Panzer Saga reprinted?

I read an article in the latest Edge magazine about a company (I’m afraid I don’t have specifics, it was a mate’s magazine) who are reprinting classic games and reselling them as new (On thier original formats)
At the top of the most wanted list is Panzer Dragoon Saga (NTSC version at least)

What are your feelings about this? Would you like to see a re-release as such so more people get to play the game or would it annoy you for de-valuing your gaming collection, and the rareness of Panzer Saga in particular?

It doesn’t anger me in the slightest. Panzer Dragoon Saga is such a wonderful game that it deserves to be given the chance to be played by everyone, even if it devalues its current $150 price tag. If the reprints were to sell like hotcakes, Sega would probably finally take notice and either remake PDS, or make a sequel - which is something every Panzer Dragoon and Sega fan wants.

If you’re only bothered about the value of your collection you’re gaming for the wrong reasons.
The company is Game Quest Direct, and so far they’ve been reproducing Ps1 & 2 games. It seems like they’ve been making a lot of sales by wholesaling them out to major chains, so I’m not sure if that’d work so well for a single 8 year old Saturn game.

[quote=“Kimimi”]If you’re only bothered about the value of your collection you’re gaming for the wrong reasons.
The company is Game Quest Direct, and so far they’ve been reproducing Ps1 & 2 games. It seems like they’ve been making a lot of sales by wholesaling them out to major chains, so I’m not sure if that’d work so well for a single 8 year old Saturn game.[/quote]

Great post mate, becasue that’s so spot on.
I couldn’t care less if this means SAGA would be worth ?1 on ebay, becasue I don’t buy and keep games for that reason, and the price will never take the magic and effort that went into that game.

SAGA, Swtich(Mega CD), Lunar 1&2 (Mega CD) are my most prized games I have. And the likes of Swtich and Lunar are far from the most valuable games on e-bay .

From the looks of REZ might be re-printed and read somewhere esle that even ORTA is being looked into . Either is great news, and this could be a great money maker

But it’s a Saturn game!If it were to be realeased on PS1/PS2 it would mean success I’m sure but…

And that won’t happen either, at least, not by those folk as they’re just reprinting existing games. Eh, personally I wouldn’t mind if PDS got another print released. I’d be more happy with another print of Shining Force III though. >.>;; Seeing as I actually DON’T have that one.

Random comment, but as far as I know this company already has done a recent reprint of Rez (on PS2 I mean, not DC). Their website’s here:

It wouldn’t bother me so much if Panzer’s value went down as I never want to sell my copy anyway, but I like the expressions of jealousy (although sometimes confusion) when I tell people I own a copy. That’d obviously happen less if more people get their hands on it. It still deserves to be played by everyone though, especially those people who think RPGs begin and end with Final Fantasy.

Oh they will always think that, even if you would sneakily install a plethora of Bioware/Black Isle RPGs on their PCs, hid PDS with a Saturn under their pillow and put Morrowind in their X-Box and put .hack//sign or similar in their PS2s. >.>;; Such are FF fanboys & girls.

[quote=“Lance Way”]

Random comment, but as far as I know this company already has done a recent reprint of Rez (on PS2 I mean, not DC). Their website’s here:[/quote]

Yeah they have some 10,000 copies of that and Guitar Man .

Very very true. I once mentioned I seen people that said Saga was better than FF7 to a FF fan when trying to explain how good it was. So right away rather than play and find out they decided to boycot ever even watching me play Saga because it was ‘disloyal’ to FF to think another game was better than it … o_O;;; They are just crazy.


It was like when the Dreamcast was released. My mate refused to buy one because Sega had sponsored Arsenal.

Same as when selling 360s at work… People keep buying Fifa. I mean, for a start, it’s Fifa, but it’s also a BAD Fifa.

Try Condemned people!! Yes, I know you haven’t played one in a series before, yes, it might not be ‘your type of game’ but how do you know before you play it??

I’d be glad to see a reprint on a current system, because then I’d be able to play Saga! :anjou_happy:

I’ve still not played the damned game! it would be a dream come true if it were repressed!

Would it be unlawful to use a Saturn emulator such as this?

[quote=“Chupacabra”]Would it be unlawful to use a Saturn emulator such as this?[/quote]

Generally speaking it depends if it needs a copy of the orginal BIOS files from a Saturn for the Emulator to run. Having those if you don’t own a Saturn (and perhaps even if you do) is a legal no-no.

But don’t all emulators use the BIOS files?

Well as far as I’ve seen with Saturn ones so far they do. But if you go back to more mature emulators like the Mega Drive/Genesis emulators you’ll see that for most of them the programmers have managed to write enough code to replace/work around the orginal bios files being needed. I’d suspect in time the same could happen for Saturn emulators but it will be a while off as it’s harded to make an emulation of the bios as well as of all te hardware.

But, since it’s a download, the person isn’t making profit, is he? And Sega certainly isn’t losing money. So why is it illegal? Or should I just wait for this supposed port.

Depends. The Sega Ages series has several purposes. A quick cash in for old games but also to reintroduce old IPs as a taster and re introduction to people for a new upcoming version of that particular series. Also series that already have a new entry in their respective series may boost sales of the first game being re released via SEGA AGES. Depending how Sega deems PANZER DRAGOON as a franchise for it to get a release on SAGA. Kinda moot since the original has yet to come out yet via SEGA AGES.