Panzer Dragoon coming to Revolution?

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Ok he said thinking about it but why was Shinobi and Panzer Dragoon mentioned specifically? Is this a hint? Only the future knowsssss.

Umm, Shinobi and PD were mentioned by the guy who wrote the article and not the guy who got interviewed as far as I can tell so they were simply examples of Sega IPs… I don’t see any hints about a new PD or more specifically a PD on the Revolution in this article :anjou_sigh:

If a PD were to appear only on the Revolution though, I’d be pretty screwed. Multiformat is the way to go, Sega.

I hope it’s not on the Revolution…the Revolution doesn’t have ANY High Definition support. A panzer with no 1080p? No thanks. The series deserves to be on the best hardware…and Nintendo doesn’t have it, unfortunately.

Of course, the Revolution may have some things going for it…considering everything is still pretty much top secret…but the high definition statement has already been made by the powers that be, and is, unfortunately, true.


I wouldn’t like to see PD on the Revolution either.Either on a neutral console or on a Sega console.Of course I’d still buy a Revolution just to play PD if it were to be released on it.

Shadow : multiplataform?I don’t see how PD would win anything with that.

Yeah written by some NCL fanboy no doubt, hoping beyond hope. All this talk from SEGA is Code for yet more Sonic games and MD ports for a Nintendo machine.

Fact chance of Shinobi or Dragoon coming to the Revolution (PS3 more likely).
Maybe Naka and the Sonic Team might make a few Rev games as he seems to love NCL so much, I sometimes wonder why he doesn’t just join NCL

Well if that was the case then the sega guy wouldn’t have answered we were looking into it when those specific titles were mentioned. I’d perfer it that those games appered on the revolution than the shit fest Ps3 any day of the week.

Obviously none of you have heard about the mysterious Sonic project that Sega of japan has put up on the sonic mini website for weeks now.

And it doesn’t include the new games that were recently announced concerning Sonic.

He was asked about Sega IPs and given two examples and he said they are currently thinking about which IPs would be suitable, if he meant PD specifically he would say they are thinking if PD (or “these” IPs) is suitable. Nothing he said indicated he was making a statement more specific than simply giving out the possibility of Sega created ANY game for the Revolution. We don’t even know if the question presented to him actually even included PD as we don’t have the interview’s original format but instead an article with some excerpts of things he said. But even if it was to me it just sounds like PR talk simply showing the possibility that Sega will create games for Nintendo, any games, not Panzer Dragoon.

Shinobi isn’t a particularly good choice right now. I don’t think anything will top the awesome Ninja Gaiden, or the equally good God of War.

But why would it have to be the same type of game?

It would have to be something amazing to top God Of War.
Its hands down the best game I’ve played in years, and way better than NG. In fact GOW is one of the best games I’ve ever played in my life .

At the moment SEGA can’t even beat the likes of of O.TO.GI, never mind something like GOW.

Dance Dance Shinobi anyone?

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]Well if that was the case then the sega guy wouldn’t have answered we were looking into it when those specific titles were mentioned. I’d perfer it that those games appered on the revolution than the shit fest Ps3 any day of the week.

Obviously none of you have heard about the mysterious Sonic project that Sega of japan has put up on the sonic mini website for weeks now.

And it doesn’t include the new games that were recently announced concerning Sonic.[/quote]

I like to seee them on the 360 more than anything else. But if you think SEGA going to do massive and costly production like a Panzer Dragoon for the Rev, just think again.

The Rev is dead on its feet before its even out.
No 3rd party or most of the press are giving it a chance (as a main stream console). It will be a nich system that only the Hardware Loyal NCL fans will buy.

Everbody else will buy the 360 or PS3. So those console witll see the big budget games. Thats the reason why RE5 is not on a NCL console for a start .
The Rev will get a couple of Sonic Team titles like I’ve said , becasue Naka seems to love NCL more than he does SEGA :wink: :P.

What the what is NCL??

That’s a pretty silly thing to say Team Andromeda, how can you attest to the system being dead when noone knows almost anything about it?

Seriously, where exactly did you see the press call it a niche system anyway? If anything, everybody expects Nintendo to ‘pull a Pokemon’ once again and take the world by storm.

Given their track record, I’d say they have a pretty damn good chance of managing that, what with the main thing they want to do with the Revolution is make gaming even more accessible to the mainstream rather than make it even more focused to the hardcore fans. Maybe they will fail but when we don’t know anything about it it’s just plain silly to say that everybody will just buy the 360 and PS3.

Nobody knows what the Revolution is about so noone can just state that it won’t be supported out of nowhere, it’s still pretty damn early. As for third party support, Nintendo has fared fine without it in the past but has also gained more of it the last few years and it can only get better.

The fact it’s not much talked about currently is because there’s almost nothing to talk about since Nintendo hasn’t revealed much. Not because nobody cares, but because nobody knows. I’m certain the hype machine will be launched in time by Nintendo.

The few things we know about the Revolution also sound pretty good. Access to all the past Nintendo (and possibly third party) games from one system without having to fiddle with cartriges and old discs? I’m all for that. New wireless network created specifically for Revolution gaming? I’m all for that as well (I believe it’s meant to provide free online gaming without any additional fees, and not even ISP fees? I’m not sure).

What I’m not all for is their attempt to simplify gaming even more so but given past titles like the Zelda series that were damn simple to play and yet far from shallow experiences, I for one think they have a rather big chance of success and will be the last person to condemn them simply because the Microsoft and Sony hype machines are already going at fullspeed while Nintendo’s hasn’t even started up yet.

Nintendo Corporation Limited (Nintendo CO.LTD) In
Layman’s terms Nintendo Japan :slight_smile:

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]That’s a pretty silly thing to say Team Andromeda, how can you attest to the system being dead when noone knows almost anything about it?

Seriously, where exactly did you see the press call it a niche system anyway? If anything, everybody expects Nintendo to ‘pull a Pokemon’ once again and take the world by storm.

Given their track record, I’d say they have a pretty damn good chance of managing that, what with the main thing they want to do with the Revolution is make gaming even more accessible to the mainstream rather than make it even more focused to the hardcore fans. Maybe they will fail but when we don’t know anything about it it’s just plain silly to say that everybody will just buy the 360 and PS3.

Nobody knows what the Revolution is about so noone can just state that it won’t be supported out of nowhere, it’s still pretty damn early. As for third party support, Nintendo has fared fine without it in the past but has also gained more of it the last few years and it can only get better.

The fact it’s not much talked about currently is because there’s almost nothing to talk about since Nintendo hasn’t revealed much. Not because nobody cares, but because nobody knows. I’m certain the hype machine will be launched in time by Nintendo.

The few things we know about the Revolution also sound pretty good. Access to all the past Nintendo (and possibly third party) games from one system without having to fiddle with cartriges and old discs? I’m all for that. New wireless network created specifically for Revolution gaming? I’m all for that as well (I believe it’s meant to provide free online gaming without any additional fees, and not even ISP fees? I’m not sure).

What I’m not all for is their attempt to simplify gaming even more so but given past titles like the Zelda series that were damn simple to play and yet far from shallow experiences, I for one think they have a rather big chance of success and will be the last person to condemn them simply because the Microsoft and Sony hype machines are already going at fullspeed while Nintendo’s hasn’t even started up yet.[/quote]

What like Pokemon helped the CUBE ?
That machine is dead on its feet and 3rd party are Leaving in their droves. It’s suffering from the exact same problems of the N64. Lack of fighters, driving games, RPG’s and mature games, and a poor release schedule of games each month. Things which a machine needs to get the casuals

Of which NCL have done nothing to address with the Rev.
No they go to make it even more of a niche system with this control gimmick, over tech specs. Fine for NCL games, not so fine for Big Budget 3rd party Multi Format games.

The final nail in the coffin was Capcom leaving NCL and backing the PS3 and 360. Have a look, and you’ll find only a handful of developers showing any interest in the Rev .

Oh it sell more than enough to make the machine Viable , and get some 3rd party support (NCL have a following of some 10 million that will buy the machine come what may). But in the home market NCL have been losing market share year after year, after year.

It’s not playing with the big boys and NCL will play it safe, not sell its hardware at a loss, and keep on making 4 in-House games and the endless Zelda ,Mario updates (none of which will have speech to cut costs) because that makes NCL a ton of money. Its already said it charge for the classic downloads, and they will milk that too (all low risk)

Its not in their interest to chase the casuals.

As far the online , don’t make me laugh.
It will be patchy at best, and how long before they charge for online play ???.
Not long I bet as they’ve always said cost was the issue in their anti online stance . Nothing changed cost wise in terms of the internet.
The only reason why NCL have gone down this route is because fans have demanded, and NCL been caught will their pants down.

At least SEGA tried with the DC and pushed the boat out.
NCl have done anything but

I think it’s also fair to point out that this is moreso the case in Europe than in America. The Gamecube is faring much worse in Europe than in the US, and this trend will likely continue into the next gen, unless Nintendo surprises everyone with something wicked.

I’m not saying they will make another Pokemon game, I’m saying they can “pull a pokemon” ie make something that will be amazingly successful just like pokemon was initially (and even today).

Noone knows anything about the controller so a) how can you KNOW it’s a gimmick and** b**) know that “regular” games won’t work well with it.
Hell, considering that the system is planned to run all past Nintendo games including GameCube games, I’d say the controller will be suitable for anything you can throw at it. They are trying to do something new here, not completely destroy what they may have achieved so far…

So now you also know that a) Capcom won’t support the Revolution and b) Capcom was the only company that kept Nintendo afloat. Simply outrageous really. And Capcom has most always been multiplatform anyway, maybe they didn’t do some proper Resi games for other systems but the PS2 still got a few Resident Evil spin off games so, nothing new here.

  1. I’m sure the Revolution will be competitively priced and if anything probably cheaper than the other two systems.

  2. So, what, Zelda games are now low-budget crap? lol? PS2 which is the most popular system has been relying on sequel after sequel after sequel as well.

Atleast the Nintendo games are all AAA stuff so it’s good we get sequel after sequel (it doesn’t even happen nearly as often as I was hoping for either, hell, their home consoles have gotten two proper Zelda games at most with the exception of the Zelda Four Swords spin off for the GC), I wish that happened with the PD series too if only Sega was able to keep making AAA games like Nintendo is. They have also stated they will be launcing several new IPs with the Revolution.

Yeah, anyone can say “I won’t believe it until I see it” but then again you are so certain about the things Sony and MS have said/promised and know they will both be awesomly awesome and so will be bought by everybody so the Revolution will fail… Why accept all they say but on the other hand bash everything Nintendo has (and in many cases hasn’t!) said?

No? Everybody is chasing the casuals, some fail, some don’t, every next generation is a new chance and Nintendo has shown they are capable of doing so. Hell it’s the casuals that are the only reason Ninty keeps going what with all multimillion sales of pokemon and what not (so it’s for a portable mostly, so what, it’s still the same company and still games), unless you think all of them are some hardcore gamer types or something. i’m certain they can transfer that kind of success to a home console instead of a portable as well.

Again, how the hell do you know that? You keep arguing like you already have played with the system. So they didn’t do so great with the GC in that aspect but then again Sony also sucked horribly with the PS2 and yet you say that one will be awesomely awesome and keep selling in its next incarnation (duh, of course it will).

As for charging for online gaming, hell, again, how do you know company plans before the thing is out already.

As for the charging of old titles, they say they MAY do that and yes I’d say it’s most likely they will (atleast for more recent titles, ie GameCube games) but then again, so what, it’s still a great feature and a hell of a lot better and more accessible than all the retro gaming collections that every classic-related company keeps releasing and re-releasing.

Hell, every company is milking what they can, what is this now, Nintendo bash time, as if Sony and Microsoft are some kind of charity corporations that do things without thinking of earnings? Giving things away, and any earnings going to charity, is that what they are doing? Sigh… It’s Sony and M$ we are talking about ffs…

Again, all we know so far is they’ve said they won’t be charging so I’d appreciate it you get some evidence before bashing the system for charging for things we barely know anything about. Nobody bashed Microsoft for charging for X-box Live originally *(apart from me) *and now Nintendo is getting bashed because while they say it will be free you believe it won’t be?

I also think you misunderstood what they said, the only cost related thing I’ve seen them say is that it was a lot of cost for CUSTOMERS (since for example for the X-Box what they had to do was a) pay for isp b) pay for x-box live) and not for the company, which is why they are now finding ways to make it available for free.

So now it’s wrong and a sign of failure that they listen to the fans and attempt to remedy things found wrong with the GameCube? You’d rather they made the same mistake once again and not support online multiplayer gaming? I’m sure you would bash them twice as bad if they had once again said they will not focus on online gaming at all…

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]
At least SEGA tried with the DC and pushed the boat out.
NCl have done anything but[/quote]

Nintendo are doing something now and they are apparently getting bashed for it by you lol… And they did try with the GC anyway, they just failed miserably as Phantasy Star Online was the only thing that worked well on it as far as I know (could be wrong)… But, again, the PS2 failed as well and yet you say people will still be buying that (of course they will) and that it will work fine so why does it matter so much for Nintendo and is another reason they will fail (this, just for argument’s sake, it’s still silly to say they won’t do well when you/we know shit about what they are planning/doing)?

But, I guess, when even “hardcore” gamers such as us are going all for companies like Sony and Microsoft then things may really be lost for companies like Nintendo and Sega… :anjou_sigh:

[quote]Noone knows anything about the controller so a) how can you KNOW it’s a gimmick and b) know that “regular” games won’t work well with it.
Hell, considering that the system is planned to run all past Nintendo games including GameCube games, I’d say the controller will be suitable for anything you can throw at it. They are trying to do something new here, not completely destroy what they may have achieved so far… [/quote]

It will be nothing more that a controler with a touch screen and tilt sensor bulit in.
There’s only so many ways one can move a character around a 3D world . Unless NCL are plaining on asking more for the controller than the console its self.

Oh and look at the games talked about so far. A new Mario, New Smash Brother, New Kong, and a New Prime. My the innovation, revolution and originality Rolls Eye’s

BTW don’t listen to NCL hype. They said the same with the DS.
Never mind the fact that they did dual screen games over 20 years ago, and the DS isn’t the only handheld with a touch screen.

Capcom are the only ones that make the Cube worth owning so far this year (with RE4). And Capcom and NCL said RE 4 was Exclusive to the Cube (Its even on the front cover of the game).
Didn’t last long because
Capcom share holders have woken upto the fact that isn’t just not viable to make big money productions on the Cube and that will be the case on the Rev. Rev will get a new Megaman game no doubt.

[quote]1) I’m sure the Revolution will be competitively priced and if anything probably cheaper than the other two systems.

  1. So, what, Zelda games are now low-budget crap? lol? PS2 which is the most popular system has been relying on sequel after sequel after sequel as well.

Atleast the Nintendo games are all AAA stuff so it’s good we get sequel after sequel (it doesn’t even happen nearly as often as I was hoping for either, hell, their home consoles have gotten two proper Zelda games at most with the exception of the Zelda Four Swords spin off for the GC), I wish that happened with the PD series too if only Sega was able to keep making AAA games like Nintendo is. They have also stated they will be launcing several new IPs with the Revolution.

Yeah, anyone can say “I won’t believe it until I see it” but then again you are so certain about the things Sony and MS have said/promised and know they will both be awesomly awesome and so will be bought by everybody so the Revolution will fail… Why accept all they say but on the other hand bash everything Nintendo has (and in many cases hasn’t!) said?


Yeah and that’s my point. NCL have said they aren’t playing the spec game, even going as far to say they don’t see the need of HD modes.
Cheap and Cheerful hardware Fine that will server them well (like their HH) and will make them a pot of cash,
But it will lose them the big money productions from 3rd party’s.
Every expert and almost every developer is saying the next gen will be a 2 horse race between M$ and Sony. Nobody is saying anything other than Rev will be a distant 3rd . No a platform you will risk a big mony production on if you’re a 3rd party.

The new Zelda got real Speech or has a 100 piece Orchestra providing the music. Nope thought not that cost to much money. As for the rubbish about Sony.

Well at least they tried new stuff inthe home market with its EyeToy and Karaoke music or Original stuff like Fantavison, Flipnic, Mojib Ribbon

Backed that up with Big In-House productions like ICO, Getway, God Of War, GT 4 and so on.
All in stark contrast to the so call innovators . We have Pikmin and Animal Crossing and that its from NCL In-House in terms of originality . Not to talk about how M$ and published more games for their systems. Which makes me laugh as NCL points out that games is its only focus, and its not a multi media corp like M$ or Sony.

Yet these Multi Media corps produce or publish more in house games for their home consoles , that NCL which ‘only’ makes games.

Oh and SEGA made 3 Panzer Dragoon games in one generation for its home system (1 more than Zelda).

As for the Online part well NCL have always said cost is the issue. Unless they charge peolle they won’t make money. Let face it for a company that could to ask money for users to play its Snes or N64 back catalogue . It not’s going to be long before NCL start asking money for online, more so if we complex Online games like a MMRPG.

I see the online part of Prime Hunters as been cut , no doubt to the cost of setting up these servers and NCL doesn’t want to ask money for it (after making so much noise about their online will be free. 2 years down the line NCL will be asking money to play online