Sega announces E3 2005 line-up

That’s not surprising, considering the Saturn probably has the most comfortable controller ever devised. But that’s just my opinion.

Actually, though… aside from the slightly loose analog sticks, the Xbox 360 controllers are really, really nice. Very comfortable, and have a nice weight ot them. Good job, MS!

But no 6 face buttons… I guess that’s better than aligning them the way they were on the original Xbox though. Oh well.

Aren’t the black and white buttons near the triggers now?

loose like PS controller loose? or worse? I think the DC and Xbox had nice analouges but i really didn’t like the PS1/2’s

You know… when I saw the Afterburner video I did not realize it even was Afterburner since it’d been so long. Sonic looked very… odd though in the teaser. Even though the environment around him was well detailed, Sonic himself looked rather flat in comparision. Maybe it’s time for Sonic to have some fur?

Chrome Hounds looked nice though. But I admit I have a weakness for mechs with backwards bending knees. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
That was all pre-rendered footage. Do not be deceived.

Read the full story here.

There’s no low to which Sony will sink. I hate the way Sony likes to confuse people with CGI mock-ups and theoretical performance figures (like those 2 teraflops of speed the Cell processcor is supposedly capable of churning out).

Just bear in mind that no one, least of all Sony, has confirmed that the Killzone footage was running in real-time (Sony won’t confirm it, but they certainly won’t deny anything if it works in their favour). It was pre-rendered footage pretending to run in real-time. I swear, it’s the PS2 launch all over again.[/quote]

You can no more “prove” anything about that video than you can “prove” that we all exist.

Until Sony has some type of official statement on the matter which we can all link to, read, and go “ahhh, yes, it is all completely clear now.”, it’s all up in the air.

Plus, and more importantly, regardless of whether or not that video was pre-rendered, the PS3 will sell a zillion units just based on the installation base of the PS1 and PS2.

Until Sony creates a legitimate across-the-board disappointment of a system, PS3 mega sales are guaranteed, whether or not Killzone was pre-rendered is, sadly, immaterial.

Hoo freaking ray.

I think, therefore I am.
I receive mail, therefore I am.

Interesting fact: Someone on the page Geoffrey linked to said something along the lines of:

“omg your all just jealous of japanese companies like sony who pwn american companies like Microsoft and Nintendo”

I rest my case.


Sorry but I had to say that. Next you’ll be telling me that the Reiko Nagase, Bouncer, FF 7 ’ A Glimpse Of The Future’ PS2 demo’s were all in real time.

Give me a break. Funny for demo’s created in less than 2 weeks no PS2 as come close to the Reiko Ridge Racer demo some 6 years on.

If you think that Killzone is in real time, then I really feel sorry for you. Becasue a fool can see those are not in realtime.
There is a reason why you couldn’t play the PS3 demo’s. mainly becasue noone can play them as they’re FMV :anjou_disappointment:

The fact that there’s still some doubt lingering in the air proves that Sony has succeeded in misleading people again. The damage has already been done. What a shame. Since there are people out there who swallowed the BS Sony fed them about how the PS2 was capable of rendering 75/66 million polygons per second in an actual game, I can’t say I’m surprised.

The people behind the Killzone 2 trailer don’t hide the fact that it was all pre-rendered in an interview with

[quote]How long ago did work start on the sequence?

Jan-Bart: We started working on it in late November, and only finished it three days before the show, at the very, very last moment!

Is the Killzone sequence a fair example of what people can expect from realtime gameplay on PLAYSTATION 3?

Jan-Bart: Yeah, it’s basically a representation of the look and feel of the game we’re trying to make. [/quote]

Read the whole interview here.

Bear in mind that PS3 development kits have only been available for little over two months.

Hopefully Microsoft will steal more of Sony’s marketshare during the next console cycle, because Sony’s underhanded marketing tactics shouldn’t be allowed to go unpunished. Although I think Sony will retain most of its Playstation 2 userbase, if Microsoft can go from 20 million to 30 million users it should balance the scales a little.

Also… Microsoft seems to think that the Xbox 360 is a more efficient and powerful gaming console than the Playstation 3 when it comes to real world performances.

Make of this article (PS3 vs. Xbox 360) what you will.

Biased? Yes. Informative? Hell yes. It looks like Sony has taken every opportunity to inflate performance figures wherever possible. We should really let the games do the talking.

Yeah, Great post Geoffrey. I?m still fuming with the Sony Bullcr8p tactics.

They couldn?t beat the DC fairly so had so spot on this rubbish with 60 millions ploys per second, new kinds of emotion, and a brand new word of Internet with downloads.
Funny that, what happened to all those music and videos PS2 were going to be able download ?, heck even its flagship racer can?t make it online.

Worst part is the people and even the press (who really should now better) bought it. Stark contrast as most mag pored scorn on SEGA claims of Model 3 performance with the DC.
Now it’s happing all over again, and still the people and the pree buy it :anjou_angry: .

GOD I hope SEGA Japan back the 360 to the hilt. So I don?t have to decrade myself ever again and buy a piece of Sony Hardware.
The lying bunch of to8sers is what they are

If development kits have been out for only a couple of months what can Sony really expect in the way of games to make launch in a year?

I suspect the PS3 will be delayed and launch more closely to the Revolution, hopefully by then the Xbox 360 will ground itself into the market.

The summary of Geoffrey’s web article:

Sony’s processor is like the saturn’s system. It’s an absolute pain in the arse to work with because of the way it’s designed.

So was the E3 a success for Sega in your opinion? Reinstall faith in the company or still not impresed ?

I don’t think E3 or any kind of show is enough to bring Sega back to people’s hearts or to a popular company. I think it served its purpose, I dont think it could have been better in any reasonable way (ie replying omg what are you saying, it would have been better with a panzer dragoon saga 2!). I like what I read about the teaser video too and since it’s more certain that they are actual games than some articles make it sound, I’m happy.

Well obviously not but in a way Sega doesn’t need to activly win peoples hearts and minds. Sega like Nintendo has been part of a lot of peoples childhood and so has an advantage over certain competitors for what they represent. All they need to do is come up with a good game.

One thing that it is important to bear in mind is the nature and purpose of E3 - this isn’t intended to criticise the show by any means, but just to state it as it is. The Electronic Entertainment Expo isn’t a sombre, serious trade fair - from the deafening, mind-pulverising cacophony that pounds throughout the entire building to the scantily-clad booth babes that drape themselves over the stages, it is primarily a colourful feast for journalists. The convention is designed to attract headlines in the industry press rather than be a sage parliament of critical appreciation and evaluation. As such, I tend to take everything I see there from any company, be they Sega or not, with a pinch of salt (or in the case of Sony’s booth, an entire shipping-container load).

That said, Sega’s booth was VASTLY improved over last year’s lacklustre showing, where the only thing of note was the EyeToy game Sega Superstars. This year, however, was genuinely exciting and impressive, and I am honestly looking forward to this new software. So I’d declare Sega’s performance to be a success this year.

I am concerned about dividing the markets in whatever origin the games come from. It means there will be less games from Sega Japan coming over to our shores,hardly any games coming from Sega Shanghai(CTRacer seems destined to be a chinese exclusive and SHENMUE ONLINE seems to be going the same way)with only games like SONIC making it. original sega titles may not get a western exposure unless it’s a franchise everyone knows. Although i agree with Sega recent stragedy i don’t want to play games from western second parties and Sega UK all the time.

Penny Arcade summarises my feelings on Sony’s E3 offerrings in this strip.

I think Sega could turn everything around during the next console war, especially now that Sega are no longer being held back by the PS2.

Sega of America’s and Sega of Europe’s profits are up, so Sega has nothing to lose and everything to gain by focusing more on their respective territories. When my friend worked for Sega of Europe, he told me that they were Sega of America’s lap dogs. I wonder what the situation is like there now? Whenever I think of Sega management, men in suits who speak in a strange language called “sales figures” always spring to mind for some reason.

Ah yes, I know that language. It is the language where the words “keeping your employees paid” and “having enough money to build your next game” have meanings ever so poignant :wink: