PDAA Results Discussion Thread

And this ladies and gentlemen, is what the awards are all about.

Nothing shocking.

I still feel like I’m “out of the loop” here.


and I’ve lost everything else that I’ve ever been a part of in my life!)

And this ladies and gentlemen, is what the awards are all about.[/quote]

I don’t know if you are being sarcastic or not, but still… grins and dances

Not being sarcastic. And Dopefish, you got votes, so you aren’t out of any loop.

I’m not pissed or anything but I am curious.If you (whoever you are) voted for me getting the Spam award could you please PM me saying so.

I would really like to know whose opnions were responsible for this… :stuck_out_tongue:

well these were my main votes…
Most Creative Forum Member: Gehn
Most Informative Forum Member: Geoffrey Duke
Friendliest Forum Member: Solo Wing Dragon
Most Likeable Newcomer: Dopefish
Forum Member with the Best Avatars: Neil
Forum Member with the Best Signatures: Pete
Most Interesting Use of the English Language: Arcie
Spammer of the Year: SHADOW
Wackiest Forum Member: Gehn

I know I only got one vote in the Spammer award. =)

Cool beans!