Panzer Dragoon V

Edge was living on borrowed time from the Divine Visitor - if you remember, he was murdered at the beginning of the game. Once the Divine Visitor completed its job and left Edge’s body, his body ‘died’ since it had no soul to animate it anymore.

Also, I never said the Dragon died…the Heresy program which controlled the dragon’s evolution in the Saturn trilogy, became it’s own entity, took control of Sestren, and went to ‘sleep’. The dragon and the heresy program were two different entities at that point.

I always believed that Edge didn’t die, while the Divine Visitor kept him alive, once it left Edge regained his life. I think it’s depatable.

Clearly not, considering Abadd says that Azel created Orta from the “DNA of the remains of the human left in Sestren.”

From this quote, this confirms the speculation of Edge’s death at the end of PDS. What’s really interesting after watching the ending again, however, is how the ‘dragon shield’ is around Edge as he gets absorbed by the Heresy program.

It would be cool if Edge were alive and all, but that would make the ending to PDS almost seem insignificant - and Team Andromeda wasn’t stupid to make a blunder like that.

Unfortunately Abadd’s words weren’t so specific - the lines in question are:

You were created from her genes and
the human’s gene data within Sestren.

… which would leave open the possibility that Edge’s “gene data” was only stored or recorded in Sestren, rather than that his physical remains were there; and Sestren was of course a monitoring network, which apparently analyzed the genetic structures of any entites that entered the system. (Not that I personally feel that it’s implied Edge survived; I just thought I should point this out.)

But Edge and the dragon (and dragon-program) had freed the world from Sestren, which would have continued to manipulate the planet and its inhabitants indefinitely as it carried out the misguided wishes of its dead creators - surely that would be quite far from “insignificant”, even if it was all the ending there was?

I think the general feeling is that if Edge died, it would explain more easily why Azel could never find him (as we learn in PDO), and why she eventually gave up her “fruitless search” and created Orta, who was essentially a memorialisation and continuation of them both. If you take the storyline of PDS alone though, it could easily be thought that the Divine Visitor healed Edge at the beginning of the game, rather than that it was keeping him alive; that’s the impression I got when first playing the game.


Abadd doens’t say that.He doens’t mention remains.I can’t remember the exact words.I’d have to check.


“You were created from her genes and
the human’s gene data within Sestren.”

Thanks agehn for compiling the PDO dialogue Lance.It’s the first time I check it out.Lots of work in there :slight_smile:

You’re welcome - but I did already post that quote above… :slight_smile:

Desencontros… :slight_smile:

I didn’t even notice your post.

orta’s art style difference has been overplayed. you can gripe all you want but it was still a beautiful game and no one can deny that it is more beautiful than any of the previous games. maybe it wasn’t exactly what you wanted but you can’t blame orta when it was team andromeda that wrote themselves into a hole at the end of saga.

but the music i’ll give you.

Hmm, it does depend what you mean by “beautiful”… at the time I first played each of these games, PDZ and PDS did strike me as more “beautiful” than PDO ultimately did, as I’d consider videogame beauty to be a combination of visual and musical designs (and thus overall effect and atmosphere) as much as graphical achievements.

o one can deny that it is more beautiful than any of the previous games

You weren’t really expecting me to reply were you? :smiley:

To each his own.I know “I fell in love” with a distinct art flavour that can be witnessed on all three Saturn games.

In some cases it was present in Orta but not as regularly as it should.

Orta could have been 3 time sbetetr than it is using the same gameplay, the same staff and the same console.They could do a better PD product.I don’t mean a game.I mean a PD game.Orta is a top notch game.But it’s not a top notch PD game.

Well said!

Regarding the music in PDO - I agree…it sucks and is nowhere near the caliber of PDS or Zwei (I won’t count Ein since it’s redbook)

However, that does not mean there wasn’t some good music in the game. For instance, I think The Fallen Ground and Imperial City were excellent tracks; they were probably the only tracks in the game that were panzerish.

Overall, PDS has the best soundtrack out of them all.


Edge was living on borrowed time from the Divine Visitor - if you remember, he was murdered at the beginning of the game. Once the Divine Visitor completed its job and left Edge’s body, his body ‘died’ since it had no soul to animate it anymore.

Also, I never said the Dragon died…the Heresy program which controlled the dragon’s evolution in the Saturn trilogy, became it’s own entity, took control of Sestren, and went to ‘sleep’. The dragon and the heresy program were two different entities at that point.[/quote]

Really? I was wondering how Edge survived getting shot.

As for music…I thought Orta butchered the past games. All of the past games had decent tracks, but Orta’s tracks just had an extra “flare” that I enjoyed. Maybe I’m too new school to fully appreciate the past games (although I did play them first). Saga’s was very good…by Sona Mi Arectu got nothing on Anu Orta Veniya…

Good gracious, I’m good get beaten up for that statement, aren’t I?

Man it’s so great being surrounded by other PD fans :anjou_sad:

For some reason, I’ve always thought PD1 had the best music of the whole series. Maybe that’s just because I heard it first.

Possibly not, as the PD1 soundtrack does have a considerably different style to the later ones (mainly because it was comissioned out to Mr. Azuma of course, rather than composed by Team Andromeda’s own musicians). Perhaps you just “like that kind of music more”?

I guess so. Sounds like it’s not as “authentic” as the music in the other games though. I guess that makes me a bad PD fan. Oh well.

Not in the least. Most people here seem to only like Saga, which kind of surprised me…

You haven’t been paying attention, have you?

What makes you think that? I don’t think anyone here expressed a dislike about the rest games in the series… This thread compares the games of this series alone so inevitably some will rank ‘below’ others, it just so happens most people rank Saga higher than the rest. That in no way means that they did not enjoy the previous games… Far from it, I’m sure that for a lot of people here they are still some of their all time favorites. I know I still haven’t played a shooter that in my opinion ranks above PDZ for example.