Panzer Dragoon Tactics

Sure, why not wait for Duke Nukem Forever or the day hell freezes over?
I do not think I would like to be a beta tester for Valves mod tools, it’s better to let other people do the first errors and learn from them. :smiley:

Well, UT2k4 is nearly out, The demo is already out, check it out, it’s great fun IMO :slight_smile:
Though it’s obviously not based on vehicles (or even tactics) as much as Battlefield 1942 is, that is only because of a design choice, it doesn’t mean mods couldn’t be like that.

Play the Onslaught mode to see the vehicles. Very decent AI too, they even use the vehicles quite well :slight_smile:

And from what I’ve read about modding for UT2k3, you can ofcourse use the map editor for maps but if you chose to you could make the whole map in a modelling program. Most ppl do the basic layout and such in the editor and then add all the extra things as static meshes made in a modelling program. I assume 2K4 won’t be much different in that aspect.

Personally I think BF 1942 is more suited to make a Panzer Dragoon mod than games like Half Life 2 and UT. There are a lot of people playing BF too, so it would be a great way to get some attention for the Panzer Dragoon games in general. I can already imagine seeing float engines flying around instead of planes :slight_smile: That would be awesome.

I’m not sure if it would be better to make a mod for the sequel, Battlefield Vietnam, or for the original game. There’s probably lots of information available about modding for the original but then again there’s a lot of other high-quality mods to compete with.

Make it a UT2k4 mod!Pretty please!

I used to rock at UT.When I get a new PC I can kick your arses online :smiley:

I admit UT2004 seems really good after playing the demo. But BF 1942 is different from those games though. I’m not saying it’s not possible to make a mod for UT2004, but I just think a BF mod would be a better choice.

I’m always up for a challenge :slight_smile:

You’re on!!! XD

I’m just discussing the alternatives btw, I don’t own any of those games (well they are not even out lol) so I’ll have to buy whatever game they chose either way…
I don’t see why you think BF would be more fitting than UT2k4 though, I mean a mod will have it’s own way of playing, it won’t be just the same game with a new look… so preffering BF type of play over 2k4 type of play doesn’t mean you won’t like the mod as much if it’s on one engine or the other…it could propably be made to play nearly identically no matter which engine they chose.
For example if you own UT2k3 try the mod Red Orchestra, that one plays VERY different from regular UT2k3, it’s a realistic WW2 based team warfare game with classes.

I’m just offering alternative ideas in case they find they can work better with one engine than the other.

Major point ahead …

UT2k4 > UT2k3

I’ve heard this from at least 6 persons who played the demo.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]I’m just discussing the alternatives btw, I don’t own any of those games (well they are not even out lol) so I’ll have to buy whatever game they chose either way…
I don’t see why you think BF would be more fitting than UT2k4 though, I mean a mod will have it’s own way of playing, it won’t be just the same game with a new look… so preffering BF type of play over 2k4 type of play doesn’t mean you won’t like the mod as much if it’s on one engine or the other…it could propably be made to play nearly identically no matter which engine they chose.
For example if you own UT2k3 try the mod Red Orchestra, that one plays VERY different from regular UT2k3, it’s a realistic WW2 based team warfare game with classes.

I’m just offering alternative ideas in case they find they can work better with one engine than the other.[/quote]

I do own UT2003 and I’ve played the Red Orchestra mod so I understand what you mean. I just mean that you wouldn’t have to change the entire concept of the game if you make a BF mod, which would probably be necessary if you made a UT mod. BF plays much slower and uses more strategy than UT by default. For example, creating Imperial ships for BF would be easier (at least I think) than making them for UT.

[quote=“GehnTheberserker”]Major point ahead …

UT2k4 > UT2k3 [/quote]

After playing the demo, I can only agree. The Assault mode makes a huge difference. That was one of the best things in UT and it shouldn’t have been left out from UT2k3.

Well we don’t even know what their plans are for their mod so we can’t judge how many things they’ll need to change yet :slight_smile:

I’m not giving advice.I’m just pointing out some truths.

Oy, maybe some of those truths need to be summarized.

Looks like BF1942 will be the engine of choice.
We both do not have the latest hardware at home, plus I already figured out how to change the background, the music and add a cute chibi pointer. :wink:

Of course that is just playing around with the menu and it will never look like this.

watch “Last Exile” and you pretty much get an idea in wich direction the MOD will generally go.

one question:

do the imperial stingers and the new models from orta (wich have the old stinger mainframe) have landing gear??? how are the supposed to stand on the ground?

Good question.Dunno if you’ll find an answer but you might wanna check that PDS FMV where Edge is caught for interrogation.

Maybe they just slowly touch down like Iva’s pod or whatever that was… it didn’t really have any landing system either did it?

Oh hey! How was the ship that Paet was working on in PDS landed on the ground ?? I remember something was supporting it but I can’t remember if it was things from the ship or things Paet added or even how they looked, sorry…

Actually Paet’s ship was standing on that bony-panzerish thing all ships have.

[quote=“lordcraymen”]one question:

do the imperial stingers and the new models from orta (wich have the old stinger mainframe) have landing gear??? how are the supposed to stand on the ground?[/quote]

I was under the impression that they hovered slightly above the ground, similiar to how landspeeders and snowspeeders do in Star Wars.

Although this image: Shows them as hanging. However perhaps these ones are being worked on?

But note also note how low to the ground the warships are in this pictures:

That image of the warships makes me wonder if all the imperial ships actually didn’t have some kind of hovering mechanism that was always on. Perhaps the “floatage engine” actually causes them to float all the time.

If you remember the Airship dock in Saga, the ships sat on their platform.

As for the ships in Orta with the vertically aligned float engines underneath the crafts… maybe they use rope ladders to get down? Makes it tougher for weak-knee crewmates to go AWOL. :slight_smile: