is detailed anywhere I’d like to know what I missed. :slight_smile:

Ya Know Geoffrey, with your talk of this game series I actually decided to try it out. I have only played a little bit of SF2 right now, the ancient tower actually. and it kinda reminds me of another stragedy series called Fire Emblem (Only one of the this games series was ever released outside of Japan and on the GBA.) It is quite interesting. =)

What you say?

It’s Strategy. You learned something new! +1 in INT.!

If you want my Advice Dont Go back and play the old SF games
Finding them could be hard and well some are very expencive to Buy.

Instead Shining Force Ressurection of the Dark Dragon will be out
in Europe 3rd of May i think it is.
It is a Remade Version of SF1 and its got ALOT of new things
including Updated Graphics sound ect ect
and new Side Quests, Charecters, wepons ect

Its on the GBA so hopefully you have one ;p
I had to buy one but its worth it.
If Shining Force RDD makes good Sales
Shining Force 2 and 3 will Surely get remakes also!

Then there is the Shining Force and Shining Tears to look Forward to on PS2
If you like Diablo Then i Recomend Shining Soul 1 and 2
SS1 is OK but SS2 is great! they tell the Story of the past of
the Shining World.(also on GBA)

I’m not a big fan of Diablo no…
And I dont’ own a GBA.I must say tho that the GBA has a bunch of game I wanna play…

But getting it now would be like getting a Saturn back in 1997 methinks…

Welll if people here have been forced into getting a PS2 to play Shining Force I have also heard good things about a stratgy RPG called Disgaea which might be worth a look…

I’m glad you like the game. Shining Force 2 offers gamers many hours of fun. Strategy/RPGs are among my favourite games, though I regret not playing more in the last few years.

Dark Savior wasn’t the sequel to Landstalker everyone was expecting, but I still found it enjoyable. Another Parrellel as long as the first two could’ve saved this game from its critics.

I learnt about Parrallel 6 at Shining Force Central from a huge fan of the game. In the Japanese version there’s a way to save Garian by breaking the timeloop (I’d quickly lose any grip I had on my sanity if I was caught in a never ending timeloop). I haven’t confirmed this by playing the Japanese version of Dark Savior myself, but to escape the timeloop Garian must first complete Parrallels 1 through 5 and then start Parralell 2 again. When you reach Deadman’s Castle, you must leave Kay to her fate instead of saving her as you normally would. Later, Kay’s sister will confront you about leaving her sister behind in Deadman’s castle, at which point you can either confess to your crime or fight Tracy in vain.

Here’s the interesting part: if you confess to abandoning Kay, Jack will offer to use his powers to send you back in time. Wow Jack, I didn’t know you could warp time and space as if that wasn’t the biggest clue in the game that you’re the one responsible for trapping me in an endless timeloop!

Completing the game involves killing Jack who was evil all along. If you remember the beginning of Parrallel 5, a voice taunts Garian: “Torment yourself over the life you have wasted and regret it until your soul burns to ashes…”. The voice (of Jack obviously) tells Garian to choose his destiny: salvation or the damnation of an inescapable timeloop.

The Garian you fight in Parrallel 4 was the version of you who was captured by Bilan aboard Seabandits, interestingly enough.

I plan to one day confirm the existence of Parrallel 6 with my own two eyes. Sega of America really butchered the English translation if it does indeed exist (it was removed when certain areas of the game were censored out as far as I can tell).

“Forced” into buying a Playstation 2 is a nice way of putting it. Devil May Cry is also a great game. But then, what do you expect from the creator of the Resident Evil series?

Crap actually.

Well actually I liked what I played from RE1…

Thanks a lot, Geoff. So Jack’s evil? Mangey bird! I remember leaving Kay behind and having to either fight Tracey or being sent back in time to get Kay again and I thought that was a rather annoying sidetrip that went nowhere. (I thought that if the designers were going to do that they should had just made it mandatory to hold on to her.) But if there was actually a sixth parallel associated with triggering that event I could see why they’d let the player go so far after leaving Kay behind.

If a sixth parallel was removed it wouldn’t be the first time a major subplot got yanked from a game (Atlus removed almost half of the first Persona game when it came to the US when it took out the alternate Snow Queen storyline). If you do confirm the existence of the sixth parallel, I’d like to hear about it.

Check out this advertisement.

You and Chris (who’s also a fan of Dark Savior) will be the first to know. None of Dark Savior’s endings gave the player any sense of closure which I still long for even now.

I have confirmed that Shining Tears will be an Action/RPG! The question is: will it resemble old-school Action/RPGs such as Landstalker and Shining Wisdom, or conform to the definition of “Diablo-clone”?

I’m not sure how a new Shining Force game will fare on the Playstation 2 next to certain mainstream Strategy/RPGs. I know Shining Force has always been a more forgiving Fire Emblem (even if it does have plenty of its own unigue gameplay elements to separate the two), but it has a far richer history.

Shining Tears is set for release in Japan this year, and the new Shining Force game will be released in Japan in 2005.

I read that Amusement Vision - the Panzer Dragoon team - is working on the new Shining Force title. I really enjoyed Panzer Dragoon Orta, so hopefully they’ll prove themselves again with this new Shining Force game.

Geoffrey, do you know if Amusement Vision are making Shining Tears as well? I know that they’re developing the SF1 remake.

Hopefully Shining Tears will be more like Landstalker than Diablo.

Details are sketchy at the moment, so I’ll let you know as soon as more details emerge.

I hope so. How can anyone find non-stop button mashing fun? Landstalker had its fair share of combat but it was balanced with puzzles, platform leaping, huge towns and exploration.

Sega has a good chance of turning the Shining series into a profitable series of games if the new games remain true to their roots.