Phantasy Star Universe *NEW* Sonic Team Interview - Page 2

I couldn’t bother seeing if there already was a thread dedicated to this, sorry.

This is kind of old (a few weeks) but I haven’t seen all the information in it included on any of the major gaming news websites’ PSU reports yet.

EGM scans … an_193.jpg

It sounds/looks quite good to me… Not very high end graphics for a PC game but I guess I’ll hopefuly be able to run it more than fine without a need for a new gfx card. I kind of like the style too.

I don’t think I’ll be paying the monthly fee but I’ll still enjoy the single player game since it’s a proper adventure complete with specific characters, plot, cut scenes, and all that.

I’m also glad they improved the fighting system (same ol timing based system but faster with 6-hit combos + the ability to throw special moves inbetween them) over PSO since I found that quite limited.

Oh and it includes vehicles and mounts now :anjou_love: !

Anyway, it’s a nice read for anyone who can’t buy the magazine where they live. It’s not my fault if the links go down anytime soon, I got them from here: … 35597.html

And the official site for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet:

PS: There’s some confusion over the platforms it will be appearing on as I see various reliable websites simply report it will be for the PS2/PC but I also downloaded a trailer (I forget from where) that actually only mentioned GameCube/X-Box. We shall see I guess.

The Phantasy Star franchise doesn’t mean much to me but if this get’s good reviews I might check it out.

Wow, it seems like everytime I hear more about this game it gets better and better. Vehicles, a new downloadable quest every week, and possible compatibility between PS2 and PC versions - just awesome.

I was surprised to hear that the freely downable Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst for PC is going to contain a whole new episode… pretty generous of them! I wonder if the same subscription fee will be able to be used for Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Universe… if not, then PSO might be overlooked when PSU comes out.

I think this game does look awesome, but it’s still so far away I don’t want to get my hopes up.

If the single player is a long and deep as other RPG’s I will probably surely pick it up, the multiplayer will just be an added bonus.

I got a hold of much higher quality scans that don’t hide any of the text at all. It’s like they took individual pages and scanned them instead of trying with the whole magazine. They also include the cover and any other parts that show PSU related things, 9 scans in total. I guess I’ll pass it to Solo when I see him next on MSN so he can upload it here if anyone is interested. Though the screenshots still aren’t scanned very nicely in parts.

I am genuinely looking forward to Phantasy Star Universe. Sega are striking gold with this development - appearances are spectacular, and with the inclusion of a detailsed single-player quest the game certainly seems to be touting a healthy amount of meaty gameplay and story behind it as well. Could the contagion that consumed Ralgol be disseminating itself to infect the galaxy…? It promises to be epic! :anjou_happy:

Whilst a few years ago I was active on a MUD called Northern Lights (I managed to get a small quest published there, too), I’ve always been hesitant over MMORPGs - mainly because my miserly nature takes umbrage at the necessity to pay a regular fee for access, and also because I’m not sure I’d play the game sufficiently often to justify the cost. I haven’t even bought World of Warcraft, the game which has devoured four-fifths of my school and internet friends (one has clocked up over three hundred hours’ play), for heaven’s sake!

My underuse of the genuinely enthralling online segment to Phantasy Star Online was criminal, and I’m deeply ashamed of it. However, it looks as if investing in Phantasy Star Universe shall tempt me out of my anti-online shell and grant me an opportunity to do penance for my sins against Sega. I’m hoping for an X-Box or PC version! :anjou_happy:

Some screenshots here too:
(don’t bother with reading the info there though, the scans seem much more accurate with more information)

I hear you! I can’t stand that people would pay roughly $15 a month to play a game they already payed $60 dollars fore, updates and the like aren’t worth that much, maybe per year, but definitely not per month.

I truly hope the single player turns out to be a long and fully fleshed out quest, not just an afterthought.

You talking about download these high quality scans? Heh.

As far as monthly fees Felix, you can’t stand that people would pay a monthly fee for these online games? The games are fun and get updated enough to keep players around that are willing to continue subscribing.

I’m willing to bet you spend a fair bit more money on offline games than you would buying a MMORPG and being subscribed to it for the span of an entire year. World of Warcraft is one of the biggest gaming addictions for people, and it’s lasting most of them way longer than the average offline PC RPG title. That says a lot.

I haven’t seen Sega use those monthly fees to maintain nice, cheat-free servers yet, I have no reason to believe they’ll start now.

I can’t say I’m hyped up (I’m generally not that kind of person), but I’ll pick it up when it comes out. I might wait a while though, gaming backlog and all, but I’ll pick it up eventually for the offline half.

I’m generally not big on MMORPGs since they lack the traditional narrative sequence (beginning, middle, and end), so I doubt I’ll go online with it. My hope is that the offline version isn’t a simple tack-on. PSO’s offline incarnation was fairly weak. Even if PSU’s is stronger, and it looks like it will be, I don’t know that it’ll feel like it could’ve been a stand-alone game without the online component.

Final Fantasy XI does have a starting point for each expansion’s storyline, and though the world is static, the events that happen that further the storyline are central to each player alone. There’s a definitive beginning, middle, and end for each. The only problem is that it takes forever to get strong enough to reach all the storyline points.

Given how they’re approaching Phantasy Star Universe, I think it’s safe to assume that they’re going to do very little to further storyline for the online mode. It’s more than likely just going to concentrate on multiplayer gameplay aspects and the offline mode will be strictly for storytelling. Though this is my speculating as usual.

[quote=“Parn”]As far as monthly fees Felix, you can’t stand that people would pay a monthly fee for these online games? The games are fun and get updated enough to keep players around that are willing to continue subscribing.

I’m willing to bet you spend a fair bit more money on offline games than you would buying a MMORPG and being subscribed to it for the span of an entire year. World of Warcraft is one of the biggest gaming addictions for people, and it’s lasting most of them way longer than the average offline PC RPG title. That says a lot.[/quote]

MMORPG’s do take money to mantain, I just think $15 a month is way to much to spend. If someone buys WoW plus a year subscription that would be around $240. With that money you could buy around 5 - 6 high qaulity RPG’s released in the past year or so, which in turn would grant you about 300 hours of gameplay.

I guess MMORPG’s have never been my cup of tea, I just can’t think of playing something that much I guess.

Well they are planning to support the game in a very dedicated manner (which also costs $ since someone actually has to be there to do things), with supposdelly a new downloadable quest (and not simple things like the PSO quests) every week according to the scans.

So with that kind of support to this game they could easily advance some sort of storyline as well if they wanted to… And they might, I don’t think anything they’ve said is against that.

It’s also the first of the new generation of PS games to actually be story focused in atleast one way so I don’t see why that couldn’t transfer to the online part of the game as well since it’s still the same game and the same team behind it.

On the other hand there’s nothing wrong with concetrating on the gameplay, I doubt anyone spends so many hours playing FFXI just to get to the next story event.

I hope they’ll add some player vs player combat, I read that Episode III had a challenge player game mode or something. “Mini” games like that would be fun I think. They could also incorporate the same thing for the ROBots you will have in your aid, let you pit them against the ROBots of a friend and see how they fare in combat.

Anyway I’m really looking forward to this for the offline game since I don’t think I’ll be paying the monthly fee for it. But I’ll surely try out any possible starting ‘free’ online time it will have and, who knows, I may get hooked so bad I won’t be able to avoid paying for it.

PS: Yes, those were the high quality scans I meant, I just figured people wouldn’t want to register to some random site. I guess they can though :anjou_happy:

I :anjou_love: Phantasy Star, so I’ll be getting this for sure.

And a single MMORPG for a lot of the people that play them nets them way more than 300 hours of gameplay. Trust me, I’ve done the math… online games last me way longer than the standard offline game. I’m curious as to whether you’ve even played one.

You say you can’t imagine playing a single game too long… why? Because there’s nothing left to achieve or obtain. Offline games are finite. Online games like Final Fantasy XI are designed to be expanded, and they are constantly expanded.

We’ll see how long THAT lasts. I’ve been waiting for this game’s release since it was first announced and logged more hours and own more editions of Phantasy Star Online than anyone here… I’m excited, but I won’t even think for a minute that they’ll hold true to this. Such a feature is too demanding.

Um… Phantasy Star Online had a storyline of its own, more dialogue than the first three Phantasy Star games combined. It just happened to not have a character-driven story which most RPG players crave, and it had a lot of open ends that weren’t addressed (what ever came of Dr. Osto, as an example), and the others that did were split between quests offline, and quests you could only access online. Something of a mess.

You can’t do an in-depth character-driven story when you’re creating your own character and partying with your online buddies. You don’t acknowledge Phantasy Star Online for having a storyline when it most certainly did, so how can you expect the online portion to have it when the online portion is effectively Phantasy Star Online with gameplay tweaks? The offline mode is coming with voices, videos, the works, and to top it off, you’re playing a pre-made character with a party of pre-made characters.

Making an emotional storyline and the like is easy when you have characters to work with. You can’t do that with an “Insert X” character.

As far as challenge mode and player versus player combat, that’s been around in Phantasy Star Online since version 2 released in the summer of 2001 on Dreamcast. Challenge mode was a very well designed setup of obstacles and puzzles that you had to go through, aiming for the lowest completion time possible with no deaths and no ability to go back to town to restock on items, demanding the most of your gaming skill. Really what the core Phantasy Star Online game should have been to begin with.


We’ll see how long THAT lasts. I’ve been waiting for this game’s release since it was first announced and logged more hours and own more editions of Phantasy Star Online than anyone here… I’m excited, but I won’t even think for a minute that they’ll hold true to this. Such a feature is too demanding.[/quote]

Well part of the 15$ monthly fee will most definitely go to the staff that their new job (or one of their jobs) will be to actively be creating content like that for the game. How is it any more demanding than creating a new game (it’s less actually)? It’s a job and someone can most definitely do it, it’s not like they’ll say “ok we got bored of it so no more quests guys, sorry”.

This is a part of the press release that can be seen here: … _20050408a

"The game features a game world that will evolve with new content over the course of several years."
Now, I do hope they actually have a PLAN for this rather than just think “it will be cool if we would do that so, yeah! Rock on, let’s say we will!”

As long as the game is popular then they can pull it off. If it doesn’t sell much or if people’s interest doesn’t remain high in the course of time then of course they will not be able to support such a feature since it won’t be worth while to them.

Really it’s all about keeping interest for the gamers. Such a feature will help that which in turn will help them continue having that feature since they’ll keep getting monthly fees from the players that like the quests and be able to keep the same kind of support.

It’s not like each quest will be a full single player adventure or something. They have a huge ammount of already done in the past things to draw inspiration from to make interesting quests for PSU. I doubt anyone expects innovative plot for them, just more interesting than the standard “fetch item, kill monster, rescue guy, flip switch” quests seen in action RPGs. Hell, just combining all these simple things into a single quest with some sort of jibberish reasoning/goal to tie it all together will be “more-interesting” enough for most people…

As for the story in PSO, I didn’t get too deep into the game but it felt more like discovering the setting of the game rather than seeing through a real evolving story… And from reading through various boards most people don’t really consider it a worthwhile story either. I read that Episode 3 tried to go a little bit deeper story wise but failed due to the quality of the story.

As for all the points you made about why you can’t have a single player style story for a multiplayer game… Well, who exactly were you arguing with, I don’t recall asking/wondering about that or showing that it can actually be done and should have been done.

  • (Feel free to stop reading right here. Everything from now on is just an afterthought, not the point I was trying to do with this (or my previous) post at all.) -

Though it actually can worksomewhat, in PSO only you and your team had access to the areas you were going to so they could easily add a progressive story that would make you and your friends feel like the main characters and the heroes that saved the world or whatever they fancied.

You’d pick a story quest similar to how you pick normal missions (by talking to the right person, by having completed the right previous story based quest) then you and your friends would go together to complete it, be praised by NPCs, be feared by enemies, open up the next story section for all of you, etc, etc, like in a regular SP action RPG.

The downside is that you could propably replay story missions as much as you wanted but it would be worse if they tried to limit it since that would force some people to go solo or make an effort to find new decent people if all his friends had done the story quests and he hadn’t yet.

Perhaps to be able to replay a story mission you would require atleast one party member that hasn’t played it yet in your party. Maybe that would be an OK fix (though I think the restriction of not being able to do an advanced story mission if only the rest of your party and not yourself had reached that point of the story should be strict).

And the “random instead of standard character” issue is not really an issue, most PC RPGs let you create characters from scratch just like in a MMORPG but offer deep and engaging and involving storylines for you to go through.

Guild Wars is kind of doing that I think. Depends on how much ‘plot’ the various quest areas have in the finished game which I haven’t played.

Anyway you can propably argue with a lot of parts of this thought but it’s still very possible with some compromises here and some work arounds there. I didn’t sit and think through the whole game mechanics, I’m not going to create this thing. I just thought of a few basic things/examples to show it’s possible.

There’s going to be serious quality control issues if things are just being churned out once a week. Hence why I say it’s not feasible. Rushing out quests to meet a deadline spells disaster, to me. Quality, not quantity please.

[quote]This is a part of the press release that can be seen here: … _20050408a

"The game features a game world that will evolve with new content over the course of several years."
Now, I do hope they actually have a PLAN for this rather than just think “it will be cool if we would do that so, yeah! Rock on, let’s say we will!”[/quote]

How exactly does one make a game evolve when you have no storage medium to utilize major changes? Downloading multi-meg patches every time you login is hardly cost-sensible. If the game was utilizing the PS2 hard drive, I’d buy it. But since it doesn’t, I don’t.

Considering the same designers are working on Phantasy Star Universe, you might want to take two steps back then, and realize what you’re getting excited over.

Reread my post. I discussed character-driven stories, since you make the stand that PSO isn’t story focused when the offline mode Hunter’s Guild missions are precisely in there for that reason.

Again, reread my post as I discussed character-driven storylines. You can have a strong storyline without a pre-made character lead, but there’ll be this huge gaping blank where a personality should be, and so the writers have to consider this and write their dialogue accordingly. It’s part of why most players don’t like Phantasy Star Online’s story. Console gamers generally want character-driven storylines… PSO didn’t give them that at all.

Episode III tried to throw in a character-driven storyline, but it was a big half-assed cash-in from the get go.

Phantasy Star Universe will probably do offline really well for a lot of console RPGers… and a large bit of it will have to do with your controlling a pre-existing character lead with an established personality and accompanying dialogue.

Trust me Parn, i’ve spent enough time with Star Wars Galazies and Dark Age of Camelot, so lets stop assuming. Again, I just don’t think $15 dollars a month constitutes the amount of updates they have.

I think it will be great that PSU will have new quests every week, that way i’ll feel like my money is going somewhere.

You prefer quality over quantity with those quests, so say they release one very good quest about every month or month and a half, thats still around $20 for only a couple more hours of gameplay when your money could have gone further with a full game. Which makes me wonder, if you don’t think the quests will be feasible at that rate, what are you gonna be paying for? Balancing issues and patches?

A quest a week isn’t that bad, they could propably already have a big ammount of extra quests ready before the game launches even…

I assume they mean quest/story wise, not that the game world will be changing with time. If you can download the new quests that will be appearing every week or whenever, then those same quests may also be advancing and evolving the storyline.
Those will propably be very small in file size since it will just be a set of goals, parameters and whatever new text will be in them. All the characters and monster models and areas in those will be pre-existing, just used in different ways per quest…
They’ll likely be so small as to be able and fit in memory cards which is how the new quests were handled for the GameCube PSO games if I’m not mistaken.

When did I say this is what I’m excited over? I said that I would propably not even pay the monthly fees to play online Oo.

And just because the team’s online, co-op, gameplay focused game didn’t have much of a story (imo atleast) doesn’t mean that the single player portion of this game will be the same (you’ve said some of the reasons it won’t be the same yourself as well, ie the specific character personalities) so I dunno what point you are trying to make now.

That’s what I’m saying, you put specifically character driven stories in the discussion and argued about them and why they may not be able to work online when nothing in my post hinted that this is the kind of story I thought PSO was lacking.