Sega snubs Xbox?

I’m not missing out on anything, because all the games I want are on Xbox ^^

Heh sure just keep telling that to yourself.

I don’t know about Skiad but in my case it’s true.

Except for Virtua Fighter 4.

I bought the Box cause of Orta and the promise of LoK:Defiance.In a month or so Ill have them both in my collection and I can die happy!

Aside from those the only games I really wanted were/are :

-A bioware RPG with a LINEAR storyline (it ha to be made)
-Splinter Cell

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]I don’t know about Skiad but in my case it’s true.

Except for Virtua Fighter 4.

I bought the Box cause of Orta and the promise of LoK:Defiance.In a month or so Ill have them both in my collection and I can die happy!

Aside from those the only games I really wanted were/are :

-A bioware RPG with a LINEAR storyline (it ha to be made)
-Splinter Cell[/quote]

Those are some definite reasons to own the Xbox over other consoles. I really hope Fable lives up to the hype, because its looks like an awesome game.

Its actually true.

And Gehn KOTOR is more linear than you would think.

Another reason to own an X-box, come Xmas is this little title :slight_smile:
Search to find the raving previews around the net to see more of it :slight_smile: I only pasted the company’s description cos I didn’t need any of that “I don’t like this site’s reviews, I dont think their scores/opinions are right” etc, so yeah go to your fave sites and they are bound to have done a preview of it at some point…
Here’s some more screenies: … l?q=sudeki

This game seems great too. The original PC game went by unnoticed but it was great fun. This looks to have been upgraded in every aspect, especially the visuals as it’s looking sweeeeet.
It has just been released as well :slight_smile:

Actually i wanted to mention KOTOR JSRF and Sudeki too.And maybe Shenmue 3 =)

Meh i was a bit let down by JSRF. While it improved on the original a lot there was just something about it that make me like the original JSR better then JSRF.

…“the first one is always better” :wink:

Now this can have a million of interpretations … :wink:

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]…“the first one is always better” :wink:

Now this can have a million of interpretations … ;)[/quote]

Now now, thats not necassarily what i said :wink: I just think JSR is better then JSRF. Now take a sequel to a game like Super Mario World, that is most definitely superior to Super Mario Brothers 3 and the previous Mario titles.

It’s obvious that Sega is trying to recreate its image for each sphere of gamer through different consoles. Otherwise we’d see all of Sega’s current games available for every single console currently available. Virtua Fighter 4 was developed for the PS2 because it is a popular series of games in Japan where that happens to be the most popular console (and therefore the logical choice). The Sonic Adventure titles which were once exclusive to the Dreamcast (I bet that hurt a few fans) have been revamped for the Game Cube because… it has a notorious reputation for being a console for younger gamers (I hope that didn’t offend anyone, as it wasn’t meant to be offensive).

Is it safe to say that most X-Box fans are fully grown?

Sega has morphed into a new company and the fact that I have to buy three separate consoles to play the best that Sega has to offer is frustrating in the extreme. I remember why I gave up on the console industry now. Mainstream gaming is a fickle pop culture that Sega has no choice but to gratify if it is to survive.

Sega needs company stability at the moment and I can respect that to get financial stability they need to cater to the mainstream. I just hope that once they get enough money they will start producing games that arent just for the mainstream(e.g. shenmue 3, PDS 2), afterall they are the games I enjoy the most.

I think you have been purposefully ignoring the fact me and Abadd stated.
PS2 is the most popular console in the world. Meaning total worldwide sales, Its only natural it will get the most games. It has nothin to do with Japan as far as I’m concerned, it’s a worldwide market and it’s (sadly) dominated by Sony.
That’s all there is to it. Sony reigns, ps2 gets the most games. I know you didnt say much about that in your last post but you still made the separation of Japan like you have been doing way too much lately.
If it was just Japan that mattered they would as well only release the games there and not bother with the US or Europe like it’s being done with certain games that dont have a big fanbase to these places.
Sega is a software developer (for) now and it’s natural games end up in different consoles. All software developers do that. Certain titles get ports for all consoles, and others only are on certain consoles, it’s just how things have always been, nothin new that the big mean Sega does because they only favor Japan or whatever…
