Omg 0_0 … reback.jpg

…indeed, I am absolutely astounded, amazed and astonished, Matt. In my ignorance I would have throught that veteran forumers would know how link images properly. This is indeed a startling revelation! :stuck_out_tongue:

Only joking. :anjou_happy:


HELP! I can’t see it!


The website iv’e got it from is temporarily out order so try another time! You just wait!

Yikes - page-stretchage! :anjou_wow:

It’s loading… looks impressive! Large file size… very slow on my dial-up. :anjou_disappointment: Okay, now it’s just near the bottom of “Dragoon”. There’s a “Vier”!

Ooh! “Coming Soon”!

I’m assuming that this picture was made sans Orta influence? Although I think I see one of the dragons from that game there, so actually I guess not. :anjou_embarassed:

Oh wait… Sega and XBox logos. Never mind! Either this is fake (I’m guessing so) or it was a very vague piece of concept art for Orta.

It total bulls8t. I hate it when people do this. They go to the trouble of that fine artwork only to make screw ups like with the TA logo.

The only Teams that have kept thier names since the big merge is Sonic Team and AM#2.

The rest of go under the likes of R&D 1 ect

Do you really think Matt wanted us to believe it?I’m suire he knows Team Andromeda is dead.

I want to believe in it, damn your eyes! :anjou_sad:

Excellent work again, Matt. This is a highly sophisticated and extremely professionally-produced piece of artwork, and vastly superior to the already-sterling work on your Incubos hoax (which actually had me hooked for a while!). Now stop getting my poor hopes up and start sending these to Sega so they can be reminded to hurry up with the next Panzer game! :anjou_happy:

if i was a mod i would get rid of the img tags

That was the first thing i noticed. Not just that the logo was there, but that if was of very poor quality.

Other than that the artwork is pretty nicely created.

The Team Andromeda logo was the main ‘blip’ which I noticed, too.

Dude, it’s on a Geocities page. That means that it’s 100% real piece of work that got leaked (only to this Geocities page though).

seriously, how can something be less authentic? I so want to see something better than my stupid old genos teaser :anjou_sad:

Ah… Matt did Incubos! I remember that now.

I then should definitely have known that it was a hoax and not…


Not everyone has the means or the time.

Oh for god sake lighten up! Do you like it everyone?

No not really and stop tkaing the piss or do you enjoy getting people hopes up on a load of bullsh8t ?

What’s so bad about it, Andromeda? It’s a hoax, which you can find for virtually every franchise under the sun - I’ve lost count of the number of Sonic hoaxes I’ve seen. Matt’s picture isn’t a deliberate attempt to mislead everyone. We know it isn’t real. If you find it so offensive (and I don’t perceive any reason as to why you should), try thinking about it as fan-fiction, a “wouldn’t it be great if…” sort of conjecture. How is this “taking the piss”? It isn’t. In fact, it seems to be honouring the series more than anything else.

And as hoaxes go, Matt’s produced a very well-done and skilful piece, so really there’s no reason to fault him.

[quote=“Robert Frazer”]What’s so bad about it, Andromeda? It’s a hoax, which you can find for virtually every franchise under the sun - I’ve lost count of the number of Sonic hoaxes I’ve seen. Matt’s picture isn’t a deliberate attempt to mislead everyone. We know it isn’t real. If you find it so offensive (and I don’t perceive any reason as to why you should), try thinking about it as fan-fiction, a “wouldn’t it be great if…” sort of conjecture. How is this “taking the piss”? It isn’t. In fact, it seems to be honouring the series more than anything else.

And as hoaxes go, Matt’s produced a very well-done and skilful piece, so really there’s no reason to fault him.[/quote]

OK I went a bit OTT for that I’m sorry to matt.

But I’m getting so very sick of thease ‘new’ Panzer game wind up pics/vids. It?s nothing but a cruel joke imo. Especially for fans like me that hope and pray that SEGA will make a new game in the series.

Fair enough if this was GFQ?s board. I expect a bit better on this board. fakes and forgeries have nothing to do with honour

well this game is out, it’s called Orta, now where’s the PANZER f?nf hoax ?