Panzer Dragoon coming for PS2 (Sega Ages)

[quote]Just because it hasn’t been announced or isn’t currently being developed, doesn’t mean Sega wouldn’t like to do it.

Ok that’s fair enought, would have been nice for the Euro launch though (to get the best sales) at the mo there is a lack of good driving (or Rally ) games on the unit. SEGA could have cleaned up.

Not on Hand Helds (no PSP game yet) and the Sonic Colletion is PS2/Cube only, or inthe USA Cube only. Big Franchises like Sonic and VF should be multi platform.

[quote]]As for your earlier comment about Orta not being released for X-mas: gamers complain all the time when a game is “released too early,” and is full of bugs, un-tuned levels, etc. But, when a game doesn’t release within a certain window or slips, gamers complain. You can’t always have the best of both worlds.

Had Orta shipped “on time,” it would have been a steaming pile of crap. It was due to the extra time that helped it achieve the quality it reached[/quote]

I said before I had the JP version of ORTA on Import before Chritsmas with no bugs whats so ever ,and full english text. The same version that shipped months latter in Europe and America.

It would have been a push but I’m sure if SOA really wanted too They could have got it out at the same time as the JP Orta.

As for Sonic, PSP just came out, and not a single Sonic game has released since then (if you want to count Gems Collection, that’s one thing, but that’s emulation, and frankly, there are no -legal- emulators developed yet).

Orta released 1 month after Japan in the US. The certification processes for Japan and the US are different, as is how retail works. Unless you’ve got something the size of Halo shipping, it is nearly impossible to get any shelf space that close to Christmas (it shipped on 12/19 in Japan). Most people are done with their shopping by then, stores are a wreck, and every AAA game has already dominated the shelf. Your game will be lost in the clutter, retailers will see the poor performance, and likely demand a price markdown before January (to coincide with their after X-mas sales). It is a much safer thing to release in early to mid-January after everyone has settled down, now has post X-mas money to play with, etc.

Europe released that much later because they had to then translate it into FIGS. Wasn’t possible to do simultaneously because, well, the team was still writing the damn story until the thing shipped :smiley:

[quote=“Abadd”]As for Sonic, PSP just came out, and not a single Sonic game has released since then (if you want to count Gems Collection, that’s one thing, but that’s emulation, and frankly, there are no -legal- emulators developed yet).

Orta released 1 month after Japan in the US. The certification processes for Japan and the US are different, as is how retail works. Unless you’ve got something the size of Halo shipping, it is nearly impossible to get any shelf space that close to Christmas (it shipped on 12/19 in Japan). Most people are done with their shopping by then, stores are a wreck, and every AAA game has already dominated the shelf. Your game will be lost in the clutter, retailers will see the poor performance, and likely demand a price markdown before January (to coincide with their after X-mas sales). It is a much safer thing to release in early to mid-January after everyone has settled down, now has post X-mas money to play with, etc.

Europe released that much later because they had to then translate it into FIGS. Wasn’t possible to do simultaneously because, well, the team was still writing the damn story until the thing shipped :D[/quote]

Fair points about ORTA,

But the PSP hasn’t just come out. It been out since Christmas of last year.

Naka was all too quick to have a Sonic ready to show off on the DS when it was 1st shown off (Though the new version looks Completely different). Developers have known about the PSP for 2 years now, it?s a bit sad that SEGA hasn’t got Sonic on the PSP ready to launch along with the DS version.

I think its just madness to limit the Sonic Collection to just the CUBE (yes I know Sonic sells well on the Cube) in the USA and the PS2/Cube for the rest of the world. It should be multi platform the world over really.I?m hating this quite game SEGA Japan is playing at the mo.

Sorry if it looks like I’m having go at you, but I really want SEGA to do well and for people to get hyped over SEGA. I really hate this quite games SEGA Japan is playing at the mo

With new hardware all set to launch this year and next.
SEGA should be showing off the odd screen shot and getting people hyped.
No instead its destroys any sort of positive talks of its E3 video clips.
When SEGA never had to talk about home versions at all (nether confirm or deny). As at least it got people talking and taking a interest in SEGA.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]
Fair points about ORTA,

But the PSP hasn’t just come out. It been out since Christmas of last year.[/quote]

That still counts as recent in game development terms. In fact, nobody outside of Sony was sure when it was releasing until just a few weeks prior. Sonic Gems Collection was already well into development, and it took a while to get the arcade emulators running on PS2. The PSP’s specs are nowhere near as close to the PS2’s specs as people think, so it would have been damn impossible to get it ready in time. Hence, no Sonic games on PSP.

You think that’s going to last long?

Take a look at RR for PSP. Great little game, right? Now, try to think about how simplistic the game is. Now think about the fact that Namco has been working with Sony since the early PSX days, and has a back catalog of tech from those days they can easily rely on.

Sega has to build it all from scratch. It’s not as simple as taking a PS2 game and releasing it on PSP.

As for DS… that thing is immensely simple to develop for in comparison. And the stuff that Naka-san showed? It was stuff on rails with the occasional input from the touch screen. Like you said, immensely different than what is being shown now.

You also have to understand that the DS is a lot more attractive to Japanese developers at this point, simply due to the success of the DS in Japan vs the PSP, as well as the ease of programming.

This decision had nothing to do (as far as I know) with anything within Sega’s control. That is all I can say.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]Sorry if it looks like I’m having go at you, but I really want SEGA to do well and for people to get hyped over SEGA. I really hate this quite games SEGA Japan is playing at the mo

With new hardware all set to launch this year and next.
SEGA should be showing off the odd screen shot and getting people hyped.
No instead its destroys any sort of positive talks of its E3 video clips.
When SEGA never had to talk about home versions at all (nether confirm or deny). As at least it got people talking and taking a interest in SEGA.[/quote]

No worries. You know I don’t get worked up easily. I know how it looks, but trust me when I say the folks at Sega are doing what they can to battle the politics ever-present in the industry.

As for E3/next gen… how much stuff are you seeing from any company at this point? The issue with hardware launches is that stuff isn’t ready until the very last minute, simply because the hardware never is.

But, even so, in the US, there is still occasional coverage of Condemned and Full Auto. Anything else is a little ways off, so there’s less focus on that from the media, anyway.

[quote=“Abadd”]You mean other than the print ads, the TV commercials, and all the press coverage?

Hell, OXM reviewed the game twice.[/quote]

Ah, OK. In Europe, Orta got S.F.A. in terms of advertising. Hell, I saw more ads for Sonic R!

[quote]That still counts as recent in game development terms. In fact, nobody outside of Sony was sure when it was releasing until just a few weeks prior. Sonic Gems Collection was already well into development, and it took a while to get the arcade emulators running on PS2. The PSP’s specs are nowhere near as close to the PS2’s specs as people think, so it would have been damn impossible to get it ready in time. Hence, no Sonic games on PSP.

You think that’s going to last long?[/quote]

Ok that’s good to here.
And I must clear some stuff up. I now my garmmer isn’t the best and so need to make things that bit more clear (must proof read more)

I?m not after a port of Sonic Collection on the PSP. I would have liked to see that on the X-Box, more so as its an Emu?s dream.

Just saying I would have liked to see maybe a port of Sonic DS ready to go on the PSP as well, when the DS version is done.

I was in GAME the other day and people were just blown away by the PSP and all the talk and hype was around the PSP. In fact people say that the launch stock is more or less sold out (nowI know this is hype ).

Still though come the next month the PSP will be a big deal in Europe and so far SEGA been rather quite on the PSP front (apart from VT).
Would have liked to see SEGA capitalise on the hype with the promise of Rally and Sonic productions on the PSP.

[quote]Take a look at RR for PSP. Great little game, right? Now, try to think about how simplistic the game is. Now think about the fact that Namco has been working with Sony since the early PSX days, and has a back catalog of tech from those days they can easily rely on.

Sega has to build it all from scratch. It’s not as simple as taking a PS2 game and releasing it on PSP.

As for DS… that thing is immensely simple to develop for in comparison. And the stuff that Naka-san showed? It was stuff on rails with the occasional input from the touch screen. Like you said, immensely different than what is being shown now.

You also have to understand that the DS is a lot more attractive to Japanese developers at this point, simply due to the success of the DS in Japan vs the PSP, as well as the ease of programming.[/quote]

Good points mate. I know Namco as a great Realasion ship with Sony and will get to hear about hardware developments before most .

And unlike what the hype suggests , the PSP is far closer the DC in terms of real performance . But it be nice to see SEGA making some use of the machine ,
More so as its better able to handle ports of stuff like Rally which SEGA allowed for the GBA or N-Gage.

It can’t just be me, that thinks ports of Rally would just work wonders on the PSP, can it ???.

Ok forgot about SONY America 2D Policy , but would have liked to see a X-Box port. As like I said that?s an emulators dream.

[quote]No worries. You know I don’t get worked up easily. I know how it looks, but trust me when I say the folks at Sega are doing what they can to battle the politics ever-present in the industry.

As for E3/next gen… how much stuff are you seeing from any company at this point? The issue with hardware launches is that stuff isn’t ready until the very last minute, simply because the hardware never is.

But, even so, in the US, there is still occasional coverage of Condemned and Full Auto. Anything else is a little ways off, so there’s less focus on that from the media, anyway.[/quote]

Glad to read that,
I can sometimes go into school boy rants when SEGA Is concerned. Sometimes this can look like I?m having a go at you (for that Iam sorry), When really its more directed at SEGA. Like a lot on this board . I just so want SEGA to do well, and see them back on form and people hyped on SEGA.

Just at the mo they aren?t really giving the loyal fans much to look forward too.
While its great to see SEGA America singing up various 360 games. Like most on this board, I?m more interested in what SEGA Japan internal studios are up too.

You know the guys that have entertained me with classic productions since the Mastersytems days, but more so from Saturn onwards. When SEGA Japan consumer divisions were on fire.

It was all going so well in the early years of the Xox and Cube too.
Ok I know SEGA had merger talks, money worries and various restructuring troubles hanging over its head like some dark cloud.
And It?s a bit of a testament to the staff at SEGA, that SEGA is still around.
Many other companies with similar problems would have gone to the wall long agao.

But those days are behind us now in part. Really just like to see SEGA Japan showing off to the world what its got planned for the next generation of console , not just Arcades.
So the fans and even the haters can have something to look forward too, or talk about

BTW I know this isn’t much to do with Panzer.

But like to show the pice of Art that I did thats made me pass the 1st part of my Art coruse.
It all boils down to, that I had to draw a classic picture and some how make it moden .
So thanks to my Teacher , I chose The Bird Headed Monster by Bosch , as she thought that was kepping in with the Mad JP art used in some games

It?s a bit messed up hasn’t it haven’t long come back for University for marking.
In addition to the TA logo, and PD pics. There is another smilebit reference in there (see if you can get it).

And if for nothing else here’s me walking the dog , up the mounting by my house . One of the best parts (if the only) living in S Wales

Just link to the images, you are breaking the forum structure…

1st pic: That’s uh, pretty mental…

2nd pic: Nice dog.

Sorry mate.

Had one too many (really shouldn’t post when drinking) and was just testing out the new digital camera I got for my coruse.

Plus was Happy that I passed the 1st part

Sorry to dig up an old-ish thread, but would anyone who can read Japanese be able to confirm whether this info I posted is correct or not?

Solo’s planning to mention this in the next site / news update, but I’ve just realised that I may have been wrong - which wouldn’t be surprising, considering that I’m using BabelFish here. :slight_smile: The line of text in question is:

続々登場する「SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ」 2006年3月までに発売が予定されているタイトルを紹介!

…and I’m currently unsure whether it means:

  • The next batch of Sega Ages games is going to be released from March 2006 onwards
  • The next batch of Sega Ages games is going to be released between now and March 2006
  • Something else entirely

Any help would be awesome. :anjou_happy:

“Introducing the Sega Ages 2500 Series titles that will be released in succession by March 2006!”

…is what I believe it says. It’s written horribly, so it’s a bit difficult to parse, but I’m pretty sure that’s what it says.

Cheers Abadd, it looks like I was right to doubt my original guess then; I’ll make sure Solo knows for the update…

when are we going to start seeing pictures, darn it !

Well, I’ve come across one image, but it isn’t mind-destroyingly exciting:

Apparently taken today in the run-up to the Tokyo Game Show, but as usual, don’t hold me to that (more auto-translation, heh). If this isn’t wrong though, I guess we now know that:

  1. There’s probably going to be a demo at the TGS that’s far-along enough to be playable

  2. It looks like there’s a subtitle on that title screen, which isn’t completely unexpected (some of the existing Sega Ages remakes have been given them). Could possibly mean that it’s indeed a remake rather than a straight port, but that could be reading too much into it. Could alternativerly just be a fuzzy picture.

I guess we’ll know tomorrow, anyway. If actual screenshots emerge, I’ll be sure to post 'em asap…

EDIT: Source of the image is - a Japanese messageboard / newsboard (?) linked to from the Sega Ages homepage.

Nice find… I can’t wait for TGS coverage, the weekend seems so far away heh.

What’s the game between Space Harrier and Panzer Dragoon there…

As for the subtitle at the bottom of the screen, “Press Start Button” maybe? Unless you mean what’s visible to the right and below “Dragoon” which I guess could be that… maybe Ein?

Those sure look like lovely monitors either way :anjou_love:

Yep, that blob of pixels below “Dragoon”; on the existing title screen it’s just blank, brown space. (I expect the white line right at the bottom will be the usual sort of copyright text.)

Well, here’s the title screen of Panzer Dragoon from the PC edition (I didn’t feel like booting the Saturn version up in an emulator to snap a shot, but it should be just the same).


As you can see, the white text at the bottom of this shot has the copyright date and such on it, which is normal.

However, even though the angle doesn’t permit for much speculation or detail, it would seem to me that the title screen has been redone. Cleaned up and such, and the angle seems to make the font look like it’s a slightly different color, perhaps a bit more purple, like the Panzer Dragoon Orta logo.

There also does seem to be something under the logo on that other shot, to the bottom right, as if it were words or something. And it seems to me like the logo for that PS2 one lacks the bone-like design of the one I posted above.

Edit: Other sources seem to indicate that it’s a full remake, and others seem to hint at the idea of it being both the original and a remake on the disc. Not sure, though.

If it’s a remake then I’m definetly getting a PS2 now.(which is also a good excuse to play RE4 and VF4:Evo and Ico)

It’s funny but I’m getting excited about that subtitle :D!

OfWintryDeath: The more reliable info seems to be that it’ll be a remake with the original game included also; other Sega Ages remakes have apparently gone this way too, but there hasn’t been an official word on this one yet. Anyhow I was having a slow evening, so I rooted through my screenshot folder and uploaded a comparison shot before you posted; I figured I may as well still post this side-by-side comparison, as the last page seems to have dropped away now:

The left image is the title screen from one of the Saturn versions (taken with SSF, I think). The copyright text looks noticeably longer / larger in the new version too, but it looks like the “Press Start Button” text is the same (at least, there’s a conspicuous yellow blur where it should be). I’m pretty convinced of the subtitle now too, but I expect the colour difference might just be down to the monitor colour in this case.

Gah, I hope they release some in-game shots soon so we’ll have something interesting to analyse. =)

Imagine when all the online news sites say they have pics of the PD game and when we look they only show the included original version of it :stuck_out_tongue:
Well atleast the title screen is the same (more or less, and btw in that magnification you can see the “bony thing” a bit) which hopefully means the art style has also remained the same. I know, weird logic :stuck_out_tongue: