Panzer Dragoon V

I just paid a visit to GameFAQs and noticed a few of your posts Lance. If you also notice, that topic, “Azel, the only female drone?” on the PD Saga board was a copy and paste job of one of my old topics here! Not that I mind someone copying and pasting everything I wrote word for word in this case…


What the - it actually is! I don’t look at the GameFAQs board very often, but I remember reading that post and I thought they must have got the idea from here; I never suspected they got the words from here too, though. That’s sinister…

Sorry, I’ll try to stop feeling amazed and get back to the topic at hand. :anjou_happy:

LOL! It ain’t that bad. It doesn’t even compare to another recent issue of plagiarism.

btw, I was the one that posted that on GFAQS…

Please tell me you mean the fluffy bunny thing, not Geoff’s eighteen-month-old topic? (The way you said “it ain’t that bad… I was the one that posted that on GFAQs” had me really worried for a second there.) :anjou_happy:

Sorry to let you down Lance.

I apologize Geoff, if there was anyway I could remove the topic, I would.

It’s ok. No harm done.

Sorry, I really did think you meant the fluffy bunny thing! As you’ve probably noticed though, the GameFAQs board gets about a tenth of the traffic TWotA does; even for “old” topic ideas, you’ll usually get a better response here.

[quote=“Lance Way”]

Now you’ve probably noticed that I’m trying not to take either side in this argument, but I think this is an important point: even if this is a science-fiction / fantasy world where anything is possible and anything can happen, should all things be possible and should just anything happen? I’m sure it goes without saying that any kind of narrative - be it a novel, a film, a game etc. - needs to have a sense of continuity and a definite style for it not to seem disjointed. Somewhere along the line all sorts of lines have to be drawn, otherwise we could end up with a huge pink bunny rabbit as the dragon-riding hero by the time Panzer Dragoon Saga III rolls around.*

But of course that’s being extreme, so take this case of the dragon running on all fours: even if this could technically happen given the science-fiction setting of PD, should the dragon do this, seeing as it ran on two legs throughout Panzer Dragoon Zwei? And should the dragon do this, considering that it’s flown as if it was a bipedal bird-like creature up until this point? Even if this can be explained away by the sci-fi background, is it not just an unnecessary break in continuity?

*Yes, I read that topic on GameFAQs. :anjou_embarassed:[/quote]

Depends on the game thought doesn’t it.
In Space Harrier on Stage 3 you get these huge Mushroom things bouncing around. Now they would look out of place in most games, but inthe Fantasy Zone they worked and looked right.

As for the Dragoon wlaking on all fours .
Well a lot of Dinosaur experts now reckon Pterodactylus (tehr-o-DAK-til-us) walked on all fours using thier wings as a pair of extra legs. So in that case ORTA is being realistic and based on some facts

Actually I don’t mind about the dragon having “hands”.They could have given another color to the pup tho :frowning:

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]As for the Dragoon wlaking on all fours .
Well a lot of Dinosaur experts now reckon Pterodactylus (tehr-o-DAK-til-us) walked on all fours using thier wings as a pair of extra legs. So in that case ORTA is being realistic and based on some facts[/quote]

yeah, but a pterodactyl could not RUN on all fours, damit. with those short legs and the flight skin attached to his whole body, it might have been hardly able to move in a graceful fashion.

I’m aware that it’s not always possible to apply real world science to a made-up world, but there is a certain amount of internal logic and expectation the audience has. As Lance said, “should all things be possible and should just anything happen?” If Orta suddenly started levitating without wings and flew off into the sunset at the end of the game I could see considerable confusion over that as we don’t expect people in the Panzer to fly under their own power.

I’m used to thinking of the dragon as a more or less realistic creature except for the fact it is a dragon (and anything with that much armor on it probably shouldn’t fly). Generally speaking, unless the made-up world tells us otherwise, and early enough that the audience is prepared for it, real world logic applies. The dragon has never used its wings for running before and flying animals in the real world that use their wings as the occasional pair of forelegs can’t run. A walk is about the only thing they can manage. So not having any reason to believe otherwise (until the dragon actually did it), I was not prepared to believe it.

This wasn’t a horrible big deal that threw me totally out of the mood of the game. I just didn’t like it much.

Talking about physics : don’t forget the last Heavy wing morph.It’s wings shouldn’t be able to fly.

i’ve had a suspicion (even before orta) that the dragon possessed a float engine and that the wings were for enhanced maneuverabilitiy rather than a necessity for flight.

but you can throw that into my pile of crazy theories alongside the one about the gun being a kind of pure-type creatures and how the lathum evolved from ancient ruins.

[quote=“Rune Lai”]I’m aware that it’s not always possible to apply real world science to a made-up world, but there is a certain amount of internal logic and expectation the audience has. As Lance said, “should all things be possible and should just anything happen?” If Orta suddenly started levitating without wings and flew off into the sunset at the end of the game I could see considerable confusion over that as we don’t expect people in the Panzer to fly under their own power.

I’m used to thinking of the dragon as a more or less realistic creature except for the fact it is a dragon (and anything with that much armor on it probably shouldn’t fly). Generally speaking, unless the made-up world tells us otherwise, and early enough that the audience is prepared for it, real world logic applies. The dragon has never used its wings for running before and flying animals in the real world that use their wings as the occasional pair of forelegs can’t run. A walk is about the only thing they can manage. So not having any reason to believe otherwise (until the dragon actually did it), I was not prepared to believe it.

This wasn’t a horrible big deal that threw me totally out of the mood of the game. I just didn’t like it much.[/quote]

Real logic heh ?
I suppose it?s was so realistic and based partly on fact that EDGE took part in SAGA even though he?s clearly shot dead in the begging of the game. I suppose all those magical attacks in SAGA are in part based on real life physics ect .

I suppose it?s realistic too that the dragon knows where to move even thought they no clear sign of how the Dragon riders instruct them where to go (Through means of a harness).

As for the Dragoon walking on all fours like I said dinosaur expects know think Pterodactylus (tehr-o-DAK-til-us) walked on all fours.

Plus this is no ordinarily Dragoon, but one that was created.

And you could say that about half the Creatures in the Panzer world.

No, but that morph had joles in it’s wings.That’s the end of the line in terms of non-realism.

Ok tell me how the EP 7 Boss on Zwei (1st form) Manages to fly with those tiny wings even though he?s like 80ft tall. How does the boss in Ep 4 manage to hover for so long even though he doesn?t move his flippers/wings ???.

One could ask how the boss on EP 5 is able to fly too. Sorry is this look like I’m having a go at you. But if people want to be really picky they could find faults with most of the Panzer games

I’m not objecting.But there are things that personally strike me harder than others.And “holes on wings” is one of them.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

And you could say that about half the Creatures in the Panzer world.[/quote]

Baldor, yep. Kobla, yep. Lazara, yep.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]Real logic heh ?
I suppose it?s was so realistic and based partly on fact that EDGE took part in SAGA even though he?s clearly shot dead in the begging of the game. I suppose all those magical attacks in SAGA are in part based on real life physics ect .[/quote]

Admittedly the Divine Visitor is something that was really unexplained, but it was certainly the exception rather than the rule for the PD world - and as I’m sure you’ve noticed, not everyone likes the idea of the Divine Visitor. I’m sure the dragon’s beserk attacks in all of the games aren’t meant to be “magical”, though: they’re lasers and explosions, produced by a creature that was created as a sci-fi bio-weapon. These things might not be real, but like lightsabers and X-Wing fighters there’s definitely some kind of internal logic and continuity there; within the confines of the Panzer Dragoon world, these things have been justified. Similarly, for the dragon knowing where the rider wants it to go, we’re told in PDS that it has some kind of telepathic bond with them; as Rune said, we know to suspend disbelief in these cases because we’ve been given some kind of purposeful explanation.

But as lordcraymen pointed out above, no one is suggesting that it could run on all fours; and as we were shown the dragon running differently in Panzer Dragoon Zwei, this point - small as it may be - doesn’t really fit with the existing internal logic of the series.