SHADOW! Where the hell are you!?

Has anyone seen him? He’s the only reason why I play Halo 2, damn-it!

Oh well.

His broadband connection sometimes goes down for days at a time. Either that or he’s got a lot of college work.

I feel loved.


i was thinking about where you might have gone a few days ago…

Don’t get your hopes up. :anjou_happy:

Oh, I wasn’t getting my hopes up…

Theres some things we just don’t need to know :anjou_wow:

How does it feel, Shadow, after Gamespot only gave you 4.8 out of 10?!


Liberating. Confirmation that I can trust their reviews.

Says you, buttsecks-boy.

[quote=“U K Narayan”]Has anyone seen him? He’s the only reason why I play Halo 2, damn-it!

Oh well.[/quote]

Really now? If he’s the only reason you play Halo 2, why do I see you online every waking minute :anjou_love:


[quote=“U K Narayan”]Has anyone seen him? He’s the only reason why I play Halo 2, damn-it!

Oh well.[/quote]

Really now? If he’s the only reason you play Halo 2, why do I see you online every waking minute :anjou_love:[/quote]