Panzer Dragoon Tactics

Round-based tactic games like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Advance Wars, Onimusha Tactis and whatstheirname seem to be a booming genre.

Do you think that this would also work with the Panzer Dragoon Franchise?

I played over 90 hours of FFTA on my GBA SP now and I can say that this genre is really fun and perfect for the way to work and back. :smiley:

Final Fantasy Tactics is a poor man’s Shining Force. :slight_smile: It’s amazing how the whole Strategy/RPG genre became so popular the moment Square branded the title “Final Fantasy” to its very own Strategy/RPG. Amazing indeed.

Camelot or Sega needs to start making Shining Force games again in order to teach the industry how it’s done.

Yup, I think it’s been suggested before how the PD universe would work great for a game like that (though I’d want it story based like the original FFT or the tactics ogre series rather than be like FFTA)
It would be sweeet for a turn based strategy game or even a real time one, either would work just fine :slight_smile: there’s so many possibilities

I’ve never played any of this type of game before, would you mind explaining the combat system? Are they like RTS games or more like traditional console RPGs?

It didn’t get popular when Squaresoft did it, the Tactics Ogre series was popular way before that. In fact the original FFT is basically a tactics ogre game with a FF based theme instead of the regular TO item names and skills etc. It was made by the same team as well. Also the original FFT wasn’t even popular enough to get a European release, it stayed in Japan and the US only. I doubt FFTA sells that much either since I don’t hear it talked about much at all.

Tactics games aren’t trying to be SF at all either, SF is an RPG while games like TO and FFT are just a turn based strategy games. Don’t think they should be compared in any way even if they seem to have similar ideas about the battles. I love SF battles but I wouldn’t want to have to pick between SF and FFT since they are games that I love equally for different reasons.

*hopes he won't see too many more posts that are there just to bash on a company similar to how the ps one fanboys used to bash on the saturn on every chance... heck even when there wasn't a chance for it, just for the hell of it*

Play this and see. Except unlike this game imagine every unit being able to level up and gain skills and use items etc in typical RPG fashion.
And you also don’t only move one unit per turn but it depends on the unit’s speed stat or something other similar how often/when you will be able to use it.

Oh and ofcourse they are single player with usually a very good story.
But this little flash game is greatly developed and will give ya a nice impression of how those games play, try it out!


hopes he won’t see too many more posts that are there just to bash on a company similar to how the ps one fanboys used to bash on the saturn on every chance… heck even when there wasn’t a chance for it, just for the hell of it

Would either of the Final Fantasy Tactics games have left Japan if they weren’t a part of the now famous Final Fantasy series? Perhaps, but perhaps not. A mere name can carry a lot of weight when it’s so widely recognized.

As much as I despise Sony, it does have a “good” history of localizing Japanese RPGs. However, you can’t tell me Final Fantasy Tactics doesn’t owe at least some of its success to its name alone.

I hate how only popular RPGs are translated when great RPGs never see the light of day outside Japan merely because they weren’t showered in recognition. Ever play Dragon Force 1 and 2 or Shining Force 3 Scenarios 1, 2 and 3 for the Saturn? Now they are some fine Strategy/RPGs.

I really don’t think FFT was that popular… And it did deserve a US release. Maybe it got it cos of it’s name but well I don’t care I’m just glad it got it even if it had a half assed translation because the game was good.And squaresoft has brought good titles for the industry in the past as well like Chrono Trigger.

If you want other ppl to look underneath the “unpopular” names to find game gems then you should also be able to look underneath the “popular” names because there sometimes are gems there as well.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Final Fantasy Tactics is a poor man’s Shining Force. :slight_smile: It’s amazing how the whole Strategy/RPG genre became so popular the moment Square branded the title “Final Fantasy” to its very own Strategy/RPG. Amazing indeed.


Bah! The genre took off because FFT was a simply amazing game! Its one of the few games i have played more then once. It had more to do with the quality of the game then the Final Fantasy title (although that certainly helped). If anything making it a Final Fantasy game gave it a well developed world and set of character types to place the game in.

And most of the RPGS you are listing Geoffrey were Saturn only. The PSX really did a lot of good in pushing RPGs as a mainstream genre in the US (whether you think that was good or not is besides the point).

And back on topic: Yes i would love a Panzer themed Turn based Strategy. I think it would be a great idea. Although i would like to see one in which you could control Imperial Airships and such as opposed to individual characters. Perhaps you could, however, recruit characters and place them in different ships to get certain stat bonuses similiar to how you can pick crew members in Skies of Arcadia.

The problem with bringin RPGs to America is just cost alone. The sheer amount of content in RPGs (which requires translation, testing, and nowadays, voice overs…) makes for a very, very costly ordeal.

And unless the RPG is at least visually of a certain caliber, it will not receive any recognition in the marketplace (not just a problem for RPGs, but games in general).

So, who in their right mind would bring over generic, mid-level RPGs, knowing that you would lose money on them?

Most large publishers have too high operation costs to be able to release generic RPGs and make money, and most smaller publishers don’t have the resources to dedicate to such huge projects. It’s a catch 22, really.

Yet they are some of the finest Strategy/RPGs the 32 bit era has to offer. Not only are both Dragon Force games and all three scenarios of Shining Force 3 great games, but they are graphically stunning as well (the artistry in Dragon Force 2 went in a more serious direction than the colourful anime-inspired graphics of the original though).

The problem is very few people outside Japan will even know they exist. That in itself, is a tragedy.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

The problem is very few people outside Japan will even know they exist. That in itself, is a tragedy.[/quote]

True, but at least Dragon Force and Scenario 1 of SF3 saw a US release.

So maybe just be glad that games like FFT did get an english release even if it was just cos of their name rather than bash them or their creator for being lucky or whatever to get that kind of treatment.FFT is a good game who cares why we got it or what it’s called as long as it’s a good game?
Re-read my previous post :slight_smile:


The problem is very few people outside Japan will even know they exist. That in itself, is a tragedy.

True, but at least Dragon Force and Scenario 1 of SF3 saw a US release.[/quote]

I believe Working Desings was responsible for translating Dragon Force. It’s arguably better than the sequel but that’s mainly because there isn’t a huge language barrier to overcome.

I almost think it’s a crime to deny the rest of the world great RPGs.

I would prefer RPGs to sell on merit alone, that’s all.

Panzer Dragoon would make a bad Strategy/RPG, mostly because having multiple dragons would suck and having no dragons would suck more.

I really liked the battle system in Saga, I just wish the enimies where harder so there could be some more strategy.

[quote=“Dopefish”]Panzer Dragoon would make a bad Strategy/RPG, mostly because having multiple dragons would suck and having no dragons would suck more.

I really liked the battle system in Saga, I just wish the enimies where harder so there could be some more strategy.[/quote]

You could easily have one dragon and rider with a team of supporting characters like morbo, etc riding on various vehicles.

Yeah, I think the dragon could quite easily be made into a “Synbios” type character… that is, if the leader dies, the battle is lost.

I actually quite like the idea of a ‘Panzer Dragoon Force’ type game, although it would need to offer something different from other SRPGs to be original. Maybe the ability to position in 3 dimensions? Although I can imagine that could become a little confusing, you could use two buttons to move up and down on the grid.

Or u could easily be controlling the empire’s or meccania’s armies :slight_smile:
And having no dragon wouldn’t suck at all because the world itself is very interesting including everything in it like the different factions etc. Surely u dont think the whole world is only comprised (sp) of the ppl that you have met with your dragon. And surely those ppl would be there be4 they met with the dragon as well. Wouldnt their lives be interesting to you either way?

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Yeah, I think the dragon could quite easily be made into a “Synbios” type character… that is, if the leader dies, the battle is lost.

I actually quite like the idea of a ‘Panzer Dragoon Force’ type game, although it would need to offer something different from other SRPGs to be original. Maybe the ability to position in 3 dimensions? Although I can imagine that could become a little confusing, you could use two buttons to move up and down on the grid.[/quote]

The game would definitely have to be in true 3d if it involved ships. Perhaps certain ships can go higher then others, etc. It would simple to implement i think. First you would move on the trraditional x and y axis, and when you were done it would prompt you to select a height. Your height could determine the effectiveness of weapons, defense, etc just like height in other strategy games does.