Omg 0_0

You know Lagi, if you’d made a low-ish quality video recording of the Uri game in action (like lordcraymen did for his Genos trailer) and “leaked” it onto the net, you’d probably have fooled quite a few people…

Yeah, it’s better to post links to large images like this rather than directly link them to the thread; large images stretch the forum layout beyond the boundries of most people’s screens, and a horizontal scroll bar in Internet Explorer does not represent good times. :anjou_happy:

I like most Panzer oorientated art =)

Very true, I loved the trailer lc (and I think sk?) did, that kinda made us semi-famous!

[quote=“Lance Way”]

Yeah, it’s better to post links to large images like this rather than directly link them to the thread; large images stretch the forum layout beyond the boundries of most people’s screens, and a horizontal scroll bar in Internet Explorer does not represent good times. :anjou_happy:[/quote]

Also those poor 56k users :wink:

Is that imposed on a Morrowind shot? >.>

No, it is all custom artwork in a freeware game engine.

I was shooting for the Mechania in Episode in Zwei- I never finished it enough to tie it together.

For freeware that is mighty impressive.

Team Andromeda Wrote:
No not really and stop tkaing the piss or do you enjoy getting people hopes up on a load of bullsh8t ?

You need to calm down, I actually find it quite sad that you this annoyed about it, i just wanted to show people my piece of concept art, ok?

Now lets draw a viel over this. :anjou_sigh:


Right, I just want to say sorry, to those of you that say the poster. It’s quite a childish thing to do, and it’s not really a true representation of me, as a person. So sorry again… Thanks for your comments on the poster, and that URI piece is excellent by the way, and on Freeware!

Sorry again!