Panzer Dragoon coming for PS2 (Sega Ages)

I hope you’re right goonboy but can’t see it somehow.

Anway some people are now saying OutRun II SP is coming to a console next January.

Hope that one is true if nothing esle. Its the most amazing looked driving game I’ve ever seen. The Inca level is a joy to look at, this is SEGA at thier very best. A game so SEGA it hurts

The last (phantasy star) collection was for the Saturn.<<

Actually, it was for the GBA …

My first reaction to this remake was dismay, but on second thought there is a lot to be hopeful about-

1- Sega is doing the work themselves, which is at least an improvemnet in theory.

2- The game is in 3D already (unlike, say Golden Axe) , so simple graphic improvements could help a lot but keep the flavor + gameplay. Turning a 2-D game to 3-D is a lot harder than up-resing a 3-D game (The fan remakes of Doom 1 are actually pretty good looking, and they aren’t even professional).

3- Artwork ,developer commentary, Gallery Mode , advertisements, fliers and other materials.

4- Orginal version will be there as an option.

5- The game actually could use some improving! PD1 really didn’t date very well, it is the only game of the PD series I practically never play- I just don’t enjoy it.

Oh, that collection. I didn’t consider that one since it was done by THQ and it is missing Phantasy Star IV. If THQ wasn’t interested, we probably wouldn’t have seen it. I don’t think that was put out in Japan.

Who did the SEGA Ages range on the Saturn, anybody know?.
I did read some where ,that it was a small group of Ex Sega staff looking for some freelance work, so to speak.

Who ever handled the Saturn ages ranage,. That the sort of standard I expect. More or less perfect ports.
Galaxy Force II still looks pie hot on the Saturn today (awesome scaling). I’m not that bothered about extra’s (nice thought they are).

I just want Arcade perfect ports of some of my fav Arcade games like Golden Axe III, Line Of Fire, Alien III, Arabian Fight (I bloody love this game), and the awesome SpiderMan (Incredible scaling).Never mide the Model 1, 2 ,3 stuff.

Just imagine a Racer pack with the likes of Scud Racer, Daytona USA Manx TT, Le Mans 24, Moto Raid (awesome Arkia ripofff) on one disc. That would sell like hot cakes.

SEGA got the best back catalogue of Arcades games out of anybody

As in remake - remake?

[quote=“lagi_webmaster”]>>The last (phantasy star) collection was for the Saturn.<<

Actually, it was for the GBA …

Saturn too (in Japan).

As in remake - remake?<<

That is what is says …

Saturn too (in Japan).<<

Yes, I have the Japanese Phantasy Star Saturn game so I’m quite aware it exists!

I just want Arcade perfect ports of some of my fav Arcade games like Golden Axe III, Line Of Fire, Alien III, Arabian Fight (I bloody love this game), and the awesome SpiderMan (Incredible scaling).Never mide the Model 1, 2 ,3 stuff.

Just imagine a Racer pack with the likes of Scud Racer, Daytona USA Manx TT, Le Mans 24, Moto Raid (awesome Arkia ripofff) on one disc. That would sell like hot cakes. <<

I totally agree- I still can’t believe Sega won’t do a racer compilation- Midway is doing one right now- why can’t Sega get with it?

Golden Axe compilation would be great as well- the Arcade Games, the wierd Genesis versions, even the Duel would be fun for archive sake …

I would love to see all the Model 1, 2, 3 stuff as well, as that stuff doesn’t emulate well like other things, so it would really be the only way of playing those games at speed.

I thought the GBA collection included IV but didn’t include III (kind of OK since it was a bit of an offshoot if true). Maybe I’m wrong though…

No, it didn’t include 4, which sucks becuase 4 is more about the story continuity than 3 …


Hmm, it’s a pity Sega of Japan aren’t giving away any real details yet. For anyone who hasn’t checked, the ever-awesome Babelfish translates that as:

" 1995 Sega Saturn work ] Like whether the immense skies dance it dances quite of, it flies the blue dragon. You are fascinated in that form, the dramatic shooting series 1st work which realizes the age of the game where everyone is new. That originality there is no world view and a word which overflow, it reissues also the music which swings drama and the heart which are transmitted that way."

Incidentally, the caption for the screenshot is “The picture is something of original edition” according to the fish.

Does that mean the music is being reworked… If it is, I hope it’s something along the lines of having the same tunes performed by a real full orchestra or something and not a remix or anything like that…

Do you think they spend money on that Al3x?No way.
I’m kind excited with a prospect remake of the first one.The years haven’t helped PD1, maybe this will.

Hmm, when I read that myself I just assumed it was a general plug for the game’s music: a “this re-release will have the same dramatic music” sort of statement, though of course it all sounds fairly vague when translated. At the moment I’d be surprised if they did remix the soundtrack though, as it’s one aspect of the game that hasn’t aged over the years, really…

Yeah, it’s just that word “reissues” that troubled me since as you said it’s all very vague with the automatic translation this could as well be a “reworks” or something along those lines…

I’d like to know if there is anyone even remotely connected to Team Andromeda working on this…

I’m very curious about that too, but as things stand I’m expecting it to be a new, unrelated team; at least, if SoJ are setting up a new team specifically to handle Sega Ages games from now on (instead of the external company they had doing them before), it’d have to be a coincidence for any ex-Team Andromeda members to be in it. But then, of course, this may just end up being another graphically-upgraded version of the PC port, rather than a “remake” in the true sense…

I’d luv to see the old Saturn games ported to PSP. I think they’d look great on the crisp screen! Atlus has announced porting Princess Crown to PSP (I think a Sept.22 release in Japan), Sega should do the same. I’d love to play Panzer RPG on my PSP

Agreed. I’ve just a PSP as well (lunimes, RR and Golf are just awesome).

SEGA should have had a port of Rally ready to go (it would be perfect for the PSP). Makes me mad when you see SEGA handling out ports of games like JSR, SEGA Rally to the GBA when the unit is just not up to the job.
Games like SEGA Rally would just work perfect on the PSP, as would a new SONIC.

Yet again another boat missed by SEGA Japan. Its getting to the stage I rather Naka just left SEGA and join NCL. His love affair for NCL is doing my nut in at the mo.

Give the 2D/3D Abilities of the PSP. That really should be playing host to a Sonic game .

I don’t think it’s a “boat missed” at all. Ports of Saturn games would definitely look inferior to all the other PSP games (as far as I can tell the PSP has about the same capabilities of a PS2 more or less) so maybe you would buy them but would the majority?

Not to mention that GBA games are bound to sell a lot more still considering the huge number of people that own one.

The main reason you guys want ports seems to be that you have a PSP and would love to have those games on it, not because it would really be such a great move by Sega financially (imo). I’d certainly want to buy one too if it got the likes of SFIII and PDZwei on it.

Maybe Sega will develop for the PSP in the future but for now I do believe they are better off doing it for Nintendo’s handhelds (and this doesn’t mean that I believe the games they’ve done so far on them are all good).

Not to mention that even ports would take a LOT of work considering how even today’s PCs haven’t managed to run Saturn games yet (after years of work from talented people regardless of being non-Sega people). Imagine attempting to port them on something as inferior as the PSP.

If Sega does a game for the PSP it’s gonna cost just the same as making it for a home console* (of the current gen)* so they might as well wait until there are a few more million units of this thing sold.

Making some 2D or barely 3D game on the GBA definitely takes a lot less resources.

And by the way weren’t the Sega Rally and JSR games for the GBA created long before the PSP came out anyway? It’s not like they had an alternative at the time.

Currently, last I read, the NDS had also shipped many more units than the PSP so I can see why Sega wishes to support that as well. The Sonic game they are making on it looks great btw :anjou_love: