Nintendo's Revolution

Some developers don’t have enough time to implement a full demo with the new hardware and just want to show that their game is coming to the next console, thus pre-rendered images.

Also while the Revolution may seem underpowered, leave it to Nintentdo to be able to squeeze more power out of it than anyone could have imagined. I stll can’t believe the new Zelda runs on the Gamecube hardware. … ry.php(queid=118889 … ry.php(queid=118896

Good stuff :anjou_love:

looks forward to learning more

I’m almost hyped… This is propably th best marketing nintendo has ever done… Hopefully it catches on to the mainstream too…

It’s a bit too vague for me to express my opinion.Granted that kind of backwards compatibility is awesome (oh and my question was answered;GC will not be downloadable;it wasn’t likely anyways) but I want to know what conclusions they said people could already be drawing…

I’m almost hyped… This is propably th best marketing nintendo has ever done…[/quote]

No, that was the OoT adverts.

“Will you save the girl or play like one?” :anjou_happy:

Has anyone seen the Super Smash Bros. commercial, where all the characters are just walking through the field and yoshi i think trip luigi and they all start fighting, that was classic.