Panzer Dragoon Pen and Paper RPG Game

Hi there, I’m new in this forum. I sent an e-mail to the page owner in order to seek aid to do an old school RPG since I thought that it would be great idea. He sent me to this forum so here I am.
To go straight I’m seeking for Panzer Dragoon fans who can offer me help to do this project and share it with all of us. Specifficaly I want help with pictures, game system, stories, rules, combat system… and whatever things that goes with a pen and paper RPG. First of all I want to meet people interested in this project. Then, later we can go to the main body of the game.
Thanks to all, I’m waiting replies.

Since I’m a Warhammer fan, I can help with dice odds, BS, WS, A’s and stuff.

I love PnP RPGs. I don’t think a whole new system needs to be developed, just a campaign setting for something like GURPS or D20.

I could help a bit, mabye design part of the world or something.

I never played such an RPG.

Anyways Raider I welcome you to the boards :slight_smile:

I think a Pen and Paper Panzer RPG should just be based on a current system. Perhaps the latest edition of Dungeons and Dragons? I would say most would be familiar with that even if they haven’t played it pen and paper style. Most have played a Bioware rpg at some point…

I have not played that type of RPG in such a long, last ones being some RIFTS campaigne.
I would like to help, but I am afraid that I am a bit iggnorant of the Paper and Pencil RPG…

I don’t know doodley squat about the mechanics of pen-and-paper rpgs, but this sounds like a pretty cool project. Maybe I could help with the story?

please make it not D20! this system is evil.

the Star Wars 2nd edition D6 system is still the best and most fast paced on the planet.

Thanks to all for replying so fastly and give me the welcome.
Well, first, I have some ideas about the game system but I’ve always wanted to create a new one because:
1?: I’m bored of the d20 system, and it’s spreading in all the RPGs and
2?: This is Panzer Dragoon, and it has always been different from all the other games.
In other terms, people who doesn’t know about this kind of game can help with pictures and stories since I want to make a full book of rules and post it in this page to players to enjoy it (if the webmasters let me do so).
So, this is what is for now, spread the word and see if someone else wants to join this project because I think we must find a better way to get in contact (something like a special forum or an instant messenger or anything else…)

See ya

d20’s suck. Rolling 2d6 is far easier.

Warhammer battle style is not bad (I’m a player of fantasy and 40k too), but is better suited to tabletop wargames to simplify the management of hordes of characters and it’s too simple to normal RPGs.
I want to find a game system fast, easy but enough to describe any situation the game master may want. (i know it’s a very difficult task but I’m putting my brains to work and want to know other ideas)
I want also to know deseperatly a better place to put ideas in common (forums are too slow for this, and there isn’t enough room to explain them good and/or share files)

Most of us have numbers on ICQ etc that you can contact if you wish. Just make sure you specify who you are in case we block you, thinking you a lonely n00b.

Either that or use a webpage. Geocities are good, once you pull a few tricks.

What’s all this d20 biz? I hear such things when I play RPG’s but I never know what they are.

D20, D10, D6 etc are just short-hand versions of saying a dice with that many sides. Roll 2D6 means roll two six-sided (i.e. standard) dice, for example.

What’s the difference as far as combat si concerned then?

Well, in Warhammer anyhow, you compare WS (weapon skill) values, then roll to hit based on the difference. If a Chaos Marine (WS4) went up against a Striking Scorpion (WS4) you’d need a 4+ to hit. If a Chaos Marine went up against an Eldar Avatar (WS10) then the Marine would die fast, since the Avatar needs 3+ to hit and the Chaos Marine needs 5+, not to mention a 6+ roll to wound followed by a 5+ invulnerable save…

I think I’ll give an example (warning: extremely geeky bit ahead)

Chaos Space Marine VS Eldar Striking Scorpion

CSM has Weapon skill 4, Eldar Striking Scorpion has WS4 also
CSM has Strength 4, so does Striking Scorpion
CSM has toughness 4, Striking Scorpion has toughness 3
CSM has Initiative 4, Striking Scorpion has initative 5
Both have a standard 2 attacks per assault phase
Both armed with 2 close combat weapons
Both have a 3+ armour save

Say it’s the Eldar player’s turn. He uses the initative to charge in. For doing that, he gets a bonus attack, bringing him to 3 attacks to the Chaos Marine’s 2. The striking Scorpion has higher iniative, so goes first.

He rolls 3D6 and gets a 4 and two 3’s. Heavily gutted, he hits the Chaos Marine once. He now needs a 4+ to wound with that hit, so he rolls a D6, and gets a 5. The Chaos Marine rolls his save (needing a 3+) and makes it.

Now the Chaos Marine can strike back. He needs 4+'s to hit, and gets both of his attacks to hit. Next up are the to-wound rolls, which only need to be a 3+ since the Scorpion has Toughness 3 against Strength 4. He makes both of those, then the Eldar player manages to roll a 1 for one of his armour saves, and with no Farseer in range to grant a re-roll, the striking scorpion falls, only to see a Wraithlord blast the Chaos Marine into pieces with a Starcannon (I HATE CHAOS MARINES!!!).


Wow. That’s quite complicated.

[quote=“Arcie”]Well, in Warhammer anyhow, you compare WS (weapon skill) values, then roll to hit based on the difference. If a Chaos Marine (WS4) went up against a Striking Scorpion (WS4) you’d need a 4+ to hit. If a Chaos Marine went up against an Eldar Avatar (WS10) then the Marine would die fast, since the Avatar needs 3+ to hit and the Chaos Marine needs 5+, not to mention a 6+ roll to wound followed by a 5+ invulnerable save…

I think I’ll give an example (warning: extremely geeky bit ahead)

Chaos Space Marine VS Eldar Striking Scorpion

CSM has Weapon skill 4, Eldar Striking Scorpion has WS4 also
CSM has Strength 4, so does Striking Scorpion
CSM has toughness 4, Striking Scorpion has toughness 3
CSM has Initiative 4, Striking Scorpion has initative 5
Both have a standard 2 attacks per assault phase
Both armed with 2 close combat weapons
Both have a 3+ armour save

Say it’s the Eldar player’s turn. He uses the initative to charge in. For doing that, he gets a bonus attack, bringing him to 3 attacks to the Chaos Marine’s 2. The striking Scorpion has higher iniative, so goes first.

He rolls 3D6 and gets a 4 and two 3’s. Heavily gutted, he hits the Chaos Marine once. He now needs a 4+ to wound with that hit, so he rolls a D6, and gets a 5. The Chaos Marine rolls his save (needing a 3+) and makes it.

Now the Chaos Marine can strike back. He needs 4+'s to hit, and gets both of his attacks to hit. Next up are the to-wound rolls, which only need to be a 3+ since the Scorpion has Toughness 3 against Strength 4. He makes both of those, then the Eldar player manages to roll a 1 for one of his armour saves, and with no Farseer in range to grant a re-roll, the striking scorpion falls, only to see a Wraithlord blast the Chaos Marine into pieces with a Starcannon (I HATE CHAOS MARINES!!!).[/quote]

Thanx for all your trouble but even after three years of learning how to program and the such there are just too many variables in there for em to understand O_O

Here’s the big question, will every player be a dragonrider? It would be weird for a party and not very Panzer-like, without a dragon it would be very different than the games.

Now that I think about it, none of my friends are PD fans so I don’t think I could ever get a chance to play.

No, dragonriders are a very rare event in panzer dragoon world (only 6 are known yet) so it’s very difficult (and no plot-lined) to be one of this chosen warriors. This game is more focused on the “side stories” of the panzer world, things that happen commonly but that are not seen in the game and are done by groups e.g. the band of hunters that formed the empire, what was doing kyle and his friends before (and after) meeting lagi, the missions of the seekers to uncover the ancient age mysteries, the search of the nomads for a place to live and so on. There are hundreds of examples and maybe you have thought about some of them too.
There is no matter if your friends are or not fans, as long as they like roleplaying I am sure they wil find the panzer world quite interesting.