Panzer Dragoon Orta - limited edition vs. normal edition

[quote=“Abadd”]Hm… Given my, uh, relationship with them, it’s difficult at times to ask for autographs, but I’ll be sure to do so the moment the opportunity presents itself. It’s been a while since I’ve even seen Iwade-san, so not even sure what he’s been up to lately.

And on a side note, aside from the finance guys and maybe the CEO, there’s hardly anyone that wears a suit at Sega :anjou_happy:[/quote]

Ok thanks for that.

As for the suits well anything goes at SEGA. I remember the Last Bronx Arcade Team being interviewd and there were people sleeping on the tops of tables in the backrounds ect. They didn’t care as they were so into the game. What a working environment :).

Just hope SEGA Japan remembers some of it’s old ways and let it’s Teams go nuts once and again, and make a new games with the vision of REZ, JSR.

GOD they haven to give us fans somthing to shout about, it’s not been a very good time to be a SEGA fan. Especially when you see the likes of Clover Studio taking SEGA thunder in a filed we were world leaders (cell shading).

BTW Ex SEGA Producer Yoji Ishi. Used to wear some striking suites , with some amazing ties :D. Well in some of the photo?s I?ve seen him in.

And thanks again mate

Trust me. Those guys weren’t sleeping on desks because they wanted to…

There are “issues” in the industry that cause a lot of the real talent to get out and work for more lucrative industries, like the film industry. The work hours are ridiculous, as seen by the recent news concerning EA.

[quote=“Abadd”]Trust me. Those guys weren’t sleeping on desks because they wanted to…

There are “issues” in the industry that cause a lot of the real talent to get out and work for more lucrative industries, like the film industry. The work hours are ridiculous, as seen by the recent news concerning EA.[/quote]

Sorry I should my make myself more clear. I ment they didn’t really care for sleep ect as they were so into the development (deadline or not). It wasn’t just work, but they were enjoying making the game as well (Unless they were just saying that for the camera)

BTW seeing as you ment the Smilebit guys. Was it true that they made Sega Rally II (DC) in 2 months and the team were working on the game 24 hrs a day (2 shifts) 7 days a week. To get the game out ?. That was a huge rumour going around at the time

I did read that the Shenmue Team worked 18 Hrs shits for like 2 years to get the DC game out as well

I don’t know the specifics, but I do know that Sega of Japan has rooms with cots in them for people to sleep, as well as full shower rooms =\

There are other creative endeavours out there that go by the 9:00/18:00 system - why can’t game developing?

Oh btw Abadd, that’s scary :anjou_wow: Specially the shower part…

I think in japan it has mostly to do with the fact that most Japanese people don’t work the way europeans do. If they would work more efficient they might have more free time. German’s are supposed to have the most holidays and the most fre time, that’s not because we are lazier than other people.

It’s not necessarily just a Japan thing. From what I hear a 100 hour work week isn’t uncommon for Microsoft employees.

True but a lot of that is thanks this EU bull cr8p most of us have to put up with. That why a lot of germans on the dole.

EU is good for nothing

People have the strange misconception that working much is a sign o professionalism. The exactly oposite is the case. I’m not sure what Sun Tsu says, but I think people who have enough rest work better, harder and more effecient, are less often sick and drink less alcohol to compensate for stress.
Professionalism is to know when to stop.

[quote=“lordcraymen”]People have the strange misconception that working much is a sign o professionalism. The exactly oposite is the case. I’m not sure what Sun Tsu says, but I think people who have enough rest work better, harder and more effecient, are less often sick and drink less alcohol to compensate for stress.
Professionalism is to know when to stop.[/quote]

True most here would agreee that we souldn’t work more than 39 odd hrs a week
But the working time directive muck like the bill of human?s rights is hugely flawed piece of ill thought out laws. The working time directive has caused chaos in the NHS.

There a reason why Europe as so unproductive and million are unemployed in Europe, and a lot of it?s thanks to the stupid rules the EU comes up with.

Such as?

The Euro, the fact that Germany is locked into to that means it can’t cut it’s interest rates , or borrow and spend millions to help spark the economy into life.

Even when France and Germany break the rules it still doesn’t help.

I don’t like the Euro or the Idea of a united Europe, but that is pretty off topic isn’t it? what does that have to do with PD?

Yeah fair point.

Think I’ll shut up, sorry for going OT