Sega's profits are up

I think it’s a valid point that games which have been ported to other consoles should get sequels on those consoles. I can understand why someone would be upset if someone bought a new PC for Halo, only to find out that Halo 2 was never going to come to PC (the option is much more attractive at the moment since the PC version offers improvements over it’s Xbox counterpart). Whilst it might happen, it probably won’t be for a good while knowing Microsoft’s marketing strategy. With Half-Life on PS2, why should PS2 owners miss out on the second part in the story just because the game was originally on PC? It is a PS2 game, and there are people who bought it on the PS2 and expect the sequel for that system. While developers obviously have their reasons for not continuing the game on that platform (the system dying as with Tomb Raider), who can blame fans for being angry at the developers for making them miss out because that developer has decided to no longer support their platform.

[quote=“Abadd”]- “Tomb Raider originally came out on the Saturn (I think), but the sequel didn’t.”

Tomb Raider was released on Saturn, PSX, and PC. Saturn was the only one that didn’t get a sequel because, well, sales weren’t so hot (from what I hear… don’t know 100% for sure).[/quote]

Actually I remember the Tomb Raider politics quite vividly. Tomb Raider came out a few months on saturn before it did on PS. The reason that Saturn didn’t get the sequel was because Sony bought the rights to making the next few (until a certain year) exclusively on their system.

Actually Tomb Raider came out first on PC, then on Saturn, then on PS1. According to the PC issue of Equip that is.