Sega announces E3 2005 line-up

No I just read what it was all about on various websites… If anyone has a download location I’d like to see it too (if my dial up can handle it)…


Where’s my damn Panzer Dragoon sequel?[/quote]

If the company falls through you won’t get “your” Panzer Dragoon sequel.[/quote]

They’ll fall though because I’m not receiving ‘MY’ Panzer Dragoon sequel.

Human stupidity is definitely infinite.

As you yourself have proved, Kadamose. Sega doesn’t exist to churn out Panzer Dragoon games alone, they have many different franchises and many different audiences to cater to, and by Gunstar Superheroes and Phantasy Star Universe they are still honouring the ‘old-school’ fans. To think that Panzer Dragoon should be superimposed over all of them at the expense of everything else takes arrogance and insularity to a whole new level of meaning. Grow up.

The PROBLEM, Robert, is that these games have already recently had sequels…before PSU, there was the shitty PSO with several episodes - before the new Sonic, there was Sonic Heroes/Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 etc. Games like Panzer Dragoon have not seen an update in a LONG time…and I just feel that if Sega were truly interested in listening to the fans, as well as becoming a successful business, they would ‘take turns’ on churning out sequels and spinoffs, and not going to the Nintendo route and churning the same old rubbish out every year. Panzer Dragoon’s turn for a sequel has LONG since passed, and that is an insult to injury.

I guarantee that if there was a new Panzer Dragoon or a new Nights, it would be the ONLY thing being raved about at E3 or TGS. I’m continually amazed at how many people have ACTUALLY played these games from word of mouth, alone, and have become instant fans. It’s a shame that Sega doesn’t see this - they could be at the top again EASY…it’s just I don’t feel that they want the spotlight anymore, and their recent offerings show that loud and clear.

Hello? PDOrta. How is that a long time? Technically PD has a newer sequel than most of the games you mentioned since the likes of PSO existed since the DC and the subsequent versions were simply upgrades of the original Dreamcast game and not real sequels. Where would you ‘upgrade’ PDO though since it’s on the most powerful console (until next gen arrives).

Also, “shitty PSO” propably did more for Sega in a couple years then the PD Franschise has done in a decade since it sold well and was (and in many cases still is) quite popular as far as I know.

Also, no, they wouldn’t be the ONLY thing raved at E3 since those games happened before, went to game shows, and did little to help Sega’s position in the end (possibly due to lack of a decent marketing but either way it happened).

Chromehounds was in-game footage. It was NOT pre-rendered… dammit :smiley:

But, what I meant by “disappointed” was that the titles you mentioned aren’t at the show. I was coily referring to the titles mentioned above :slight_smile:

And I hate to say it, Kadamose, but Sega is trying to appeal to its fanbase. I mean, come on… Afterburner??? How much more Sega-fan-ish can you get than that? The world doesn’t revolve you, Kadamose. Sega has a bunch of fans who like a lot of different games. One step at a time. Sega has to appeal to its hardcore fanbase with games like Afterburner, while trying to appeal to new gamers with games like Full Auto or Chromehounds.

If you are disappointed with these, then you aren’t a Sega fan. Period.

Does this mean after burner (or any of the ‘games’ shown in that video) is indeed in development for a next gen platform?

I hope it ends up being something like N64’s Lylatwars (ie, a rail shooter, not a flight ‘sim’ or similar) and not an Ace Combat clone. Though I guess something like Crimson Skies (with even less realism and more crazyness in the stunts) could also be fun even if not very after burner-ish in spirit. Looking forward to seeing how it shapes up (if it really is coming).

By the way, it just hit me… How come Sonic hasn’t been cell shaded yet… You’d think it would be the most obvious thing to do with him… I think it would give the design much more character and personality, something that has IMO been missing from the last few 3D Sonic games (and especially in the upcoming Shadow game).

PS: Sonic Rush is looking good! Creative use of the two screens too, even tho it’s actually a step back kind of. Use two screens as one! So simple, but cool since no one’s done it before (as far as I know). Hopefully all the levels have a lot of vertical action going on to make it feel as a little more than gimmick.

I thik it’s a safe bet.I don’t see a reason why they shouldn’t.

[quote=“Abadd”]Chromehounds was in-game footage. It was NOT pre-rendered… dammit :smiley:

But, what I meant by “disappointed” was that the titles you mentioned aren’t at the show. I was coily referring to the titles mentioned above :slight_smile:

And I hate to say it, Kadamose, but Sega is trying to appeal to its fanbase. I mean, come on… Afterburner??? How much more Sega-fan-ish can you get than that? The world doesn’t revolve you, Kadamose. Sega has a bunch of fans who like a lot of different games. One step at a time. Sega has to appeal to its hardcore fanbase with games like Afterburner, while trying to appeal to new gamers with games like Full Auto or Chromehounds.

If you are disappointed with these, then you aren’t a Sega fan. Period.[/quote]

I have to agree with kadamose on this one but not in the way he put about it. So what if HOTD VF and SONIC returns in real Time graphix? These are not game system graphix but obviously arcade rendered ones. The problem with Sega is it’s lack to communicate with it’s fanbase who start thinking that because nothing seems to be happening they’re going on a slippery slide.

HOTD,SONIC and VF have had dozens of sequels compared to ORTA. If Sega showed NIGHTS 2,ETERNAL ARCADIA 2,a new SHINOBI and another PD it will get most of the attention more than games that get sequels nearly every two years.
The only game to get excited about was AFTERBURNER but just say they put OUTRUN 2 in place of AFTERBURNER and AF was the game released first it doesn’t change Sega’s current situation. One update to pacify the fans is not enough.Sega needs to release triple A content again and i haven’t seen any yet. There is NO game in that current lineup that screams Sega is back at all. I’m sorry but that is the truth and you guys know it.

What happened to any of the VF4’s for Xbox? Where is VIRTUA COP 3? Where are the AAA Sega games of today? That’s what i’m intrested in not a vague promise of Sega games that are obviously headed to arcade within two years time.


games alone, they have many different franchises and many different audiences to cater to, and by Gunstar Superheroes and Phantasy Star Universe they are still honouring the ‘old-school’ fans. To think that Panzer Dragoon should be superimposed over all of them at the expense of everything else takes arrogance and insularity to a whole new level of meaning. Grow up.

The PROBLEM, Robert, is that these games have already recently had sequels…before PSU, there was the shitty PSO with several episodes - before the new Sonic, there was Sonic Heroes/Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 etc. Games like Panzer Dragoon have not seen an update in a LONG time…and I just feel that if Sega were truly interested in listening to the fans, as well as becoming a successful business, they would ‘take turns’ on churning out sequels and spinoffs, and not going to the Nintendo route and churning the same old rubbish out every year. Panzer Dragoon’s turn for a sequel has LONG since passed, and that is an insult to injury.

I guarantee that if there was a new Panzer Dragoon or a new Nights, it would be the ONLY thing being raved about at E3 or TGS. I’m continually amazed at how many people have ACTUALLY played these games from word of mouth, alone, and have become instant fans. It’s a shame that Sega doesn’t see this - they could be at the top again EASY…it’s just I don’t feel that they want the spotlight anymore, and their recent offerings show that loud and clear.[/quote]

You say that as if you seen those demo?s.
For what I?ve read VF knocks people socks off (kicks DOA4 in to touch), with almost humans like characters, and some people say AB is the most graphically impressive game of the show, with gut wrenching graphics at super speeds.

SEGA doesn?t revolve around Panzer Dragoon or NiGHTS you know.
AB was impressive people and getting then into SEGA bloody years ago (Panzer was a pipe dream then).
That game hasn?t had an update in 17 odd years. Along with the likes of Power Drift it was screaming for a update.
It doesn?t get much more SEGA than AfterBurner II for crying out loud

We?ve had 3 Panzer Sequels in that time, and you can forget about a NiGHTS sequel imo . Not that we even need one as the 1st game was so perfect. Apart form graphics I can’t think of anyway it could be made better

Games like HOTD ect will make SEGA a mint in the Arcades ,if nothing else, You expect SEGA to pour millions into a massive SAGA II development, with no guarantee for sales ???.

If games like these take off and gets SEGA good name back and some good sales. Then SEGA might take the odd risk with a new Saga or ORTA game. Though I fear if SEGA make a Saga II it will mark the end of the series.

You need to get real, after years of nothing.
SEGA is back and hitting the news headline for all the right reasons, with people saying their next gen stuff looks awesome.

And unlike SONY TruVideo Production of Killzone II (the future of FMV games) SEGA stuff was in real time.

At last they can get the graphics part right (of late they weren?t even able to do that).
SEGA demo?s served their purpose to show SEGA Japan is more than ready for the Next gen. And brought the confidence back to the fans and the press that the magic that is SEGA is still alive and well.

This has been the best E3 for years for me. I at last having something to look forward too, and shout about.

Be Happy that SEGA are back

Wait… the Killzone II demo was all FMV? I watched the video and it looked like in game footage to me. The last I heard, Gamespot wasn’t sure if it was real time or not, but they believed it was most likely in realtime, which I’d have to agree with.

[quote=“Abadd”]Chromehounds was in-game footage. It was NOT pre-rendered… dammit :smiley:

But, what I meant by “disappointed” was that the titles you mentioned aren’t at the show. I was coily referring to the titles mentioned above :slight_smile:

And I hate to say it, Kadamose, but Sega is trying to appeal to its fanbase. I mean, come on… Afterburner??? How much more Sega-fan-ish can you get than that? The world doesn’t revolve you, Kadamose. Sega has a bunch of fans who like a lot of different games. One step at a time. Sega has to appeal to its hardcore fanbase with games like Afterburner, while trying to appeal to new gamers with games like Full Auto or Chromehounds.

If you are disappointed with these, then you aren’t a Sega fan. Period.[/quote]

Well, I have no doubt they’ll be fun games…but I want a game that shows off the true creative talent of Sega…these won’t.

That was all pre-rendered footage. Do not be deceived.

Read the full story here.

There’s no low to which Sony will sink. I hate the way Sony likes to confuse people with CGI mock-ups and theoretical performance figures (like those 2 teraflops of speed the Cell processcor is supposedly capable of churning out).

Just bear in mind that no one, least of all Sony, has confirmed that the Killzone footage was running in real-time (Sony won’t confirm it, but they certainly won’t deny anything if it works in their favour). It was pre-rendered footage pretending to run in real-time. I swear, it’s the PS2 launch all over again.

Which is why they won’t win the next gen war. You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. The moment when PS3 flops like a pancake I will be dancing on the streets in a bunny suit.

Holy Speculation

A lot of websites from japanese and Western ones are saying unofficially that the titles Sega showed at the movie are intended for 360. here’s a few tidbits from western sites.

It seems Sega is concentrating on Microsoft again. Which makes sense as they will release the machine at the end of the year.

You see this is just my point. People are talking and caring about SEGA again.
The Internet is rife with rumour and speculation as to what Hardware these games are running on (Sonic must be running on Home Hardware, while I bet the others on are SEGA?s new board) .

This is just what SEGA needs, after a couple of E3 with people no caring one bit what SEGA are up too, that’s all changed.
The Demo’s did just what they set out to do. And that is show SEGA is ready for the next gen.

This time they won?t be playing catch up.

BTW I read that the Sonic demo was being controlled by a Saturn Grey Pad

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

That was all pre-rendered footage. Do not be deceived.

Read the full story here.

There’s no low to which Sony will sink. I hate the way Sony likes to confuse people with CGI mock-ups and theoretical performance figures (like those 2 teraflops of speed the Cell processcor is supposedly capable of churning out).

Just bear in mind that no one, least of all Sony, has confirmed that the Killzone footage was running in real-time (Sony won’t confirm it, but they certainly won’t deny anything if it works in their favour). It was pre-rendered footage pretending to run in real-time. I swear, it’s the PS2 launch all over again.[/quote]

Join the Club and the worst part is Sony will always get away with it.
God I hope M$ will crush them

‘Do not under estimate the power of Sony?s FMV’. It is the PS2 all over again, even down to a new MGS being shown off.

Get ready for the system being banned in Russia, China (because it can launch missiles) and good old George Lucas spilling his Tea at the spec’s.
I?m still shocked SONY haven?t dubbed the PS3 Cell chip. The GOD chip.

So powerful is can create real worlds

Well it was more likely the 360 pad than a saturn one.
And your wrong TA about Sony’s god chip. They’re saving that until PlayStation 5…

If someone told me that the cell processor could do 2 teraflops, I’d actually laugh in their faces, as it sounds utterly ridiculous. How many people know wtf a teraflop is anyway? (flop = floating point calculation in case you don’t know, tera meaning 1,000,000,000,000 in this case) People are more concerned about stuff they hear that sounds like Intel published it (i.e. clock speed).

  1. It was a Saturn pad used to control the demo.

  2. That person was probably confused. The first three demos shown were Xbox 360 games. The remaining “Sega Next Level” videos were “unspecified next gen demos.”