Seeking Stimulation

I guess I’ll have a PS3 soon Snow Girl, but the only other forum member I recall having one is FrankieViturello. However… he seems to have deleted a bunch of his posts and abandoned us, and I’m also afraid I may be some manner of culprit in that decision.

I seem to have this reflex for testing the motivations behind expression, especially when that expression may exceed the boundaries of casual and ingenuous opinion, and transgress on those of punditry. And while this reflex is generally under control, when the topic has to do with Sony consoles, I can rarely restrain it…

On the other hand, there was never anything vengeful or vindictive in my own motives. Indeed the motivation to reply to his topics at all, was as much from the fact that hardly anyone else was. But subsequently, the fact he started going out of his way to get defensive about some things, spoke to a condition of the test. For that matter, if his actions do indeed represent some sort of tantrum, and one random person’s indictments affected him that personally, it qualifies as a total validation of the test.

So… I really don’t even know for sure what’s up with that anyway, anyone else who may have witnessed our exchange of time may have a completely different take. But the timing of his ‘departure’ was conspicuous. And regretful actually, it’s not an outcome I intended or could have anticipated. But the truth will always demand casualties at times. Hopefully I’m not the only one that learned something.


[quote=“Heretic Agnostic”]I guess I’ll have a PS3 soon Snow Girl, but the only other forum member I recall having one is FrankieViturello. However… he seems to have deleted a bunch of his posts and abandoned us, and I’m also afraid I may be some manner of culprit in that decision.

I seem to have this reflex for testing the motivations behind expression, especially when that expression may exceed the boundaries of casual and ingenuous opinion, and transgress on those of punditry. And while this reflex is generally under control, when the topic has to do with Sony consoles, I can rarely restrain it…

On the other hand, there was never anything vengeful or vindictive in my own motives. Indeed the motivation to reply to his topics at all, was as much from the fact that hardly anyone else was. But subsequently, the fact he started going out of his way to get defensive about some things, spoke to a condition of the test. For that matter, if his actions do indeed represent some sort of tantrum, and one random person’s indictments affected him that personally, it qualifies as a total validation of the test.

So… I really don’t even know for sure what’s up with that anyway, anyone else who may have witnessed our exchange of time may have a completely different take. But the timing of his ‘departure’ was conspicuous. And regretful actually, it’s not an outcome I intended or could have anticipated. But the truth will always demand casualties at times. Hopefully I’m not the only one that learned something.[/quote]

I don’t really care what other systems or consoles people have. I just want to play mine without persecution. I treat console debate somewhat like religion. Leave me to mine and I’ll leave you to yours, but we can discuss variances all you like. I just don’t like people who insist that they are RIGHT while everyone else in WRONG. Variety is the spice of life. It’s what makes us all individuals. I don’t have a 360 because I haven’t seen any games exclusive to said system which would prompt me to purchase one. I wasn’t that impressed with XBox, to be quite honest, but that’s my opinion. I’m not going to chide anyone for loving theirs. One of the main put offs I have, for those curious, is that you had to purchase the “DVD kit” in order to watch movies when PS2 was capable of this out of the box. I also found the bulky size to be somewhat cumbersome. The fact that it’s nearly a third to a half size larger than my Saturn is just a little silly to me. I beat the hell out of my PS2, carting it around with me to my mom’s house so that I could share my games and DVDs with my family. It’s got dings and scratches all over it, but it’s well loved. Now, my game CDs are immaculate, but that’s a whole other topic.

Getting back on track, Assassin’s Creed had it’s debut on my PS3 last night. I really like it, but I was a bit surprised at the premise. It wasn’t exactly the story I was expecting, so it was kind of cool. A somewhat different approach from convention. I did eventually encounter the dreaded white screen of death, however. I was tired and ready for bed at that point, so I wasn’t too worried about it. When I get back to it, hopefully I won’t have lost too much ground.



Nice to know I’m not quite so alone… =)

There is only one thing I have to say to anyone who has bought a PS3 : why??



Gehn, I suppose in my case the answer to that at the moment would be… why not? I’m a relatively frugal person, while there’s plenty of strictly unnecessary things - such as new phones, better cars, clothes of a certain type - that for many people may be part of the ‘keeping up appearances’ segment of their spending; being a habitual outcast type anyway, I don’t seem to care much. Videogames are actually a relatively inexpensive pastime, compared to many activities that are more normal recreational spending for some people, like dropping a couple hundred on drinks every weekend?

In other words, videogames are my primary drug, and have been most of my life so, it’s the one frivolity I choose not to stress about investing in. Assuming I genuinely have the cash to dispose of at that moment, of course.

Snow Girl, if everyone was like you, I may never have known what an asshole I’m capable of being! I’ve mentioned this before, but I don’t post (or even much look at) any other internet forums. And my first, and only other experience was GameFAQs… and I’ll freely admit I forged some nasty habits there. :wink:

But I also always had some very conscious principles about it. Appropriately enough, my scrappiness about things really started on the Panzer Dragoon Orta board there, with a poster who seemed to think he had reason and right to condemn the game in every possible way, after it had barely even been announced, and all just for being on XBOX. But rather than simply saying something along the lines of “Sega shouldn’t have done this, screw them and screw this game” and letting it go, he was on an evident crusade to tear down any possible positivity about the prospect.

You mentioned a couple of the common ‘stock’ criticisms against the XBOX from the very beginning. It was big, undeniably, but to witness literally hundreds of echoes of that “argument”, as though that fact alone could somehow make anything else that could be said in favor of the machine irrelevant… well, that’s about the best illustration of where my personal view of Sony fan(boy)s, as a breed, comes from. To be clear, what pushes my buttons is not when someone says “I don’t like that it’s so bulky” but when it’s expressed as “XBOX is big, therefore it sucks”. Which is virtually always how it was expressed.

That’s why I occasionally go out of my way to express my own biases, to try to define the opposite example of what I consider the most despicable and insidious dynamic of that period, and which persists: any presumption that ‘you’ are actually “unbiased”. As defined by the type of post beginning with some subtext to the effect of… “you can’t call me a fanboy, even though I’m about to say something that is just like something any other fanboy would say, but I’m actually not one, because I have more than one console, which makes me unbiased, and so this isn’t just an opinion, nope, this is just how it is!

At any rate yeah, I had a blast letting the total asshole side of my personality out for a while there. But that may relate to how I’ve been pulled into some nominally unfortunate confrontations as well, I can’t help resenting an accusation that I’m being… persecuting, because this forum has never even seen what I’m actually like on the offense. Even when I was, I believe I may claim that I never once attacked anyone’s preference directly, but only their need to express their preferences as somehow intrinsically superior to others.

The Xbox was basically a bunch of PC components packed into a small (for a PC) box and sold as a console. There were many other differences that made it a console rather than a PC of course, but it’s size and components were very PCish from the start. You could argue that this was due to Microsoft rushing the Xbox out to make a console available for that console generation. When the 360 was designed, MS must have taken this into consideration because it’s certainly smaller, sleeker, and overall less cumbersome.

As for the DVD accessory, that too has been added to the 360 as a built in feature, but I think the argument behind not including it as part of the Xbox was due to licensing concerns - they would need to pay for a license for every DVD software player included with every Xbox, which would have made the Xbox cost even more to manufacture than it already did (Microsoft lost money on every console sold). Those additional costs would either needed to be funded by Microsoft themselves, or the end users.

It’s not your fault. People leave forums all the time for all sorts of reasons. If his decision to leave because of one member’s comments, rather than looking at all the positive discussion that takes place here too, then that is his prerogative.

I noticed the ‘deleted’ posts some time ago. While the act is in itself understandable since it is an allowed feature of the forum software, it’s also certainly a good argument for why posts shouldn’t be editable.

Good to see you’re enjoying it so far.

I don’t want to ruin it for you (or try and down it before you’ve even got into it) but you may have heard the main criticisms of it already. Mainly that it’s quite repetitive. I wish they’d put more thought into that section of the game, it would’ve made a big difference.
That and it seems a little rushed as you get towards the end.

Quite a nice game though and hopefully when the next one comes around (there’s gotta be a next one looking at it’s sales) they’ll take some of this onboard.

Then again, how often does that happen -.-;;

I presume you’ve seen the video of how many steps it takes to exit the PC version right? It’s like 11 steps! What were they thinking :anjou_wow:

[quote=“Heretic Agnostic”]Gehn, I suppose in my case the answer to that at the moment would be… why not? I’m a relatively frugal person, while there’s plenty of strictly unnecessary things - such as new phones, better cars, clothes of a certain type - that for many people may be part of the ‘keeping up appearances’ segment of their spending; being a habitual outcast type anyway, I don’t seem to care much. Videogames are actually a relatively inexpensive pastime, compared to many activities that are more normal recreational spending for some people, like dropping a couple hundred on drinks every weekend?

In other words, videogames are my primary drug, and have been most of my life so, it’s the one frivolity I choose not to stress about investing in. Assuming I genuinely have the cash to dispose of at that moment, of course. .[/quote]

Yeah I hear you, and it’s not like I have a problem with Sony’s console per se, it’s more a matter of looking at his price and looking at the games that have been released and not seeing much point. Uncharted is the only one game I’m remotely interested in playing and even the Wii has more (games I wouldn’t mind playing) right now. I am planning on getting one for Heavy Rain/ Team Ico’s third game but until then, so far, I haven’t seen much point.

I guess in my mind I still think asking “why PS3?” means “why buy a PS3 and not one of the others?” when in reality a lot of people (unlinke me) own more than one console per generation right from the early years.

Of course, I don’t even have a job, so that’s understandable.

LOL, PS3!!111111111111111//"111ololol

Anyway, as far as consoles go, the only objective facts you have to work with are hardware specs and pricing, everything else is shunned into subjectiveness and becomes unworthy of debate as a result (of course, you can debate about it if you want… but as a logical man I see no point in debating subjective issues as you can’t actually be right or wrong regarding them).

Also, cocks.

Well, specifically, I received it as a birthday present from my boyfriend, and it was due to the fact that I had expressed an interest in trying Heavenly Sword. So, I came home after dinner to both the console and the game. Thus, my PS3 experience was launched.

Heretic, I see nothing wrong in expressing yourself and voicing your opinions. I can understand the annoyance behind people who criticize things they know little about. Ignorance is one of the many banes of my existence. I believe in debate, I believe in discussion. I even believe in the occasional teasing, but know your sources. Know what you’re talking about before you go off on a diatribe outlining each and every opinion you have to a group or even an individual. It makes you look like an ass and it just generally annoys people.

Personally, I purchase consoles based on the games they offer. I’m not particularly loyal to any one platform (blasphemy?!?!). I simply look for titles that catch my eye. I may wind up with a 360 if Too Human proves as interesting as its promos.

Solo, I understand that the XBox was essentially a PC console. The main interface really functioned like one. The loud fan was a dead giveaway. =P I still have mine, although it’s not currently connected to the telly. It’s hanging out below the entertainment system. I wanted an XBox to continue two of my favourite sagas: Panzer Dragoon and Oddworld. Both were somewhat of a disappointment, although the latter much much more than the former for me. Other than Fable, the XBox failed to hold my attention with its selection of games. I don’t condemn the system, though. It’s just not rocking my socks right now. It 360 punched me in the face with an awesome selection of exclusive games, don’t think I wouldn’t go pick one up.

I just look at it from a practical standpoint. Which game system am I going to get the most use from? With console prices climbing into the $400-$500s, they’re expensive risks. I want to know that I am going to at least enjoy a few games before I commit.

Berserker, I haven’t heard much about the PC version. I haven’t been bored with repetition just yet, but I haven’t played it since Saturday, either. Busy with finals for college… X.X

Getting back to Microsoft - One of my coworkers recently purchased a MacBook Pro from one of the modelers on the XBox team. He was using it to model. It has a sticker slapped on the back reading: Property of Microsoft. I find this irony highly entertaining.

@ Snow Girl: Have you played Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath? I don’t think Munch was all that great, but I think Stranger was completely brilliant. Just as much as the two Abe titles, and precisely because it was so very different from them. Also, the whole final act of the game possesses some of the most tense and epic moments of any game in the previous generation. It took me forever to get around to trying it, in no small part due to the fact that I can’t stand FPS controls. I have a huuuuuuge bias against FPS titles, so believe me when I say Stranger got it RIGHT for me.

I actually haven’t, particularly because it deviated from the “Quintology.” I was a little ticked at the direction the company seemed to be taking versus fulfilling the original five stories it started out to tell. I suppose if you say it’s worth a shot, I’ll see if I can locate a copy. Thanks for the heads up. =)

If you think the XBOX fan is loud, wait until you hear the Dreamcast’s fan, not even mentioning the GD-Rom Drive.

Still, I’ve always found it peculiar that people single out the Xbox as being “A standardised PC”, technically, all consoles are standardised PCs.

The only real difference was that the XBOX generally used IBM PC compatible components and the Windows 2000 kernel.

However, the XBOX was indeed not the first console to go about doing such a thing, the FM Towns Marty was just made from FM Towns components.

Boiled down to barebones, almost every console on the face of the earth is made up of chips that existed well before the console’s creation.

The only difference is that Microsoft chose to pick ones that were actually popular, and worked with its’ already existing OS Kernels and DirectX, which is not something I see as a bad thing. It did major good for porting teams, as did the Dreamcast’s compatability with Windows CE code.

[quote=“Snow Girl”]
I actually haven’t, particularly because it deviated from the “Quintology.” I was a little ticked at the direction the company seemed to be taking versus fulfilling the original five stories it started out to tell. I suppose if you say it’s worth a shot, I’ll see if I can locate a copy. Thanks for the heads up. =)[/quote]

Hopefully it won’t be too hard. All of a sudden I’ve been seeing at least one copy in every game store I go to around here, although the condition of each one varies.

I’m not exactly sure what happened to Oddworld Inhabitant’s original vision and there are a lot of reasons I put off on playing Stranger, but I can safely say that I’m glad I finally got around to it. The game is awesome. The only word of warning I can give is that the whole middle act can get pretty repetitive in a way. Stranger is a bounty hunter, and the bounty missions vary considerably in challenge and creativity. There were a few that frustrated me to no end and several that seemed all too similar to one another besides a few light gimmicks. Still, the game ends up taking some really incredible twists and, as I stated before, the whole final act is extremely powerful. Even if you’re not sure about the game when you first play it, give it time. This is a perfect example of a game that you MUST finish in order to properly judge.

EDIT: This thread marks the first time I have ever heard of the “FM Towns Marty”. I feel sooo un-hardcore.

For the good games it has now, and the ones it has in store in the future. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is the best exclusive on the platform by far. Ratchet & Clank Future comes in second and is also a lot of fun. Super Stardust HD is a simple arcade title, but one of the best I’ve played, not to mention really pretty. I also own Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds which is a simple but addictive golf game.

On the horizon:

White Knight Chronicles
Valkyria Chronicles
Star Ocean 4
Final Fantasy XIII
Team ICO’s next project
Metal Gear Solid 4 in a few more days

I own all three platforms, so I have plenty to do. Currently getting my butt handed to me in Ninja Gaiden II on the 360 right now.

That’s priceless…

Well, on the subject of MS and Ninja Gaiden 2: my 360 seems to have taken it’s final dirt nap… while it’s been on my mind to send it off, on general principle, before the 3 year window is up, it just would have to go all Red Rings on me right before NG2 ships. So I have NG2, and no way to play it right now… oh cruel irony!!!

Well that’s the video about the ridiculous amount of times you have to click exit =P

Good luck with your finals!


Well that’s the video about the ridiculous amount of times you have to click exit =P

Good luck with your finals![/quote]

I’ll have to watch it when I get home… no sound card here at work. Not to mention, I’d get busted by my boss… =P

One thing about Assassin’s Creed has been bothering me (other than the occasional freezing I’ve encountered), though. Why does Alta?r have an American accent? The dialogue is moving along until he speaks. It’s so… staccato. Seriously. wtf?

Oh, and thanks! :anjou_love:

Try alt+f4 to exit the game instead, it might (should) work. Yes, stupid design, but they also did add a couple more mission types to help the variety (but I doubt it helped given what I’ve read of the game’s play style) so it wasn’t a shoddy port by any means.

It does make for a good joke video though.