Nintendo's Revolution … 25078.html

I like the design very much.

I already have a modem, thanks.

Yup, I just saw that earlier today, I think it’s the best looking of all the consoles that have been unveiled. Sleek stuff, love it. Free online gaming (and downloading) service btw… Nice. I’m curious about the controller though.

And, while personally, I don’t think I’ll mind much, I think it’s going to be very underpowered compared to the other two consoles and the mainstream will hate it. Oh well, we’ll see.

waits to hear what good stuff Nintendo has planned for it

Didn’t Dreamkey get there first?

Are you sre the donwloading part will be free?Cause I heard you will be able to download whole GC games.

I wouldn’t know Arcie as it wasn’t available here. Nothing I said indicated anything about it being the first anyway. But since it also offers matchmaking services and downloads and other such things I said it’s a good thing it’s going to be free and not with a subscription like Microsoft’s Live service. Though I’ve read Live will also have a free option but it will not allow for gaming except on weekends or something along those lines.

Gehn: No I don’t think you will be able to download all those games for free but the service itself is free as far as I can see so I guess you will be able to get potential patches and what not without having to pay for a fee. I don’t know yet as Nintendo itself propably doesn’t know yet :anjou_sigh:

Oh goody, free patches.

You do realise this means that Quality Control will not be as vigilant in future, right?

DreamKey was free?

Well, you paid for the phone call, but that was all.

It does look very sleek indeed. But what is so revolutionary about it? The controller?

[quote=“Arcie”]Oh goody, free patches.

You do realise this means that Quality Control will not be as vigilant in future, right?


Free patches that will fix game bugs which was impossible before as many people that are fans of PSO and kept losing their characters because of corrupted data will know.

Either way the word patches was just an example. Free patches, free mini games, free whatever. No fee for a matchmaking and whatever else service. The possibility of additional downloadable content if a company choses to do it (like many do on the PC). No x-box live pay-to-enjoy-the-benefits thing. That’s all I’m talking about. Patches and downloadable content that PC gamers have been enjoying years now with additional maps and other such content for their favorite games is now possible on the consoles. And while Microsoft charges for that, Nintendo won’t.

That’s all. They could charge for it like Microsoft and then you’d have another negative thing to say about it. But they don’t. And that’s my only point here. Yay that they don’t charge for something that they could charge for since other companies have done so succesfully. Even tho imo they shouldn’t. Get it?

Also, while companies could adapt the policy of “release this now and we patch it later if many ppl get annoyed” it’s still not something widespread in the console market whose main strength is the plug and play ability without the installation and patching and whatever else is required in an average gaming session on the PC.

So to remain strong the companies will still have to do the same quality control they’ve always been doing as the average joe isn’t likely to search for patches if there’s a problem with his game but rather just return it to the store asap. And the average joe is what the companies aim to attract.

Yeah Felix, I’m still waiting to see what will be the groundbreaking and innovative thing about the Revolution…

I’m still disappointed that all these new next-gen consoles are still using pre-rendered graphics…hopefully that will change soon…but I doubt it.

Huh? That’s a developer choice, not something that shows the console’s capabilities. Many developers didn’t use pre-rendered cut scenes in the previous generation either. How does a developer’s choice to use or not use a certain technology or feature, or whatever define a generation of consoles?

Unless you meant something else?

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Huh? That’s a developer choice, not something that shows the console’s capabilities. Many developers didn’t use pre-rendered cut scenes in the previous generation either. How does a developer’s choice to use or not use a certain technology or feature, or whatever define a generation of consoles?

Unless you meant something else?[/quote]

What I meant was…the games that are currently being showed for these new next-gen consoles are all showing pre-rendered images, and not showing off the actual power of the system. In other words, it’s a marketing scam to make people think the graphics are truly that good…when they’re not.

I’m not saying we won’t see any games that don’t have any of that pre-rendered crap, I’m just pointing out that it’s disappointing that none of the tech demos or 1st generation titles are showcasing what the system can really do…which is why I am going to hold off for a long while before I decide to purchase any of the new consoles.

Where’d you see that it was free online service? I was just wondering because I never knew that. I don’t think that xbox live should be pay to play either but it’s not that expensive anyway, it also only effects people like me who don’t have a credit card. And yes, this thing is way underpowered compared to the other 2 systems. I saw somewhere on gamespot saying that the 360 was about 5 to 6 times more powerful than the original Xbox, while this is only 2 to 3 times more powerful than a gamecube. Also, I don’t really like it’s design. I like it better than the PS3’s though. And I know for sure I’m not getting this, Nintendo has been falling back on gimmicks lately…

If you want an estimate on what graphics will look like just look up Unreal Engine 3 demos, images and what not. Both the PS3 and the X-box360 are supposed to be able to run Unreal Engine 3 things easily as first generation titles.

I read something about that too. From what I see, both have amazing graphics.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Either way the word patches was just an example. Free patches, free mini games, free whatever. No fee for a matchmaking and whatever else service. The possibility of additional downloadable content if a company choses to do it (like many do on the PC). No x-box live pay-to-enjoy-the-benefits thing. That’s all I’m talking about. Patches and downloadable content that PC gamers have been enjoying years now with additional maps and other such content for their favorite games is now possible on the consoles. And while Microsoft charges for that, Nintendo won’t.

That’s all. They could charge for it like Microsoft and then you’d have another negative thing to say about it. But they don’t. And that’s my only point here. Yay that they don’t charge for something that they could charge for since other companies have done so succesfully. Even tho imo they shouldn’t. Get it?[/quote]

Microsoft are releasing an “Xbox Live Silver” service for free for the Xbox 360. Basically it includes all of the things found in Xbox Live Gold, except for online play. So you can download patches, new maps, characters, demos and see if your friends are online and what game they’re playing without having to pay anything. Of course, there’s bound to be some premium content for Xbox Live Gold, but hopefully there’ll be a decent amount of free content for those who don’t want to play online.

Still, I like Nintendo’s idea of free online gaming much better than a subscription fee based service. PC gamers have been playing games online for free for years (with the exception of MMORPGs), what makes Xbox Live so special? Matchmaking is a great idea, but being able to see what other games your friends are playing can already be done through XFire I believe (an MSN Messenger like program which can be used to communicate between friends playing different games, and for downloading PC game patches and updates easier).

The Revolution (is that the final name?) system itself looks pretty good. It’s not actually appealing in an artistic sort of way, but it should be very convenient in terms of size and portability. They just keep making their consoles smaller and smaller… the next Nintendo will probably be the size of a Gameboy at this rate!

I hope that the specifications themselves can compete with the 360 and PS3, otherwise it may be overlooked…

I think the gold subscription fee is justifiable if you can get to play MMORPG and such with no additional fees. (i dunno if that’s already done right now).

That seems unlikely to me. When Sonic Team released Phantasy Star Online on the Xbox, they had their own separate subscription fee on top of Xbox Live… and PSO isn’t even a true MMORPG. If a huge game like World of Warcraft was released on the Xbox 360, Blizzard wouldn’t want Xbox Live Gold being the only fee that people have to pay in order to play the game as their own monthly subscription fee is a means of revenue (needed to keep adding new content to the game world). If I’m not mistaken, all of the money that people pay for a subscription to Xbox Live Gold will go towards Microsoft and no one else.