Orta's Father

I always thought the child in the ‘stare’ scene bore an uncanny resemblance to edge.

We can only wonder where that particular train of thought was going if it hadn’t stopped in its tracks. I suppose keeping players in suspense was the reason for Azel’s sudden reluctance to fully speak her mind.

I’m glad the English script leaves no room for interpretation.


My thoughts exactly. Though it’s interesting to speculate about these things, I can’t help but think that the most obvious answer is also the intended one in this case.

Dialogue aside, Azel did seem to be growing increasingly attached to Edge towards the end of PDS. Perhaps, as Abadd said in that other topic, Azel’s feelings for Edge were inevitable, if far more subtle in the original version.[/quote]

Perhaps Azel couldn’t make up her mind and created two half drones: Orta (Craymen’s DNA) and Iva (Edge’s DNA). We never hear anything about Iva’s mother. The letter container that Iva’s father left him was used by tribes in the frontiers (tribes of drones are also situated there, and the container had that white/black ancient design). Iva was also able to feel the presence of bio-engineered creatures, and Orta seemed to know that the dragonmares were approaching in the opening scene. Iva also survived a crash after Orta attacked them, although his friend Stratei was killed. The Seekers mention that Iva didn’t even have any scars from the crash. Orta survives a similar crash after Evren self-detonated her dragonmare. Although I thought Iva’s ability to know when bio-engineered monsters were approaching was a side-effect of the virus he got, it may have been possible he had this ability al along.

if Orta’s father was meant to be Craymen Azel would not be searching for anyone at all on first place since Craymen had been killed and she knew it…
It’s Edge and that’s who she was looking for and that’s who she didn’t find in the end and that’s that :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the introduction of Iva was meant to be a possible glimpse of things to come. Playing from an Imperial perspective gave us an insight into how Smilebit may flesh out a character who calls the Empire their home.

The Empire has always been portrayed as the embodiment of human greed whose hunger for power is insatiable, but Iva showed us that not all things are so black and white even in the face of human tyranny.

Thinking about this carefully, I’m convinced that we have enough evidence to say that it was definitely Edge. Consider the following:

  1. By the end of PDS, Azel seems to have become very attached to Edge (whether she was meant to have admitted her feelings as actual love or not). She desires to find him so much that she sets off into the wilderness in search of him at the game’s close, rather than submit to an easier, safer life without him. She knows that Edge’s last known location was the Sestren system.

  2. Azel finds a way into Sestren, but her search ends up being “fruitless”. As she was searching for Edge, this implies that she did not find him. (Not alive, at least).

  3. Creating Orta is her “only answer” to this defeat - the fruitless search, i.e. not finding Edge. As Azel was searching for Edge, creating Orta couldn’t really be the solution to anything else.

  4. Orta was created from Azel’s genes and “the human’s gene data within Sestren”. Note the importance of “the human”. This implies that there was either a) only one human’s gene data in there, or b) that the gene data of the human that Azel was specifically looking for was in there. Either way, this points to Edge and no one else, as Azel was looking for him, and he was after all last seen in Sestren. He is also the only known character to have entered Sestren.

I know I’m being unimaginative about this, but keeping all that in mind, could Orta’s father realistically be anyone else?

Well, as you’ve pointed out, the father of Orta is most likely Edge. But it would definitely be a nice plot twist if it were Craymen, instead. As I said before, Edge was too naive, and was not truly aware of the world’s problems.

In Panzer Dragoon Orta, in the Encyclopedia, there is alot of emphasis of the ‘traitor’ Craymen - this emphasis leads me to believe that everything we think we know…is actually twisted. Though the odds are against me, I sincerely hope that Orta’s father is Craymen. If that’s the case, it would make alot more sense.

I agree with you completely Lance, I find the idea of Craymen entering seteren rather far fetched.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]if Orta’s father was meant to be Craymen Azel would not be searching for anyone at all on first place since Craymen had been killed and she knew it…
It’s Edge and that’s who she was looking for and that’s who she didn’t find in the end and that’s that :P[/quote]

Did you guys miss that post or what? Maybe I didn’t elaborate it enough but if you had read it, from it basically these thoughts come:
It can’t be Craymen since he was dead. Azel knew he was dead so if she was searching something about him at all it would be his body (or a leftover piece of it heh) or his genes in Sestren. But her search ended up “fruitless” so that would imply she didn’t find any of that thus Orta couldn’t have been created.
While on the other hand assuming it’s Edge things start to fit in together:
Her search for Edge was “fruitless” because she did not find him alive or did not find him at all. Therefor she resorted to using his genes from within Sestren. Orta was created by that and Azel’s own genes. Happy end. Kinda :slight_smile:

Next time I’ll elaborate more on first place :stuck_out_tongue: but really reading it I think it proves it enough without the need for all the rest things I wrote now…

I think Edge is her dad. I will say no more than that, because the ones who thought Edge was already took all of my damn reasons… And I don’t want this to get repetitive…

I agree Edge Is the farther, I think even in the Japanese version
She is his Daughter Just harder to tell.

… Man i want a Daughter =D

It has to be Edge, no doubt about it.

She was close to Craymen in a sense that he woke her up. Kinda like she imprinted on him. A father-daughter relationship. So I definately cannot see him as the father.

Yep, it’s Edge all right…

I think smilebit did really well in making Orta look like him… if you look at the TWotA forum banner and just compare the features. Especially the eyes.

And also, if you compare Orta and Craymen’s features… well, can you imagine Orta with that nose? ;D

I do admit that I find it entertaining that everyone seems to automatically assume that Azel’s “fruitless searches” were for a specific person.

Just food for thought.

(edit: That’s a lot of “that’s” in one sentence…)

One other thing… People often ask why the Seekers kept Orta locked up.

Seems like nobody pays enough attention to the memory cells…

[quote=“Abadd”]I do admit that I find it entertaining that everyone seems to automatically assume that Azel’s “fruitless searches” were for a specific person.

Just food for thought.

(edit: That’s a lot of “that’s” in one sentence…)[/quote]

I never assumed that. In fact, I never assumed she was looking for Edge in the first place - I think her ‘fruitless search’ was to find a way to heal the world without relying on Ancient technology. It seems even after Craymen’s death, she is still loyal to him and his goals.

So, what people should really be asking is WHY did Azel resort to creating Orta in the first place. Why was Orta her only answer in her ‘fruitless search’?

[quote=“Abadd”]I do admit that I find it entertaining that everyone seems to automatically assume that Azel’s “fruitless searches” were for a specific person.

Just food for thought.

(edit: That’s a lot of “that’s” in one sentence…)[/quote]

I posted my thoughts on this a while ago, here’s what I think she meant:

She only found one answer though, and that was in Orta. Was she searching for the meaning of life? We base our conclusion on the fact Panzer Dragoon Saga ends with Azel searching for Edge…

[quote=“Abadd”]One other thing… People often ask why the Seekers kept Orta locked up.

Seems like nobody pays enough attention to the memory cells…[/quote]

Is Orta really so pivotal to the future of mankind that the only way the Seekers could protect “it” was by imprisoning her?

I hope if the next game revolves around Orta we see some decent villains at least try to kill her. Where’s the Valuan Empire when you need it?

The one thing people all share is their constant search for meaning. Would a drone’s servile mindset allow them to share in this search?

Would a simple Drone also have feelings of love?