Pokemon must die. It has gone too far

Sorry to be irritating, but I disagree on you on both counts. DDM was just an episode in the Yu-Gi-Oh storyline, we never heard from it again after that 4-parter. And V-force seemed to suck at first, but it got better after a while. There seems to be a bit more character interaction this time, with Kai being more open towards his team-mates. And Cyber-Dranzer owned, you must agree.

I hate Pokemon…The only thing that I wish they would bring back Gundam Wing!!! I love violence!

Magic the Gathering had some really cool creature designs, but I never played for long (it went out of fashion when I was just starting). I prefer more serious fantasy creatures such as these, rather than Pokemon style, but that’s just my opinion…

I stopped playing Magic the Gathering because it got IN fashion actually :
I saw kiddies that used to play pokemon the card game slowly shift toward MTG and that totally turned me off… That and the money thing heh :slight_smile:
I still have my cards, not many but quite a few rare ones… And I have kept my first deck intact even tho it wasn’t really good, a mix of white and blue, lots of different counters, healing, walls, artifacts and creatures that get extra abilities when enchanted such as Metathran Elites, Academy Researchers, Thran Golems and some nifty enchantments that either stop enemy creatures (like Pacifism and Shackles) from attacking or enhance the abilities of my own :slight_smile:

Edit: I’ve got the planeshift book too! Quite well written, lots of carnage, I like it even tho I don’t have the complete story (it’s two more books one from the previous and one from the next expansion, I got the middle one basically)

I stopped playing for the reason that I wasn’t able to find any other people willing to play me. It was good in high school despite people saying that we were “satanic worshippers.” 9_9
The farthest I ever got was prophecy and I still remember my old deck. Blue deck, made to counter creature summons and steal my opponents creatures.
It was a very successful deck.
I am tempted to play another game. ^^

I know, but thos episodes severly bored me, and when i watched it after that everything just seemed too OTT…

I still watch it cos of the plot and i like seeing how the story develops. I HATE the new look of it. The battles deem to lack emotion, and the characters all look like kids! And whats up with that annoying girl… she spoils it all imo…

Another thing i liked a lot was Dragonball Z - now that was good :slight_smile:

Gundam Wing. smiles dreamily I remember that. If they bring that back, they may as well bring back Silent Mobius and Last Exile too…

Ah Last Exile. my current anime craze. It reminds me of a rustic anime version of skies of Arcadia.
I just adore the art style!
The only Gundam I likes was 0083, although I am a huge Macross fan.

The only thing about Last Exile is that I am the only person on earth who likes Dio as their favorite character. I tried to use his picture as an avatar, and Gehn wanted to know who the “screwed up dude” was… sigh

They don’t complain on fangoria.com for me using it as an avatar though, so I get to use it.

You changed your avatar based on an opinion from GEHN!?

Hey common the picture sucked,

Just to piss Gehn off…


As for Pokemon, I wasn’t really ever thrilled with it, but I do admit that I used to watch Digimon for this black dragon thing that acted all schizo. And that vampire thing. I forgot the names… Black-something-grey-something and the vampire’s name is lost in my memory…

Myotismon. I liked him.

I knew it started with an “M!” Thanks Daz!

He looked a little anorexic to me, but I’m fascinated with stuff like vampires and werewolves, so he tended to be a fave.

Orta:that wasn’t the pic I was talking about.I was talking about that hellhound and that uglyfaced guy.Both horror movie related.

Oh. In that case…



I’m still trying to think of that black dragon’s name…

The dinosaur is Blackwargreymon Orta.

Yeah. He was a schizo. :slight_smile: I actually watched it with my younger brother and sister, and I was surprised that they were teaching young children the effects of mental illness.

Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon on the other hand cause mental illness.

Pokemon is evil they copy of of anything they can find! Watches a pickachu folow the example of a smoker, then watches it die HA, ha! XD

hi i jast whanty to no when you go ing to the pizza party and way i did not get a pass to go