Panzer Dragoon games

Keep it cool.I know who will take my place on PDAA next year :smiley:

Yeah I was actually about to PM you that before I saw you replied lol :anjou_sigh:

No offense, DragonMaster03, but, you know, the fact that youā€™ve only played Panzer Dragoon Orta, implies to me that you must be REALLY bad at it (or just not very observant), because thereā€™s a copy of the first Panzer Dragoon game right on that disc (or maybe you donā€™t even own in, in which case, I should think itā€™d be kind of hard to call yourself a fan).

And why in the world would you vote for a game youā€™ve never even played before? You canā€™t have an opinion on such a thing.

Anyway, Iā€™m not voting, because, like Al3xand3r, thereā€™s a strong tie for me between Zwei and Saga. When you think about it, all of the other games are far too different from Saga, gameplay-wise, to pick which one is the ā€œbestā€. Comparing an RPG to a rail shooter is just too different, in my opinion.

Im not a idiot you know. :anjou_embarassed: ive beaten the game lots of times, and i know that after you do i think itsabout 15 hrs. of game play, you will unlock everything in Pandroas box. and i know that Panzer Dragoon, the first )Panzer Game, is in there, in Pandroas Box. I just havent played it much, cause 1 the graphics stink, no offence, 2 its just like Orta, in my oppinion, and 3 i have to start all over again cause my stupid xbox broke down, and i still havent gotton a new one, cause i dont have the money. and im sorry Al3xand3r, for whatever the heck you think i did to you, and the other dude, no offence taken. if you dont think im a fan, then i dont give a damn. and im not bad at Orta, or the other thing that you said. im to annoyed right now to remember.

oh, an i think some of you know, im a fan, i never knew that this game had so many stories, i never heard of Sega Saturnā€¦ I also had to ask alot of questions cause some of the stuff i didnt even know. Oh, i went to and im almost sure that there coming out with another Panzer Game, just wanted to tell ya.

I never said you were an idiot. But, itā€™s 20 hours, and you donā€™t even have to do that to get the original Panzer. You just have to beat the game once to unlock it. And the fact that you find the graphics to stinkā€¦ Well, while thatā€™s your opinion, it shows your ignorance to how relative that game was for itā€™s time period; in my opinion, the graphics still look fantastic today. And it also shows a lot of shallowness in terms of gaming; graphics donā€™t make a difference to the game play. And if you think itā€™s just like Orta, then you definitely have not played that game. Itā€™s a Rail Shooter, yes, but it doesnā€™t have any of the Berserk attacks, speed up / slow down moves, or multiple forms; itā€™s much simpler and more straightforward, and in my opinion, considerably more difficult.

If you donā€™t like Panzer 1, then you may not even bother with Zwei, as youā€™d just see that to be ā€œjust like Ortaā€.

But donā€™t take any offense in my post; it may sound more hostile than it is. Iā€™m simply saying, youā€™re letting your youth and graphical shallowness get to you if you let that factor into you not playing a classic game. Iā€™ve been playing a lot of old games lately, and Iā€™m still amazed by some of these games, because I can look at it in terms of, ā€œThis game was amazing for 1989 / 1995ā€, etc. You miss out on a lot of amazing games that way, and in my opinion, they just donā€™t make that many great games anymore.

I detest the original Panzer Dragoon as far as the targeting system goes when you turn around. And the fact that the gun fires one bullet at a time. And thereā€™s no Berserk Attack.

Has ANYONE on this board got Winged Death on Panzer Eins?

  • Raises hand *

Only on the Japanese (Saturn) version, though; 100% is impossible on other versions due to the sandworm bug. Itā€™s not so ridiculously hard to do in the end, but itā€™s definitely harder than the other PD shooters, especially seeing as you donā€™t have berserk attacks to bail you out if things start going wrong. Once youā€™ve learned the patterns for each level though, itā€™s not too hard to get a 100% at will. (Also, useless trivia: the top rank in PD1 is called ā€œMad Shooterā€ rather than Winged Death.)


I think you need to learn to control your temper. Iā€™m 18, and Iā€™ve been playing video games since about 1989; so basically, as soon as I could hold a control, I started. Iā€™ve seen all kinds of consoles come and go, like other people have, and know the value of such a game, and others. It doesnā€™t bother me that you havenā€™t played the other games. I simply do not understand why you would vote for a game that youā€™ve never played; and if you hate the graphics in the first Panzer, youā€™re not going to like the graphics in the second and third ones much better. And if you think the first Panzer is just like Orta, then the second Panzer will seem even moreso like Orta. Itā€™s just very judgemental of you in that regard. Let me give you a hint: The greatest games of our generation arenā€™t the latest port of a movie, newest games that are just duplicates of Max Payne, or anything of this sort. Theyā€™re the games from 1989, 1993, 1995, etc., and any other number of years.

Iā€™m simply saying that youā€™re cheating yourself out of true masterpieces if you take on such an attitude. But no more of this; Iā€™m not going to deal with a kid with her caps lock stuck on that canā€™t carry on a civil conversation.

OfWintryDeath : there is nothing wrong in saying PD1ā€™s graphics suck because they do.Nowadays they do.Itā€™s bareble of course.

Oh and Dm03 : where exactly did you see the new PD game news?

Actually I find them unbearableā€¦ The low frame rame limit really kills the game for me. I hope the remake does the rest aspects (story, aesthetics, etc) justice because aside from everything else it WILL be superior atleast because of the smooth frame rate (I donā€™t think thereā€™s any chance that Sega will not fix that). So if the rest aspects are the same/as good as the original, Iā€™ll love the remakeā€¦ Well, if I get a chance to play it that is, I donā€™t have a PS2ā€¦

OfWintryDeath: I agree with many of your points but you do need to give her a breakā€¦ Do you expect someone with less than half your age to share the same feelings as you? I mean, Iā€™m all for teaching her how things work here (ie, no post reviving, no spam, etc) but you kind of attacked her quite bluntly with your attitude.

As for saying that the best games are of of this or that eraā€¦ Well thatā€™s purely subjective. Any gamer will say the best games are of the era he was most into it/played the most. Older gamers than you will tell you that the best games are the likes of space invaders and missile command clones. You will say the best games are the likes of Panzer Dragoon Zwei and Nights Into Dreams. A younger gamer will in a decade from now say that the best games are the likes of Viewtiful Joe and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.

And each of those people will most likely not share the same affection for games of an older or even newer era than ā€œhisā€ for the most part.

I can recognise qualities of each era for the most part (though you wouldnā€™t see me play really old games as anything more than coffee break fun) but I do dislike games with low frame rates as itā€™s just annoying to the eyes and affects the gameplay as well.

Gehn: I think weā€™d have heard it first if there really was a new PD game coming :wink:

I think you should watch your mouth. Today us kids, think those graphics suck. Ive been playin video games since 1993(not that it matters) gee thanks and if you dont like my attitude, then dont talk to me. And theres nothing wrong with my caps lock key. God in heaven help me. And I resepct the games from them being masterpieces, but today, we kids view graphics like that as crap. Im not trying to be mean, and i voted for the game because, almost everyone else voted for it, and yesterday i played Saga overs my friends house, and i thought it was awesome, i said that already. And about the new PD gsme, I remember seeing it, and hearing about it. If you dont believe me then thats cool, but pretty sure and I do think you would hear it first, just like Al3x said. :anjou_happy:

Since you were one year old :anjou_happy: ?


I think itā€™s a little unfair to say that I ā€œattackedā€ her, because I clearly said that I meant no offense by my words. I even apologized if my posting game off as more hostile than I had intended it. Given, itā€™s very difficult to judge emotions over the internet. But sheā€™s the one who couldnā€™t seem to handle it (which most would say is excusable, given her age). Now, by all means, I donā€™t want to start some huge flame war on this otherwise peaceful board, which is why I said in my post that I wasnā€™t going to continue bantering with her about the topic. Sheā€™s not less than half my age, and of course I donā€™t expect her to have the same feelings as I do; but what can I say? I always get a little irked with the attitudes a lot of people have, young and old, to a variety of things. And I apologize for that if it stirred up a bit of trouble.

Well, I can appreciate the excellence of newer games, as well as older games. I play games that were before my time, during my time, etc., and do my best to appreciate them all around. There have been some fantastic games in recent years, like Otogi, Unreal Tournament 2004, and many others. But for me, the reason why I say the best games came from earlier on, isnā€™t just because I grew up with them; itā€™s because these games, even after all these years, I can still pull out, play, and spend a good amount of time on them without getting bored. A lot of my newer games, Iā€™ll play once, beat it, and then usually just be done with it. Iā€™ve spent the most time on Metal Gear Solid 2 and Panzer Dragoon Orta in recent years, as well as a horde of Dreamcast games (which shouldnā€™t be considered as ā€œold schoolā€). Just a few weeks ago, I played through The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past literally about seven times. Yet at the same time, Iā€™ve put at least 12 hours on Castlevania: Circle of the Moon in a two to three day period.

Anyway, to summarize all of that long crap: sorry if I caused trouble, and I did my best to make it clear that I meant no hostilities and offense in my posts (though she may have took it as such), and I donā€™t mean to mislead anyone to think that I only care about games made between 1991 and 1998. I just find the whole, ā€œIf it doesnā€™t have a billion polygons, the graphics suckā€ attitude to be pretty shallow, and I think that her gaming life would be greatly enriched if she could get over that. :anjou_happy:

So, I donā€™t wish to continue further hostilities with anyone. I was simply trying to make my point, and I didnā€™t mean to do it any sort of an offensive / hostile way, as I said. Well, thatā€™s enough of this, now.

Hey thanks Al3xand3r. I can understand that i have a HUGE temper and attitude. But OfWintryDeath, that other post, really hurt my feelings. :anjou_sad:

1st one is still the best (in fact its my fav game of all time)

I think that too but I wanted to give the girl a chance to explain herself.

Hey Gehpnaet, uh, thanks? if you dont believe me then that cool, i remember hearing it, im not lying. like i said before, im almost sure its