One of the most artistic

…and inspired flash short story videos I’ve seen, tell me if you think the same too :slight_smile:
Newgrounds’ page link, click “Watch This Movie”, this link gets pop ups however:


Direct link to the movie (no pop ups afaik): … =500&h=337

That was… weird.

I expected more than that from you Geof :stuck_out_tongue:
Long story short it’s “what goes around comes around” or “don’t be a jerk cos you’ll get what you deserve” or something but this guy is deffinitelly talented, everything about this little movie is the way it’s supposed to be, excellent art and direction and musical choices imo. It doesn’t even look like it’s made in flash except for that magic blast perhaps, everything else looks hand drawn. At first glance when bitey is chasing that yellow thing and finally finds it (funny how it gave away it’s position by it’s little chirp too!) for a moment I thought that it would ruin it’s fairy tale “feel” it had gotten so right by adding blood and guts but he ends up just beating the crap out of it, that was great, funny moment. Loved the way little abused yellow blob got his revenge with his big friend in the end too :slight_smile: