Orta's Father

Azel did. Though she was no simple drone.

Azel did, because she was incomplete - Abadd, on the other hand, had no capacity for it. Orta obviously does…and I assume being half human plays a big role in that.

Perhaps Azel was out to free her kind from slavery? Orta, herself, probably isn’t all that special compared to her offspring in the future. Perhaps her only purpose is to ‘be fruitful, and multiply’.

So, Orta was the answer to Azel’s “fruitless searches” for “love”?

Abadd keeps asking questions that he already knows the answers to, which kind of makes me want to kill him. Heh.

My take on things is that (despite Orta almost certainly being Edge’s daughter), there are some vague implications that Azel created her as to be something more as well:

“She is the seed of our future…”
“We must protect it at all costs.”

(( Born of a human and a Drone, you have the power to change the world. ))

Of course, that’s assuming that those first two lines (from the memory cell) do indeed refer to Orta, and that they implicate something more than her being a Drone. It’s also possible that Azel’s lines reflect nothing more than a mother’s confidence in her daughter. Still, it’s food for thought - though if Orta does indeed have a greater role of some kind, I get the impression that we’ll have no way of knowing what it is untill a (possible) sequel carrys on the story.

Drones were designed as slaves. By creating Orta, Azel became more than a slave of the Ancients. She had found a purpose in life. It seems she didn’t know exactly what decisions Orta would make in the future so I don’t think she gave her some sort of mission. I’m sure she would have wanted Orta to be able to choose her own destiny, something which Drones weren’t supposed to do.

The Seekers must have been wrong to think that Orta was some sort of weapon, or a means to control a weapon. The fact that they wanted to use her for war, seems strange. The Seekers had completed their goal of deactivating the Tower network, so why were they planning a war in the first place? And what was Orta supposed to do, activate the ancient ruins or control bio-monsters to use them in combat? That would be very ironic.

Been there, done that. He fell to the sky.

I have to agree that Azel would be looking for more than just Edge. She tended to view the big picture and a complex enough person to have multiple goals. Heck, we even seen her cooperate with her red-headed enemy once. Heh

Still, I think Edge would be the father… Even if we don’t account any feelings at all, there’s the practical issues. Edge was strong, fairly intelligent, and floating around Sestren. He would be the most likely candidate. The real question is, once her “fruitless searches” had concluded in Orta… Where did Azel go? What did she become?

I’m sure someone, somewhere knows.

Even the creators of a game sometimes don’t map out a future for all their characters. Like in Shining The Holy Ark when two of the three spirits leaves their host: the creators said that even they didn’t know who kept their spirit. So basically, they haven’t decided yet who retains the power to save or doom the world.

I like tying up loose ends myself anyway. Some secretive faction within the Empire captured Azel, and disected her, but not before forcing her to create the ultimate living weapon – Orta. >:)

Azel: “You were the answer to my fruitless searches… for a way to erradicate the human scourge”.

Little do people realize that Azel survived the dissection and became known as “Abadd” :smiley:

Now that would make for an interesting storyline…

Or maybe… just maybe… she was the old woman singing the first part of the Orta theme song. :stuck_out_tongue:

It is EDGE.

And the game ORTA more or less tell’s you this

Welcome back man :slight_smile:

Are you talking to me mate ??.

If so thanks very much . Its very much appreciated

Yes I be talking to you :slight_smile:
You are welcome.

Thanks again :).