Sega announces E3 2005 line-up

[quote] And TA, as for games like GV, JSRF, etc… how far did that get Sega? Nobody cared. All those games mentioned sold poorly. How do you justify that sort of business plan? How do you keep your employees employed if you’re doing nothing but losing money? At that point, it’s not about “making money,” as people like to say. It’s about keeping the company alive and keeping your employees fed.

But you know full well SEGA money worries are far behind it and they have been making profits for the past 4 years.
I?m not saying SEGA shouldn?t make sure money winners like milking the Sonic, Virtual Fighter Sukura Wars, Let?s Make a Baseball/Football series of games for all they?re worth.
Fine I know SEGA has to pay the bills, but I would like also seeing some of the old SEGA magic as well and taking the odd risk now and again (SEGA always been a cult company).

But I?ve seen nothing of that from SEGA these past few years. I could understand what with all the money problems, merger and takeover talks with Sammy ect a few years back SEGA Shareholders not wanting to take any risks or spend loads on massive projects .
But that?s all in the past now.
What the hell are the likes of Nagoshi, Suzuki up too ? Having a nice few drinks of Yu?s favroite wine by the looks of things.

You might not be able to see it but SEGA means nothing to anybody any more (even for the fans) everybody else is having a bloody good laugh at SEGA expense. And SEGA so far is not giving it?s fans nothing to cheer back with at all.

And how can you say that Sega’s lineup is “dull” when you haven’t even seen/played the games? Full Auto is one of the best action/racing games I’ve ever seen. Condemned looks to bring all new elements to the horror genre in ways never done before. People here praise Silent Hill… so why is Condemned not worthy of at least consideration before being relegated to second rate status? [/quote]

Full Auto looks great and should help SOA get some market share back, but in the In-House SEGA Japan stuff I really care about, not games published by SEGA.
Now if SEGA Japan were making a Deep Fear II too I’ll be more than happy

Cel shading? Other than Zelda and VJ, no cel shaded game has sold well. Other than the super hardcore, nobody cares about cel shaded games. What use is it to pursue that avenue when Sega innovated it, put out quality games, and nobody bought them?

Shadow is what a huge portion of Sonic fans wanted. They wanted guns and to blow stuff up. Sonic Team USA is giving them what they want. That is exactly in line with what you’re asking for, in principle. It just so happens that those features aren’t in line with your specific tastes.[/quote]

Cel Shading gave the likes of me somthing to shout and be proud of SEGA for.
For at least having the balls to try something diff, and letting the likes of the talented Ryu Ueda go mad with his vision.
It?s sad and childish to say, But the 1st time I played JSR on import, I called all my mates round to show it off, and it was ace to say only SEGA could ever make this sort of game. As soon as you saw and played the game it felt so SEGA (hard to explain).
Ok it sold like nothing, but it got more praise, coverage and admirers (from even none SEGA fans) than any of the SEGA games (combined) this past 2 years) .

Please don?t even make me laugh about the Shadow load of Rubbish. Becaue if Naka was really listing to his ?real? Sonic fans.
He’ll soon knows what those people want is a Sonic 2D game (for a home console), or a 3D Sonic game with just Sonic and the levels built around him. None of the multi player tag bullcr8p
This isn?t true to the SONIC series. A game that was totally non violent (you only freed the enemies from their Robot shell, when you jumped on then ).

But you’re right the casuals will no doubt love it .

As for Mizuguchi-san, I’ve stated my piece on him before.[/quote]

Fair enough but that man gave us the likes of Rally, SC 5 Part 1 and II, and the awesome REZ. Reasons for the faithfull to be cheerful, and his new stuff like Lumines is getting far more prasie than any of the SEGA stuff of late.

Can you elaborate a bit more ?, because up until 3 years ago nobody could touch SEGA output, and to a certain degree that?s still true in the Arcades. What happed to SEGA of late?

To most people SEGA are Dead. Nobody is praisng SEGA on the boards or in the Press, most people just couldn’t care less about SEGA (That’s the reality)
Fair enough getting the likes of Full Auto (perfect for the West) and even that new Shadow game.

But what the few real SEGA fans left want to know is just what the hell is SEGA Japan upto ?.
That what most SEGA fans care about, as they’ve always made the better SEGA games. But of late they’ve done nothing.

Any 3rd party can sign the likes of Full Auto, but they was only SEGA Japan that could make gems like Out RUN II, ORTA, Monkyball, JSRF, REZ.

Those day’s seem like a distant dream these days :frowning:

That’s just it…AAA content is NOT good enough anymore. We want S-Rank content…and we want games that have the same artistic style and creativity as Panzer Dragoon Saga. Sure, it may be true that PDS was a massive failure in marketing/money making terms…but it wasn’t because the game had flaws and nobody wanted to buy it/play it; on the contrary, the reason why it failed is because nobody even knew that the game existed in the first place. This is what, ultimately, killed Sega; unfortunately, Sega didn’t find out the reason why it was unsuccessful on all fronts, and it still has this problem to this very day. It continues to shift and merge it’s internal and external developing teams, thinking that the content is the reason why they have failed in the past. But the simple truth is, the ONLY reason Sega failed is because of their lousy marketing department; there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with their games, as their previous works (Shining Force, Phantasy Star, PDS) were WAY ahead of their time and light years of the competition)…and it saddens me that Sega desires to no longer be the black sheep of the family andwishes to become as dull/boring/stupid as everyone else. Sure, they may become successful and make lots of money…but at the sacrifice of what made Sega special in the first place…the artisitic creativity/content.

Probably the saddest thing about all of this, is that there is no videogame company, other than Sega, out there who can create a game of the same (or greater) caliber of Panzer Dragoon Saga…and this proves just how special and great Sega USED TO BE.[/quote]

Spot on.
Even Sony is making the sort of games one would expect from SEGA. What with the stunning ICO, and it’s awesome sequel Wanda and the Colossus. A game with the vision and artist values that the Panzer Team were once able to show in the SEGA Group.

Long gone now


I’ve got news for ya. Sega USA is basically transplanted Sonic Team Japan people. What difference does it make where they are physically?


Read the paper thrown it in the bin. It Matters to me as it’s not really sonic Team it was Sonic Team USA and they don’t cut it as part of the internal sega division. SONIC HEROES is a prime example of that. If the game was made in the west regardlesss if the staff are japanese it’s a western made game.

But while we disagree on this i do agree with what your saying in general.

But i want to ask you something. earlier you said i would be dissapointed by sega’s general E3 showcase. Will I be dissapointed by the content they will reveal in general or as a Sega fan be suprised or even shocked and excited?
Ignoring the games i mentioned before will Sega, from the line up you seem to know that they’re showing, will they regain the faith from some of their fanbase? Inquissitive minds wanna know ie name names as they gonna name 'em soon anyway and you won’t have anything to lose.

Or are ya gonna play OBI WAN KENOBI talk on us, giving us a lot of info but not giving anything away?

From Software and Sega are teaming up to make a game called CHROME HOUNDS for the Xbox 360, according to Famitsu.

Also SONIC GEMS COLLECTION has been revealed.

this is the list.

Arcie is going to blow a gasket with joy.

I wonder if the bulk of Sega’s early next generation games will end up solely on the Xbox 360 in order to help it gain some momentum?


The only problem is…I planned to buy SA:DX, which had the Gamegear games on it. Oh darn it, I’ll probably buy both of them.

Check out the games here at Sega’s official E3 site

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Arcie is going to blow a gasket with joy.

I wonder if the bulk of Sega’s early next generation games will end up solely on the Xbox 360 in order to help it gain some momentum?[/quote]

Hmmmm…I don’t know.Maybe a bit more than with XBox.Japanese companies in general seem to be giving more credit to the X360 then they did for the XBox.Understandable, but still I think each of them does it for a different reason.


This collection is still missing Knuckles Chaotix, which is a shame. Still, including Sonic the Fighters was a good move as not many Sonic fans would have played it.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]
Check out the games here at Sega’s official E3 site[/quote]

So were you disappointed?

For what it’s worth, I was surprised by the amount of western content, but I don’t think a general Sega fan will be disappointed. PSU looks great on the big screen.

AT Last !. SEGA starts to show it’s In-House next gen stuff. Here what IGN said…

" From IGN:

E3 2005: SEGA Hits the Next Level
Afterburner, Virtua Fighter, Chrome Hounds, House of the Dead, and Sonic.
by David Clayman

May 18, 2005 - For an old-school SEGA fan, E3 can be a bit depressing. Although it’s a complete impossibility, deep down I couldn’t help but hope for a Dreamcast 2 announcement. While the days of SEGA hardware are in the past, fans of the company can still look forward to their software. This year was especially exciting in that department with titles like Spartan: Total Warrior, Full Auto and Condemned just over the horizon. And that was before we were hit with any surprises. At SEGA’s booth we were shuffled into a theater where the company’s current lineup was shown off in video form. The announced titles were shown in all their glory and then the screen cut away to something completely unexpected.

Chrome Hounds
The first unannounced video we witnessed featured a squad of mechs powering through a war-ravaged cityscape. The team faced off against a rival squad of mechanized war machines that burst from cover behind a set of buildings. One member of the original team sniped its enemies from afar with a long barreled cannon, hidden behind the fa?ade of a bombed out structure. The machines were agile and on the smaller side for mechs. They weren’t sky scraper crushing Steel Battalion type crafts, but rather about three or four stories tall with a large array of weapons.

The title is being produced by FromSoftware the same team that did Metalwolf Chaos and the Otogi series. The movie appeared to be a pre-rendered cinema and it was not announced which system it would appear on. However, considering FromSoftware’s past development experience it would be a safe bet to say that this title will appear on the Xbox 360.

The next titles were part of a montage called SEGA’s Next Level. It was announced that everything was running in real time, but not specified for any system. SEGA stated that their internal studios put together these demos to show their proficiency with the next generation hardware. This means that the videos may not point to definite titles. It is also feasible (and a lot more exciting) that these games are currently in development Xbox 360 and/or PS3.

Virtua Fighter
The first clip featured Akira from the Virtua Fighter series set against a white background. As he displayed his standard set of fighting moves the background filled in with a beautifully realized environment. Akira was wearing his traditional white outfit complete with a black belt, but the clothing was clearly separate from the body and moved realistically around him.

The next character shown was Sarah. She wore a reflective body suit that flaunted the power of the new hardware along with her excellent figure. She performed a series of kicks and spins, and closed out the segment by thanking the audience. The quality of the characters and environments were comparable with the DOA 4 characters and if this is only a technical demo then a fully realized Virtua Fighter game could be visually stunning.

The small crowd cheered when the F-14 Tomcat burst onto the screen. The jet blasted over an ocean with beautiful reflections and small crests of water. Enemies appeared on the screen and the jet proceeded to let loose some heavy fire as it blew its rivals out of the air. The camera rotated around the action and zoomed in for a series of evasive maneuvers and barrel rolls. The demo looked like original After Burner, except with real jets and a hell of a lot faster. The real treat came when the scenery changed from the open ocean to a canyon. The sensation of speed was incredible as entire mountains zipped by in the blink of an eye.

House of the Dead
House of the Dead may not have translated to a very good movie, but it was a hell of a fun game. The screen panned in on a male and female agent as they entered a facility filled with the classic House of the Dead animated corpses. Each zombie had decomposing skin and a face and body that showed of every rotting muscle. The walking dead never looked so good.

The scene switched to a first person view as the two agents entered a glass hallway. On the other side of the transparent walls crowds of the dead tried to claw their way in. The camera moved over a balcony that looked out over hundreds and hundreds of creatures. The final scene showed a gigantic boss that clawed its way down a hall toward the camera until it finally grabbed the player in its mouth and launched it across the room.

Sonic the Hedgehog
A SEGA montage wouldn’t be complete without everyone’s favorite blue mascot. The final segment of the video displayed Sonic the Hedgehog running at full speed down a grassy path. The foliage surrounding Sonic was clearly next-gen material, but it was hard to tell at times because he was moving at an incredible rate. I’d like to imagine that Sonic was moving through a realistic version of Green Hill Zone.

Sonic reached the edge of a cliff and performed a swan dive down hundreds of feet into a canyon. Sonic entered a large open cavern with flowing water at the bottom. Sonic began tossing ring bubbles into the environment and golden rings bounced around the huge room. At this point the announcer restated that everything shown was in real-time and sonic hit a series of springs and shot into the sky. The camera then switched back to sonic running and as he blasted across a flat plateau, a massive airship appeared above him and dropped down a fleet of robots. The robots formed a circle around him and pummeled our hero with machine gun fire. Sonic fell to the ground, only to spring back up into the air, surrounded by emeralds and transformed into the all-powerful golden sonic. He performed a charged air attack that turned the bots into a pile of rubble. "

Here’s what 1 Up said …

"Every portion of the video looked impressive, but Sega representatives were adamant that none of the visuals were pre-rendered (possibly in response to the controversy over Sony’s PS3 demos).

The third game is tentatively entitled Chrome Hounds, a From Software-developed mech battle simulator populated with slow-moving Battletech style bipedal war machines. Looking impressively filmic with its dusty atmosphere, concussive explosions and billowing smoke, Chrome Hounds will be a squad-based tactical action game. The trailer depicted a vicious firefight between two factions (overdubbed with heroic-sounding “war is hell”-type dialogue); the tide was turned when a powerful mech flanked the other army and carefully aimed its cannon through an aperture in a crumbling ruin and obliterated the enemy leader with a single shot. While dominated somewhat by an excessively dull color scheme, the visual quality was arguably the nicest (read: seemed closest to a pre-rendered movie) of Sega’s three next-gen titles.

Much juicier was the second half of the demonstration, which depicted unfinished game concepts and graphical demos built around existing franchises: “Fighting,” “Shooting,” “Frightening” and “Hedgehog?!”

Virtua Fighter kicked off this portion – quite literally, as an extremely detailed Akira performed a number of katas within rapidly shifting environments. Sarah Bryant then took the stage, kicking and punching while wearing a tight-fitting and extremely plastic-looking costume. Both characters looked far more clear and detailed than in any previous incarnation, and the fine texture detail in Sarah skin-tight suit was exceptional. Even more impressive were the backgrounds, which shifted from one to another fluidly and didn’t lack for detail.

“Shooting” was represented by what appeared to be an amazingly detailed take on After Burner – the F-15 was exquisitely rendered in its fly-by, and the environments through which it flew were nothing short of breathtaking. Cloudscapes, oceans and a valley all looked amazing, and enemies attacked ferociously with brilliant pyrotechnics. A Panzer Dragoon-like lock-on system allowed the “player’s” jet to confront a dozen or more enemy craft at a time, and special techniques like barrel rolls were used for evasion.

An incredible-looking update of House of the Dead stood in for “Frightening.” Two characters, a man and a woman, proceeded through ghoulish laboratory environs as zombies milled about and attacked in swarms. The game camera took several opportunities to pan about reflective surfaces, allowing the “player” to see his or her character from within a first-person perspective. At a branching path, zombies approached from both sides; once they were taken down, the characters moved ahead to a mezzanine overlooking a floor swarming with at least a hundred zombies. The scene then switched to a boss encounter in which an enormous, detailed multi-limbed creature pursued the heroes through a sewer. Flesh hung loose from its swollen body and saliva dripped from its tongue as its attacked in gruesome detail – a hideously beautiful spectacle.

Sonic the Hedgehog completed the demo sequence. Although this portion wasn’t as visually impressive as the others in terms of graphic design, the sheer speed on display was amazing. More importantly, the middle section of the demo allowed the representative to interact briefly with the on-screen action, shifting the camera around and throwing containers of coins which shattered upon impact with the far wall. Sonic bounced around the walls, leaping from bumper to bumper as a killer robot tried to gun him down. After escaping into a field, Sonic was then gunned down by an army of robots and transformed into Super Sonic – at which point the demo ended"

At last , They’re back :anjou_love: . Roll on the Toyko game show

But were these actual games though? They seem to be just demos apart from CHROME HOUNDS. VIRTUA FIGHTER 5 is headed directly for arcade and will take a while to appear on console.

I’m not jumping for joy just yet.

If Sega releases VF5 on the X360 I’m a happy man (granted I eventually get a X360 in the first place).It’s by far my favourite beatemup series and a sequel to the very first game I owned.

Well even though not real games (yet) atleast it’s something to be excited about if Sega can pass that kind of quality into their next gen games. Nice fix for the fans with the selection of games that were featured too. Thumbs up from me.

I’m not impressed.

I’m not impressed either. Damnit, Sega! Pull your head out of your ass NOW and give us what we want…we WANT games like PDS…not Sonic, not House of the Dead, and certainly not Afterburner!

The sad thing about all of this is these crappy games are probably going to sell, and Sega will continue down the path of ignorace.

Yes, I know what you’re going to say Abadd…‘Sega is just trying to find their niche’. Bullshit! They already found their niche 10 years ago, and it was those games that made everyone a fan of Sega in the first place. I don’t care about this new rubbish…and make no mistake, it is rubbish.

Where’s my damn Panzer Dragoon sequel?

Well i wouldn’t go as far as that but i wanted solid material not a damn movie i haven’t been able to see. But E3 isn’t over yet so maybe some thing will happen soon…

Where’s my damn Panzer Dragoon sequel?[/quote]

If the company falls through you won’t get “your” Panzer Dragoon sequel.

Eh, I don’t know how one can talk about good old Sega but dismiss parts of their history like Sonic, Virtua Fighter, Afterburner and the House of the Dead :anjou_angry:

If a PDS sequel is all you are rooting for for Sega and no other games at all then prepare to be repeatedly disapointed I suppose. You’d think one would be used to not seeing it in the last several years in order to not flip out so much when not seeing one appear at E3 for yet another year.

Regardless, Sega has shown some of their line up of games, most of it unimpressive for the fans with a couple of them being promising (namely PSU and Gunstar Superheroes and maybe a couple other titles), atleast for a few people (me included), and the video was a nice icing to the game cake. They didn’t have to do it and they didn’t have to show those games on it but instead do some random generic looking piece (imagine the reactions to that if this clip caused this lol) so I consider it a nice treat to the fans and a hopeful revival of some classic games to next gen since it shows Sega remembers their heritage and doesn’t dismiss it for good…

Yeah I’d like to see many things but if they don’t happen I’m not gonna flip out or anything since things weren’t looking so good before and I didn’t expect them to change so I’m glad they atleast made this little clip.

Giving my thumbs up to it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t rather seeing some more promising games but the video in itself wasn’t a bad thing or something to bash Sega about in my eyes…

Hell, if a thing as simple as a teaser clip receives so much negative criticism then they might as well decide it’s the content of the clip that is at fault and not bring back those games shown on it in the end lol :anjou_sigh:

Did you see the video?Where from?