Sega snubs Xbox?

I dunno… I thought the real low point was Sega CD -> 32X -> Saturn.

I thought Sega handled the DC pretty well up until it got scrapped…

I thought Sega handled the DC pretty well up until it got scrapped…[/quote]

I agree with that. More of my friends know what a Dreamcast is but are clueless about the saturn. Sega did a great job of pushing the Dreamcast. Lots of commercials on tv, and good ones at that. Its just to bad it met a premature demise.

Actually I didn’t like a zillion things about the Dreamcast but I always loved the Saturn…

What didn’t you like about the DC?

And what did you like about the Saturn?

The Dreamcast line-up was kindda “kinky” IMO altho some games were great.

The Saturn was my first console, the console who introduced me to Riven,the Panzer Dragoon series, Virtua Fighter and well…

…I dunno maybe that’s why I prefer it…

kinky…? Explain yourself?


I thought Sega handled the DC pretty well up until it got scrapped…[/quote]

I agree with that. More of my friends know what a Dreamcast is but are clueless about the saturn. Sega did a great job of pushing the Dreamcast. Lots of commercials on tv, and good ones at that. Its just to bad it met a premature demise.[/quote]

By all rights the DC should still be alive today.

Sega learnt from its past mistakes (namely the Saturn) and played Sony at its own game. The DC was marketed in a way that made it trendy with advertisements incapable of failing to grab the public’s attention. Hell, Sega even sponsored Arsenal for awhile (a well known London football/soccer club). Backed up by a solid catelogue of games what could possibly go wrong?

After Sega pulled the plug on the DC, coupled with its past failures (the Saturn, it’s refusal to translate some fine RPGs, etc) trusting Sega has become a challenge.

Still, I’ve always been a fan of Sega, as a games developer. Sega has a deep pool of talent it can tap for future projects, only Sega is unwilling to commit to anything requiring a long term investment unless the result is guarantied to sell, or unless Sega can afford to take another risk. This is why we are unlikely to see Shenmue 3.

Just an example : listen to Sonic Adventure’s music…

Geoffrey you make it sound like Sega had a choice with the DC and they killed for no reason…
Well they didn’t, the DC was on life support long before they said officially that they stop production. There was nothin more they could do with it.
And the advertising was actually crap. They didn’t do much besides the Arsenal deal at all. They basically wasted money on that, the DC died and the deal was still on for sometime so you still saw Arsenal with it on their shirts lol…
However the DC didn’t die because of that.
It died because it was out sooner than the PS2. It died because it was opposing the PS2 hype machine Sony was putting out at the time. With all the things told about how amazing PS2 was going to be, and the next generation of gaming and all that crap people failed to see the next generation was already there in the form of the Dreamcast. If the Dreamcast was out at the same time as the PS2 it would have done a LOT better as people would judge from the quality of the games out for it and then the games for PS2 rather than chose to wait and not buy a DC in order to get the PS2 when it’s out based solely on all the exagerated hype over it.
They would actually SEE PS2 isn’t all it claims to be so DC would stand a much better chance. Was that a mistake of Sega? No it wasn’t, it’s just that Sony had the moneypower to make a huge campaign and counter ANYTHING thrown at them including the early release of a console as sweet as the DC…I’m dissappointed but I don’t consider it a mistake on Sega’s part, I don’t think anything else could be done. They aren’t like Microsoft able to support a console that is nearly dead and keep trying to promote it all the time, they had to end it in order to survive and I don’t blame them for that at all, in fact I’m glad they didn’t try to fight it or maybe those sold out things we had read about sometime ago would have come true after all.

Ah, I see what you mean.

The Saturn was a commercial failure, but certainly the software wasn’t.

I won’t feel any less annoyed with Sega just because the company had no choice but to stop supporting the Dreamcast. Sega should’ve been prepared to support the console for a reasonable length of time, or never bothered at all.

I’m actually more annoyed at Sega over the whole SF3 disaster: turning your back on your fans isn’t the best way carry your reputation from one place to the next intact, no matter the excuses. If a company can’t afford to do something, then people turn to one that can.

I’m still a Sega fan despite all this but can you really wonder why some people might resent Sega?

Let’s see what Sega has planned for the X-Box - let’s see its dwindling support for a popular console in motion if that is indeed the case. I could be wrong.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

The Saturn was a commercial failure, but certainly the software wasn’t.[/quote]

Shame we never got the complete Dark Savior, eh? Parrallel 6 sounds intriguing. Western Saturn fans got Riglord Saga 1 but never received the sequel that was released in Japan because “RPGs don’t sell”. Way to go Sega.

Indeed, if Parallel 6 exists, I wish we were given the chance to play it.

The game was incomplete without a way to save Garian from his repeating nightmares. I can’t believe - no I can believe that the way to do so was cut from the American/PAL versions of the game, in addition to all the other changes the game underwent. We were on the receiving end of many badly translated/incomplete Japanese RPGS weren’t we?

However, what’s done is done and I have a sudden urge to play through Planescape: Torment again.

Although can you honestly blame Sega for slowing the amount of titles they release on the X-box? If Sega isn’t selling games then they aren’t making money. And if Sega doesnt make money well then bye bye goes one of our most beloved developers.

Sure it was a crush to game fans everywhere when Sega announced they would stop producing home consoles but it could be worse - Sega could have went under and stopped developing all together.

So yeah i’ll take what i can get from Sega these days. Its just a shame Sega last two consoles didn’t fare so well in the minds of the general public.

Not only did I buy an X-Box for Panzer Dragoon Orta but because Sega was seemingly one of its strongest supporters. Now things have changed and I’m disappointed.

No, I don’t blame Sega for surviving. Not at all. I just wish things were different.





I bought an Xbox for Panzer Dragoon Orta as well :slight_smile:

I feel for you though if you only own an Xbox - you’re missing out on a lot of great sega games (and a host of other great games too!). I wish things were different too. I hope we see a new Sega home console sometime down the road…