Panzer Dragoon Pen and Paper RPG Game

Hi Gehn. About the game system, don’t be fooled by all this dices and numbers, although the game won’t use warhammer rules, RPGs rules are not so complicated when you understand them, and I’m going to make them as clear as possible. However if you are still confused you can always help with other things like pictures and stories or helping in the “post-production” if we ever reach that point.

This sounds like an intresting project. I’d be glad to help out with anything.

I think it may be a very good game. I play Warhammer and I like the game system.

Sorry for being out so much time. I’ve been preparing demo rules in fighting (the main in a RPG) and I?ll put in here to see your opinions very soon. If you want to contact me to share opinions or tell me anything my messenger direction is available. (please only contact me to game related topics).

Hmmm… I wonder if you can strike three times in a melee…

Hmm if these rules work out then coding them into a computer game wouldnt be all that hard… maybe this could help out feveth’s project?

You have rolled a one. You drop your gun and must do a saving throw to prevent falling off your dragon and plummeting onto the plains of sharpy, pointy sticks.

You fail. Do you want to reload?

I started a similar thread back on the “Die Welt…” forums. I let it fizzle, but I’m ready for another kick at the can.

I now think rules should be discussed last, if at all. Whatever rule-set you prefer, buddy-next-to-you is guaranteed to decry your choice and promote something completely other.

Better to focus on the characters, the world they inhabit, and the stories they create. For example, the world is much larger than the little patch we’ve seen on the maps. Are there Seekers elsewhere, or other goverments? (I’m tired of Evil Empires, personally) How did people live under the influence of the Ancients’ Towers, and how have they reacted to the dormancy of those Towers since Sestren was gunned down?

There is a lot of stuff that needs to be fleshed out for a table-talk style RPG setting, while rule-sets are more than plentiful. Let’s put the brain-sweat where it’s needed.

As I said to Raider, Games Workshop also make a narrative-based GM game called “Inquisitor”. I got the rulebook for ?12 (SH), and the rules would work very well for Panzer, with a few modifications.

I don’t expect you guys all to pay ?20 for the rules for yourselves (cough KAZAA cough), it’s just a thought.

Also…maybe it’s just being a 40k player for a good while, but I really feel that a game like this would benefit from models in some way (or proxies…tissue boxes etc). The way you guys are describing it is almost skirmish like, so we could have a skirmish game or you could put the models away, bring out a huge (pre-made) map and chart a journey on it, etc.