Panzer Dragoon Orta - limited edition vs. normal edition

Ok, Abbad, you look significantly less like Ted Raimi in that picture. I retract my previous statement.

Haha… See? :anjou_happy:

The one on the bottom left corner is Yukio Futatsugi.I think I saw the face of the one on the top left corner too somewhere…

Abadd looks alot like a guy I saw on a martial arts movie the other day.

A real martial arts movie? Or underground internet movie kind of thing? Because there’d be a reason for the second one…

Link Link Link :anjou_happy:
(Though I think he meant a “real” movie, I thought you looked like some actor I have seen too lol)

A friend of mine had it on CD actually.I saw part of it has his place.Don’t tell me you do kung fu flicks!Or perhaps it’s your alter ego :stuck_out_tongue:

Eek, Gehn changed his name! :anjou_wow:

Random thought - that’ll ‘mess up’ a lot of quotes! As a solution, rather than including the user name in the quote tag, the system could use the member number instead - so the name displayed in posts with that member’s quote(s) would change accordingly. :anjou_nerdyglasses:

Just another feature that phpBB could use, I guess. :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Ancient Weapon”]Eek, Gehn changed his name! :anjou_wow:
Random thought - that’ll ‘mess up’ a lot of quotes! [/quote]

not really… since we still know its gehn =P

and i’m liking the pics, cool too see you sharing time with all those people… its like your famous…

Haha… Nah. I stopped doing martial arts when I got to college. My brother is part of a group that does mocap, stunt work, and underground movies, though… was thinking it might be him, since we look so alike. But, he hasn’t really been in many of their videos, primarily mocap.


[quote=“Ancient Weapon”]Eek, Gehn changed his name! :anjou_wow:
Random thought - that’ll ‘mess up’ a lot of quotes! [/quote]

not really… since we still know its gehn =P[/quote]

Sorry - just exercising my monthly technical jibberish allowance… :anjou_embarassed:

Did Yoshida Kentaro say anything about the next Panzer Dragoon?

Hahaha… Even if he did, do you think we’d be able to say anything?

But, no… he didn’t. This was just an informal get together over some food and beer.

Was funny, though… all those Panzer folk and Lordcraymen had to remind everyone that the following week was the 10th year anniversary of the series. There was a collective “D’oh!” heard throughout the room…

Hey, Solo runs the biggest Panzer Dragoon fansite on the net and I had to remind him. :anjou_happy:

Seeing as we’re a little off-topic anyway, did anyone else here realise that it’s the ten-year anniversary (of the release of the first Panzer Dragoon game) in two days?

I got a reminder on my cell phone agenda believe it or not :smiley:

No, there is no limit to PD geekness :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah it’s amazing to think that it’s 10 years ago the wonders of Panzer Dragoon all started. Still for me the best game of all time.

BTW Abadd is Kawagoe Takayuki as mad as seems in real life ??.
Every interview I’ve seen of him , he’s always pulling mad posses, and doing cool gestures . The man seems mad and cool.

Great you got you to meet the likes of them.
Personally I love to meet Ueda Ryu (A GOD), Iwade Takashi (The Art God), Manabu Kusunoki. In addition to Yu ?GOD? Suzuki and the likes of the Master Jackie Chan of coruse :anjou_happy: .

If by “mad,” you mean “angry,” then no. But he’s really cool/funky. And is constantly making jokes about the size of my noggin :anjou_embarassed: (yes, it’s rather large). But, we’ve known each other for a while, so I suppose that comes with the territory, considering he’s from Kansai (western Japan… the people are known for their sharp wit and equally sharp tongues).

It was unfortunate that Ueda-san and Iwade-san couldn’t come. Apparently, they were busy with work =\

[quote=“Abadd”]If by “mad,” you mean “angry,” then no. But he’s really cool/funky. And is constantly making jokes about the size of my noggin :anjou_embarassed: (yes, it’s rather large). But, we’ve known each other for a while, so I suppose that comes with the territory, considering he’s from Kansai (western Japan… the people are known for their sharp wit and equally sharp tongues).

It was unfortunate that Ueda-san and Iwade-san couldn’t come. Apparently, they were busy with work =[/quote]

Anything but mate

Not I ment mad as in good for a laugh and does stuff that other people won?t dare. Like when I see him at shows he?s always up for a laugh and doing cool poses and pointing at the camera ect (while the others are Business like) He comes across as one of the boy?s (one you’ll like to have around when you’re on a night out).

Shame about Ueda he’s too cool, and SEGA really need more people like him to join the group

Heh… Yeah. Kawagoe-san is cool. I’ve got a picture of him somewhere that I took a couple of TGS’ ago where he did a little dance for my camera. Good stuff :smiley:

I thought as much. When other are in thier business suites he?ll be wearing a Football top, like the Genius that is Tetsuya Mizuguchi (gutted he’s gone from SEGA they don?t care much for suits :D.

Mate I have a bit of a personal favour to ask (Don?t worry it?s nothing deep). If you even get to meet eda Ryu , Iwade Takashi. Please mate can yoyu get their autographs for me (I?ll pay shipping costs ect).

You?ll never believe how much respect I have for those guys.
Well lets put it like this. It?s up there with the respect I have for the Pope and Jackie Chan :).

Hm… Given my, uh, relationship with them, it’s difficult at times to ask for autographs, but I’ll be sure to do so the moment the opportunity presents itself. It’s been a while since I’ve even seen Iwade-san, so not even sure what he’s been up to lately.

And on a side note, aside from the finance guys and maybe the CEO, there’s hardly anyone that wears a suit at Sega :anjou_happy: