Panzer Dragoon coming for PS2 (Sega Ages)

Hi guys ,

The last Issue from the Japanese Magazine FAMITSU reported that Sega
will release several Games under the Sega Ages Label for PS2.

Here?s the lineup :

Last Bronx
SDI & Quartet
Sega Memorial
Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box (Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy, Alien Soldier)
Advanced Daisenryaku
Panzer Dragoon
Space Harrier 2
Dynamite Deka

Release is planned for Fall 05. Each game retails for 2500 Yen

Like in the last Sega Ages Releases the graphics will get a facelifting and
some goodies (Galleries,Arrange Soundtracks, etc) will be added.

Let?s wait and see.

PS: This IS confirmed by SOJ already. Updated soon

Keep your fingers crossed.


Oh no!The series have been tainted!I’ll have to get a PS2 now :frowning:

Don’t see an update on Sega’s site and I’m surprised this wasn’t on or Famitsu’s website.

Have any scans or anything other than, “OMG IT’S BEEN ANNOUNCED/CONFIRMED!!”?

On a sidenote, Last Bronx was announced as part of the 3D Sega Ages line back when the line was first unveiled. It’s been sitting in the TBA block along with Bare Knuckle, Alex Kidd, and Phantasy Star IV pretty much from the get go.

Hi Roushimsx,

the announcement was posted in yesterdays famitsu printmagazine.
We got the information straight from our editor from Japan.
I?m working as freelance Reviewer for the german website and printmagazine

As soon as we got first scans or pictures from PD i?ll let you know.
PS: Last Bronx

You?ll also find the news on our website (german text only)
But i?m sure that the news will made it?s way also to all major
gamewebsite within a few days.

Neue ‘Sega Ages’-Titel geplant

06.07.05 - Sega arbeitet laut der aktuellen Famisu an folgenden Klassikern, die in der ‘Sega Ages’-Serie neuaufgelegt werden:

New Sega Ages Games planned.
The current Issue of Famitsu is reporting, that Sega will release the
followings Classics under their “Sega Ages” Label.

  • Last Bronx
  • SDI & Quartet
  • Sega Memorial
  • Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box (Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy, Alien Soldier)
  • Advanced Daisenryaku
  • Panzer Dragoon (Saturn-Umsetzung, grafisch verbessert)
  • Space Harrier 2
  • Dynamite Deka

Unfortunately the Sega Ages Site isn?t updated very often. But that the listed games are in the works isn?t a Rumor. We just have to be patient.

Take care, stay alive

Cheups,Considering most of the SegaAges releases have been poor updates of decent games i’m not celebrating anything.

Me neither. The 2D Remakes were mostly crap. But The Remakes of Afterburner, Space Harrier were okay and boosted up to smooth 60fps.

Virtua Fighter 2 and Virtua Racing were perfect Arcade Ports.

Let?s just wait if Sega will pissoff more PanDra Fans with the Remake. Hope not.

These 2 remakes got a release date now.

Release: 27.10.05

  • SDI & Quartet (Sega System 16 Collection)
  • Space Harrier Complete (Sega System 16 Collection)


Oh dear god no…

Really what is the point ???

Saga yes, but the 1st game, and I fear Panzer Dragoon will just be decimated by those baboons at 3D Ages. SEGA Ages range is just a laughing stock, shame SEGA Japan can’t see this .

Why aren’t these games released in the US!? :anjou_angry:
I would buy a PS2 just for all the Sega Ages games.

Well, if you want a taste of the Sega Ages games, just buy Sega Classics Collection!

…and don’t blame me for it :slight_smile:

For some reason when I read this topic, I didn’t feel the least bit excited. Maybe that’s just because Panzer Dragoon 1 has been “remade” so many times before.

I think if Zwei or Saga was in the pack, I’d be much more interested.

They really should release a “PANZER DRAGOON COLLECTION” for the PS2 of all PD 1, Zwei, and Saga all on one DVD- no remake, just a port. If anything had to be changed, then maybe just running at 640x480, with filtering on textures.

They have done collections before (Phantasy Star)- It would make more money for them than sitting in a dust pile.

Just as the series reaches its twentieth installment, Sega is responding to criticism and making some big changes. In the latest issue of Famitsu, Sega Ages series producer Yosuke Okunari reveals that Sega has dissolved its relationship with D3 Publisher, with whom it had formed a company called 3D Ages to develop and publish all previous Sega Ages titles. Starting with volume 20, the Sega Ages series games will be developed and published directly through Sega.

It now looks like Sega will be doing away with some of the cheap feel of the re-releases. Until now, Sega Ages titles have included an information card featuring artwork and developer commentary on the game at hand. There were no actual bonus goods contained on the disk, though. That’s about to change. Starting with Volume 20, Sega will be including a Gallery Mode with the games, featuring advertisements, fliers and other materials.

Panzer Dragoon: The first Panzer Dragoon game, originally appearing on the Saturn. It seems that the Sega Ages version will include a complete remake.

Of the seven games revealed in Famitsu, Dynamite Dekka, Panzer Dragoon and Advanced Daisenryaku have some mention of being remade. Don’t fret, though, as Sega also plans on including the original versions of all games, which is something that has appeared inconsistently with the series so far. As for the remakes, with Sega’s new focus, let’s hope the results are better from now on.

The Sega Ages Phantasy Stars weren’t a collection though. They were released singly, and Phantasy Star IV still hasn’t been done. The last collection was for the Saturn.

When I first saw this topic my reaction was pretty much the same as Solo’s: a re-release of PD1 doesn’t sound very exciting at all, given that it’s already the most released PD game, but the prospect of any kind of substantial remake makes me at least curious. Even if, given the hit-and-miss nature of the other Ages titles, it’s a slightly morbid curiosity…

That sounds like an improvement, though it’d be nice to have more specific info on who’ll be handling these things: “Sega” is a bit of a broad term…

I’ve just posted an update on the main page, which contains my basic thoughts about this. I also really hope that the team behind the remake do their best to make it true to the original, and not mess up the story or art in the game. The last thing I want to play is game full of timeline problems, etc…

I thought these games were just polished a bit graphically and that it’s.Are there going to be any changes to this Panzer Dragoon?

Curiosity : Panzer Dragoon 1 is the one episode from the series which I don’t own (even tho I have played it numerous times) :stuck_out_tongue:


Just as the series reaches its twentieth installment, Sega is responding to criticism and making some big changes. In the latest issue of Famitsu, Sega Ages series producer Yosuke Okunari reveals that Sega has dissolved its relationship with D3 Publisher, with whom it had formed a company called 3D Ages to develop and publish all previous Sega Ages titles. Starting with volume 20, the Sega Ages series games will be developed and published directly through Sega.

It now looks like Sega will be doing away with some of the cheap feel of the re-releases. Until now, Sega Ages titles have included an information card featuring artwork and developer commentary on the game at hand. There were no actual bonus goods contained on the disk, though. That’s about to change. Starting with Volume 20, Sega will be including a Gallery Mode with the games, featuring advertisements, fliers and other materials.

Panzer Dragoon: The first Panzer Dragoon game, originally appearing on the Saturn. It seems that the Sega Ages version will include a complete remake.

Of the seven games revealed in Famitsu, Dynamite Dekka, Panzer Dragoon and Advanced Daisenryaku have some mention of being remade. Don’t fret, though, as Sega also plans on including the original versions of all games, which is something that has appeared inconsistently with the series so far. As for the remakes, with Sega’s new focus, let’s hope the results are better from now on.[/quote]

At bloody last. All I wnat is perfect ports of SEGA System 32, Model 1/2 games ect.

At last SEGA Japan woke up, god it took long enough.
Shame a lot of damage has already been done to the Ages range

Did Sega Japan woke up or was it Sammy? It seems sammy is the guiding light Sega needs to stop makeing constant mistakes. I remember that the SegaSammy president said that anyone not pulling his weight will be ejected from now on and recently we have had Sega getting rid of The Matrix online to sony and realising the potential of SegaAges and getting rid of deadweight like D3 who ruined some classic games in their remakes.


Me neither. The 2D Remakes were mostly crap. But The Remakes of Afterburner, Space Harrier were okay and boosted up to smooth 60fps.

Virtua Fighter 2 and Virtua Racing were perfect Arcade Ports.

Let?s just wait if Sega will pissoff more PanDra Fans with the Remake. Hope not.

These 2 remakes got a release date now.

Release: 27.10.05

  • SDI & Quartet (Sega System 16 Collection)
  • Space Harrier Complete (Sega System 16 Collection)


Well the good thing to me is this. It indicates that a new version of PANZER DRAGOON is on the way because most of the titles chose to be remade were games that currently had a new game about to come out from SegaSammy. That FIST OF THE NORTHSTAR PACHISHOT game PHANTASY STAR are two of recent franchises that got remakes that also had a game about to come out as well.

But i’m hoping that sega will expand Sega Ages to include games that should have been ported but didn’t like DESERT TANK and MOTO RAID but that report indicated that this may happen.

BTW welcome to the forums Rynex and a big AUSGEZEICHNET!!! to the people behind Gamefront and their unwavering support to Sega.