Sega's profits are up

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Good to see SEGA making money agaoin.
Hopefully this helps the chances of a new PD.

[quote=“5150”]Check out this story

Good to see SEGA making money agaoin.
Hopefully this helps the chances of a new PD.[/quote]

You slipped the panzer link in there just in time :slight_smile:

rubs eyes


Damn, I why can’t Sega port Virtua Fighter 4 to the X-Box?

I’m afraid that if this continues (and PS2 keeps getting all the games) Nintendo and Microsoft are gonna take their consoles off the market…

I mean, the situation is critic!

Microsoft will never surrender the profitable foothold it has gained in the gaming market. Microsoft, unlike Sega, is rich and powerful enough to compete with Sony, which is something the industry needed. Nintendo is also too rich and well known to give up now.

Damn, I want VF4 without having to buy a PS2.

Don’t you fall to the dark side…


/me goes and picks up a copy of VF4: EVO for $19.99

I love you Sega.

Owning a PS2 isnt falling to the darkside totally. Afterall there is ICO (best game ever made ever) and REZ (yeah i know rez wa released on the DC). Plus Metal Gear Solid 3 is looking to be a killer title…

I don’t see how buying a PS2 is “falling to the darkside.”

People owned NES’s and SNES’s, right? Nintendo was exactly the same back then as Sony is now.

Look at the PS2 lineup: Gitaroo Man, Ico, Silent Hill, Sly Cooper, Rez, VF4, etc. are all fantastic games. Why does it matter what company makes the hardware? If you are a true gamer, then why don’t you just play the games that you want to play without having this misplaced sense of loyalty/disloyalty to the console manufacturers? Do you think Microsoft will not become as big-headed as Sony if/when they become just as successful?

I can’t afford another console anyway which takes any choice I might have in the matter out of the equation.

Shenmue 2 and Virtua Fighter 4 belong on the same console.

I was joking o.O

runs away in tears

What irritates me in this industry is that titles are always moving form console to console which is not good.

A console is judged by it’s games and excuse me but I don’t think PS" has the best line-up like everybody else.

Too many commercial games.Oh and then there is the hardware thingy.

Excuse me for liking my games AWWY.

Oh and Abadd about that loyalty : I’m not loyal to any side but I think it’s a crime for a game to swicth consoles.I’m not rich god damn it!!!

You’re right Gehn. It is a crime for any game to switch consoles, and I know I sure as hell would never buy a game from a company that ever uses such a tactic.

I also judge each console mainly on what games are available for it. I would like to say that I’m not biased but because I own an Xbox and the only games I’m interested in are for that system I feel that I’m inclined to give preference to it.

What series is switching consoles? Series are usually kept to one console, or released on all three. I can’t think of any examples off the top of my head, aside from Resident Evil… but that series has switched from PSX to DC to PS2 to GC…

afaik we’re just talking theoretically. It is my worst nightmare though.

Tomb Raider originally came out on the Saturn (I think), but the sequel didn’t.
Final Fantasy 7+ were no longer on Nintendo systems.
Resident Evil has switched around a lot (Code Veronica was ‘exclusive’ to DC at one point).
Dino Crisis 3 (exclusive to Xbox I believe, yet it started as a PSX game).
Halo (the sequel hasn’t been confirmed for PC (yet at any rate))
Soul Blade, Soul Calibur, and now Soul Calibur 2 (owners of Sony systems only must have been annoyed that they missed out on the middle game in the series).
Half-Life (has a PS2 version of HL2 been confirmed???)

Whilst I can see why these companies would have made some of these changes, I can see why people here would be upset about them doing so.

Tomb Raider was released on the psx at the same time as the saturn i believe (Saturn version was better though :slight_smile: )

  • “Tomb Raider originally came out on the Saturn (I think), but the sequel didn’t.”

Tomb Raider was released on Saturn, PSX, and PC. Saturn was the only one that didn’t get a sequel because, well, sales weren’t so hot (from what I hear… don’t know 100% for sure).

  • “Final Fantasy 7+ were no longer on Nintendo systems.”

I don’t really consider it a “console shift” if it does it in between generations. PSX had been out considerably longer than N64 (1.5 years, I think?). And, it gave them more freedom to do what they wanted to do. Not that those reasons should matter to a consumer, and though I strayed from my point, my main point was that a user was just as able to pick up a PSX or an N64, since there was a generation shift.

  • “Resident Evil has switched around a lot (Code Veronica was ‘exclusive’ to DC at one point).”

I already mentioned this one. Didn’t consider the shift from PSX to DC significant, nor the later port to PS2. But, the shift from PS2 to GC exclusivity was a very valid example.

  • “Dino Crisis 3 (exclusive to Xbox I believe, yet it started as a PSX game).”

See my post on FF.

  • “Halo (the sequel hasn’t been confirmed for PC (yet at any rate)).”

Halo was originally released on Xbox. PC only got a port (that’s sorta weird, considering that Halo started as a Mac game, then PC… but that’s beside the point). Xbox is still getting Halo 2, so it’s staying on the same console.

  • “Soul Blade, Soul Calibur, and now Soul Calibur 2 (owners of Sony systems only must have been annoyed that they missed out on the middle game in the series).”

Again, this was between generations (if you consider DC part of the next generation, rather than the PSX generation).

  • “Half-Life (has a PS2 version of HL2 been confirmed???)”

This one’s just silly. Half-Life was always primarily a PC game. The main game was simply ported to PS2 (granted, it was upgraded), and Xbox is getting Counterstrike… which is basically a completely different game. PC is still getting the sequel, which still follows the “same console” bit.