PDO sales

I remember Smilebit saying that another PD sequel rests on how well PDO does. Now that it’s been out for over a year, how well did it do?
crosses fingers

Well, it did better than all 3 Panzer Dragoons combined. But its overall sales were less than stellar. The last time I checked, 27,000 copies were sold in Japan, and 112,000 copies were sold in the US. Keep in mind that the userbase of the Xbox was not very big to begin with a year ago, especially in Japan…so I really don’t see what Sega was hoping for exactly in terms of sales.

But don’t let those figures disappoint you - we are going to see another Panzer Dragoon within a year or two, and this time it will be an RPG - and it WILL take the world by storm…that I guarantee.

You are a clairvoyant, Kadamose, or have different sources than I do. :wink:
Orta sold well where noone important cares (meaning outside of Japan) so we will at least have to wait 5 years for someone to give green light to a new PD-related project.

Remember that Amusement Vision have pretty much confirmed that they are not working on a new Panzer game at present. If we were to see a new Panzer game within a year or two - which has not been started yet, and which would have to be made on top of all their other projects - it would have to be pretty rushed. I agree that we all have to be optimistic, but we shouldm’t expect such immediate results. Remember that there were five years between Saga and PDO…

I’m not so sure about it “taking the world by storm” either, because only truly mainstream games ever achieve such things. But then what does that matter? If/when a new Panzer game comes out, I’m personally not going to be bothered what anyone else thinks about it, as long as it’s both Panzer and great.

Well 150,000-ish in sales isn’t THAT bad, although it deserved a lot more. Meh…


Remember that Amusement Vision have pretty much confirmed that they are not working on a new Panzer game at present. If we were to see a new Panzer game within a year or two - which has not been started yet, and which would have to be made on top of all their other projects - it would have to be pretty rushed. I agree that we all have to be optimistic, but we shouldm’t expect such immediate results. Remember that there were five years between Saga and PDO…

I’m not so sure about it “taking the world by storm” either, because only truly mainstream games ever achieve such things. But then what does that matter? If/when a new Panzer game comes out, I’m personally not going to be bothered what anyone else thinks about it, as long as it’s both Panzer and great.[/quote]

It took Team Andromeda only 13 months to create Panzer Dragoon Saga - another 6 months were then used to add polish and find bugs within the game, itself. With this in mind, 2 years is a pretty good estimate on when we will see the next Panzer Dragoon. Though it is true that Amusement Vision has 3 titles they are currently working on, there is another title in the works which currently has a W.I.P. status and which they refuse to comment on at this time. We can speculate all we want on the mystery game, but I’m keeping my hopes up for PDS II. If Amusement Vision doesn’t have any Panzer Dragoon plans in the immediate future…there’s always WOW Entertainment (aka Overworks) which would be a better candidate to create the next Panzer Dragoon RPG anyway.


Remember that Amusement Vision have pretty much confirmed that they are not working on a new Panzer game at present. If we were to see a new Panzer game within a year or two - which has not been started yet, and which would have to be made on top of all their other projects - it would have to be pretty rushed. I agree that we all have to be optimistic, but we shouldm’t expect such immediate results. Remember that there were five years between Saga and PDO…

I’m not so sure about it “taking the world by storm” either, because only truly mainstream games ever achieve such things. But then what does that matter? If/when a new Panzer game comes out, I’m personally not going to be bothered what anyone else thinks about it, as long as it’s both Panzer and great.

It took Team Andromeda only 13 months to create Panzer Dragoon Saga - another 6 months were then used to add polish and find bugs within the game, itself. With this in mind, 2 years is a pretty good estimate on when we will see the next Panzer Dragoon. Though it is true that Amusement Vision has 3 titles they are currently working on, there is another title in the works which currently has a W.I.P. status and which they refuse to comment on at this time. We can speculate all we want on the mystery game, but I’m keeping my hopes up for PDS II. If Amusement Vision doesn’t have any Panzer Dragoon plans in the immediate future…there’s always WOW Entertainment (aka Overworks) which would be a better candidate to create the next Panzer Dragoon RPG anyway.[/quote]

Sega Wow (the real name of the dev team now)? Why? I mean, if the ex-Andromeda/Smilebit AV team members can do it, why not?

Can we plz stop quoting 10 posts at a time?

An RPG would take tons more time and dedication from a dev team to create Kadamose.

Panzer Dragoon Saga took (I think) two years+ to create.

If a new RPG was to be created they would need a lot more time since the quality level from artists is now expected to be a LOT higher than back then where the capabilities of consoles were VERY limited. They could possibly reuse content from Orta but a ton more environments and characters and objects etc etc etc etc would be needed for an RPG.

Also if a new RPG was created it would have to be of a bigger scale than the original PDS. Imo atleast, the game while AMAZING was still a bit too short and definitelly too easy. They’d have to expand much more to meet gamers’ expectations. Ofcourse I wouldn’t really mind if it ended up short and easy again BUT I’d prefer it to be as good as possible and not have shortcomings in any aspect. It would also help sales :wink:

If it’s to be a great game I’d think it would need a lot more than two years to be created.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Can we plz stop quoting 10 posts at a time?

An RPG would take tons more time and dedication from a dev team to create Kadamose.

Panzer Dragoon Saga took (I think) two years+ to create.

If a new RPG was to be created they would need a lot more time since the quality level from artists is now expected to be a LOT higher than back then where the capabilities of consoles were VERY limited. They could possibly reuse content from Orta but a ton more environments and characters and objects etc etc etc etc would be needed for an RPG.

Also if a new RPG was created it would have to be of a bigger scale than the original PDS. Imo atleast, the game while AMAZING was still a bit too short and definitelly too easy. They’d have to expand much more to meet gamers’ expectations. Ofcourse I wouldn’t really mind if it ended up short and easy again BUT I’d prefer it to be as good as possible and not have shortcomings in any aspect. It would also help sales :wink:

If it’s to be a great game I’d think it would need a lot more than two years to be created.[/quote]

Good point.

Sega has the resources to commit to the development of a large scale RPG, though whether or not the ends (profits) will justify the means (costs of development) is always at the forefront of Sega’s collective mind. When a huge gap in Sega’s development plans opens up, we can only hope that a new Panzer RPG will be considered.

I suspect Microsoft will tempt Sega again to develop some exclusive titles for the Xbox 2. Microsoft will no doubt do what Sony has done and throw money at Japanese developers.

Can anyone explain to me when this is not the case in a business, except if the business is privately owned? Mr. Duke always makes it seem like Sega is some sort of exception to the general rule of capitalist economics. I wasn’t aware that actively making decisions to lose money was a good thing.

Face it Abadd your have been brained washed.:stuck_out_tongue:


But I think Sega has something most other companies don’t : its’ teams are the most skilled in the biz.They could get out of the tough spot they are now if they started a new series focused on mainstream.

I mean what does Square have that Sega doesn’t?

An engine that can put out better graphics on the PS2 than just about any other company in existence?

Other than that, not much :stuck_out_tongue:

You probably got me there.Now I don’t know if it really is the best graphical engine but considering the PS2’s power…

And considering the fact that people only care about the PS2…

Well, it’s a toss-up between Square, Konami, Capcom, Naughty Dog, and EA (for the LOTR series).

Graphics are the single most important factor when determining whether or not a game will sell (doesn’t mean that it’s guaranteed to sell, though). Most people who buy games don’t spend all day on boards like these, discussing the details of any particular game, so the one thing that will get their attention is graphics. After that, it’s all word of mouth about whether or not the game is actually any fun (and the mainstream definition of fun is vastly different than that of the hardcore).

Ah, but Sega IS the exceptional rule. Sega has ALWAYS been a risk taker, and that is still the case. Sega never has been good with business and marketing…and I doubt that will ever change due to stubborness on its part. Sega has always been about making good games - hence the name SERVICE AND GAMES. And they live up to that namesake.

If you think back on all of the games that you remember and enjoyed during your childhood…chances are, 90% of them came from Sega. Though I was a fan of Sega ever since Phantasy Star II for the Genesis, what made me become forever loyal to them, regardless of what stupid mistakes they made afterwords, was Panzer Dragoon Saga. I’ve played hundreds of games…and I have yet to experience a game that captivated me as much as Panzer Dragoon Saga did. It is sheer brilliance that can’t be duplicated by anyone other than Sega, themselves.

Sega deserves to be at the top - and its a shame that the mainstream doesn’t realize this fact. Instead, people would rather worship companies like Squaresoft or Nintendo…who can’t make a well-rounded game worth shit. That’s a pretty harsh statement, but it’s true…the only good thing Squaresoft can do is create graphics…but when it comes down to other elements such as story and music, they’re at a complete loss. As far as Nintendo is concerned, they know how to make quality games, but they don’t know how to innovate or take risks - they’d rather play it safe. To call them the pussies of the videogame biz is an understatement. Sega is the only company that deserves respect - and they definitely have mine.

Talking about Sega, teams and graphics…

(totally off-topic) When Sonic Team will learn how to program a damn camera? The one used at Sonic’s games is horrible.

(on topic) Xbox desperately needs RPGs. The only one I can remember right now is SW:KOTOR. Microsoft should pay Sega for new RPGs like Shining Force, Phantasy Star and, of course, Panzer Dragoon 5. :slight_smile:

I would like to buy an Xbox, and, eventually, I will, but the lack of RPGs, a genre I like, keeps my money in my pocket or buying games to the systems I already have.

Actually, my childhood was before Sega actually made any decent games for console. Most of my favorite childhood games were on PC, NES, Atari, or Intellivision :stuck_out_tongue:

And during the 16 bit era, I was enamored with the Genesis at first, but then the SNES owned me. Couldn’t resist the calling of games like DQ5 and 6, FF4-6, Chrono Trigger, Bahamut’s Lagoon, Front Mission (at this point, it sounds like I’m a Square fanboy, but I think their games have gone downhill since then), Street Fighter, etc.

As for Sega’s creativity… well, what has Sega done lately that’s so “creative”? Look at other companies: Ubisoft, Valve, etc. Hell, even MS was smart and went and bought Bunjie. They’re doing much more creative work nowadays (Ubi: Beyond Good and Evil, Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, etc.; Valve: Half Life 2 duh; etc.). Sega’s games are stuck in the 90’s. This needs to change.

When was the last time you saw a Sega game take advantage of any new conventions of the medium? For instance, realtime visual storytelling that was presented in System Shock/Half Life/Halo/Deus Ex? Deep character development systems like those in Diablo? Innovative storytelling techniques like those used in Star Wars: KOTOR? The creation of living, breathing worlds like those in GTA/Zelda: WW/SW: KOTOR/etc.?


Can anyone explain to me when this is not the case in a business, except if the business is privately owned? Mr. Duke always makes it seem like Sega is some sort of exception to the general rule of capitalist economics. I wasn’t aware that actively making decisions to lose money was a good thing.[/quote]

Is Sega a business, or a creative games developer, or both? Do the people at Capcom or Sega make games only to make money? You said it yourself: money is rarely the only reason for making games. However, this is beside the point.

Whether or not Sega sees a new Panzer game as a source of potential profit remains to be seen, unless you know something I dont? :wink:

Probably the last Sega game that I thought was great was Skies of Arcadia for the Dreamcast. Sega has yet to prove themselves as a third party developer - but believe me when I say this…the next big thing in videogames is going to be created by them.

Also, I find all these next-gen games to be incredibly boring…it’s almost as if they have no soul, whatsoever. KOTOR was a piece of shit, in my opinion, and out of all the games you listed, Deus Ex was probably the only one that made me think twice…and it only got browny points because it had Nanotechnology concepts in it - other than that, it was a ‘been there, done that’ type of game - and that applies to all the next gen games.

And I find it so funny how people actually like the new Zelda’s…Zelda 64 was a piece of shit, but people liked it, Majora’s Mask was a piece of shit too, but people liked it too…then we have Zelda: Wind Waker…can you say borefest from hell? Well even if you can say it, people still enjoyed it. These people are fucking nuts with no taste AT ALL.